Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 9 of 10 →
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Review Of New Publications.
said to have happened during the Invasion of the Papal Territories by the French , having been published in England , Mr . Berington , -who is wellknown to the Public by his former labours , comes forward to examine and refute their claims to belief . The prodig ies he writes agaiuts are as follows : ' At Ancona , a sea-port town in the papal territories , on Saturday between the 25 th and 26 th of June last , certain women , alarmed by the ' - report of a conspiracy for the plunder of the town , and massacre of its inhabitantsran
, in crowds to the cathedral , where was a picture of the Virgin Mary , reported to work miracles , and to which fhess women , it is said , were particularl y devout . While they were here farvently praying before the picture , a little child , whose unusual composure had been remarked , cried out to its mother , " That the Holy Virgin moved her eyes , " or , as another account states , " That the Holy Virgin had heard her mother ' s prayers . " Tims was the impression made . The mother looked , and beheld the prodigy . Others
beheld the same ; a general cry among the spectators ensued ; soon the whole town was in motion ; all flocked to the cathedral ; and the most incredulous , even the ringleaders of the conspiracy , returned , convinced , from inspection , of the reality of the prodigy . Thirteen days the picture continued to move its eyes , and it was only on the 8 th ot July , that the door of the church was closed . During that period , the French gentleman who writes the letteran emigantand formerla canon of Lyons , on the 28 th , at
mid-, , y night , was admitted to a near sight of the picture , the motions of the eyes of which he describes minutely . They moved first horizontally ; then opened wider than was their ordinary position ; and finally closed . These chanoes happened twice , during the quarter of an hour he remained before the picture . On the following day , at noon , he returned to the same spot , and
beheld the same motion ot the eyes , which he is ready to attest on oath . —On the 6 th of July , three painters , men of" probity , were introduced by authority , when the vicar-general , attended by his officers , directed them to take down the picture , and examine it . This they did ; and as their hands passed over the face , they observed the eyes to open ; and one of them afterwards assured the writer , that what struck him most was , to feel the eyes , as if they had been animated , move under his fingers ;
' Such is the relation from Ancona ; and on the 10 th , other accounts , which confirm the above , state , that the prodigies had not then , or only then , ceased , and that a statue of St . Ann , the mother of our lady , had joined the daughter , and also moved its eyes . This statue , to remove all suspicions of fraud , was examined by the same painters . ' VVecome now to Rome . About the time that the prodi gies at Ancona ceased , a series of the same commenced in the capital . On the 9 th' of July , as
some pious persons were praying before a picture of our lady , called of Archetto , it was observed to open and shut its eyes . The report soon spread through the city , while other persons , equally impressed with devotion , in the same street , before another picture , were heard'to exclaim , " Most Holy Virgin , favour us with a miracle . " Scarcely were the words uttered , when the eyes moved ; and presently , all the pictures , ' which are numerous in the streets , exhibited the same phenomenonmoving their eyes in various directions
, , and almost without interruption . The contagion , within a few . days , reached to the churches , where the same prodigies took place . The streets , meanwhile , incessantly resounded with the cry of Five Maria ! and canticles and hymns were sung . —Some similar motions were likewise observed in pictures of our Saviour , and in crucifixes ; and the wonders did not confine themselves within the walls of Rome , but extended to Civita Vecchia , and to other towns
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Review Of New Publications.
said to have happened during the Invasion of the Papal Territories by the French , having been published in England , Mr . Berington , -who is wellknown to the Public by his former labours , comes forward to examine and refute their claims to belief . The prodig ies he writes agaiuts are as follows : ' At Ancona , a sea-port town in the papal territories , on Saturday between the 25 th and 26 th of June last , certain women , alarmed by the ' - report of a conspiracy for the plunder of the town , and massacre of its inhabitantsran
, in crowds to the cathedral , where was a picture of the Virgin Mary , reported to work miracles , and to which fhess women , it is said , were particularl y devout . While they were here farvently praying before the picture , a little child , whose unusual composure had been remarked , cried out to its mother , " That the Holy Virgin moved her eyes , " or , as another account states , " That the Holy Virgin had heard her mother ' s prayers . " Tims was the impression made . The mother looked , and beheld the prodigy . Others
beheld the same ; a general cry among the spectators ensued ; soon the whole town was in motion ; all flocked to the cathedral ; and the most incredulous , even the ringleaders of the conspiracy , returned , convinced , from inspection , of the reality of the prodigy . Thirteen days the picture continued to move its eyes , and it was only on the 8 th ot July , that the door of the church was closed . During that period , the French gentleman who writes the letteran emigantand formerla canon of Lyons , on the 28 th , at
mid-, , y night , was admitted to a near sight of the picture , the motions of the eyes of which he describes minutely . They moved first horizontally ; then opened wider than was their ordinary position ; and finally closed . These chanoes happened twice , during the quarter of an hour he remained before the picture . On the following day , at noon , he returned to the same spot , and
beheld the same motion ot the eyes , which he is ready to attest on oath . —On the 6 th of July , three painters , men of" probity , were introduced by authority , when the vicar-general , attended by his officers , directed them to take down the picture , and examine it . This they did ; and as their hands passed over the face , they observed the eyes to open ; and one of them afterwards assured the writer , that what struck him most was , to feel the eyes , as if they had been animated , move under his fingers ;
' Such is the relation from Ancona ; and on the 10 th , other accounts , which confirm the above , state , that the prodigies had not then , or only then , ceased , and that a statue of St . Ann , the mother of our lady , had joined the daughter , and also moved its eyes . This statue , to remove all suspicions of fraud , was examined by the same painters . ' VVecome now to Rome . About the time that the prodi gies at Ancona ceased , a series of the same commenced in the capital . On the 9 th' of July , as
some pious persons were praying before a picture of our lady , called of Archetto , it was observed to open and shut its eyes . The report soon spread through the city , while other persons , equally impressed with devotion , in the same street , before another picture , were heard'to exclaim , " Most Holy Virgin , favour us with a miracle . " Scarcely were the words uttered , when the eyes moved ; and presently , all the pictures , ' which are numerous in the streets , exhibited the same phenomenonmoving their eyes in various directions
, , and almost without interruption . The contagion , within a few . days , reached to the churches , where the same prodigies took place . The streets , meanwhile , incessantly resounded with the cry of Five Maria ! and canticles and hymns were sung . —Some similar motions were likewise observed in pictures of our Saviour , and in crucifixes ; and the wonders did not confine themselves within the walls of Rome , but extended to Civita Vecchia , and to other towns