Article REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. ← Page 10 of 10
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Review Of New Publications.
in the neighbourhood . Many miraculous cures , it is is added , on the blind , the dumb , and the lame , particularly at Perugia , were operated . * A new prodigy now presents itself . Three lilies , by way of decoration , had been placed near to a picture of the Virgin , where they had remained so long , as to be completely withered and dry . " But on the oth of July , a bud , perfectly fresh and green , was seen on one , and soon after three other buds on others , which promised a speedy expansion , while the stalks remained in their
withered state . These , however , grew green ; and in this state , for nearly fifteen days , the renovated plants continued , though the heat of the weather was intense , and no rain or vapour fell to refresh them . —At Viterbo , meanwhile , the body of St . Rose was covered with abundant perspiration . —Near Mandola , an illumined cross , with three lilies , was seen in the air , which moved and rested over the celebrated chapel of Loretto . —At Perugia , three stars of a refulgent brightness appeared on the cheeks of the Virgin , and on
the forehead of the infant Jesus , whom she holds in her arms . In other places , some statues of saints altered their positions . ' p . 7 . These ridiculous stories our author very sensibly accounts for , from the illusions to which the sense of sight is liable ; from the time of the occurrence of some of them , viz . in the dusk of the evening , and from the circumstances of the witnesses—Some of them , as that of the lilies for instances , he does not hesitate to ascribe to a-trick played off upon the credulity of the
peop le . This pamplet is well written , and bears marks of a liberal and inquiring mind . The Art of making Gold and Silver , or the probable Means of replenishing the nearly-exhausted Mines of Mexico , Peru , and Polosi ; in a Letter to a Friend . B y Richard Pew . T * -vbich are added , some Observations on the Structure and Formation of Metals , and an Attempt to prove the Existence of the Phlogiston of Stahl , the Principle of Inflammability , £ ? c . THOSE who contemplate , in a philosophical and m oral view , the mischiefs
brought on the human race by the discovery of the Spanish West-Indies , would not wish the mines there to be replenished in the rapid manner our author here proposes . ' If ; ' says he , p . 10 $ ' we could place such a quantity of the metallizing principle in the course of the waters flowing through the mine as should be sufficient to saturate all the particles dissolved , we should be able to produce more gold , in one hour , than has , perhaps , been produced by the unassisted operations of matter upon matter from the creation to the present time . ' Could the nations of Europe introduce the metallizing principle into their rivers , France need not any more plunder her neighbours , nor England subsidize them , or lament the deficiency of her own way s and means .
Fortune ' s Pool ; a Comedy , in fve Acts . As performed al the Theatre-Royal , Covent Garden . By Frederick Reynolds . & vo . Price 2 s . Longman . AMONG the writers of modern Comedy , who write with a view to the acting of a particular performer , Mr . Reynolds claims pre-eminence . Bortune's Fool is one among the many proofs of the conuption of public . taste in . dramatic representation . An audience who had listened to the sterling wit of Congreve , Wycherly , Steele , or Hoadley , we should imagine , would turn
with disgust from the flippancy and inconsistencies of our modern dramatists ; but this is not the case , or the present comedy could net be tolerated . The chief merit of the author consists in some extravagant caricatures of existing chai afters , among these a maich-maimg Dutchess , an ignorant Virtuoso , and an aquatic Duke ( who buifets the billows of the Thames , and makes a voyage of discovery fiom Whitehall to Windsor ) hold a conspicuous rank . Still we cannot but think , that Mr . Reynolds possesses considerable abilities , as a dramatic writer , if they were properly applied .
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Review Of New Publications.
in the neighbourhood . Many miraculous cures , it is is added , on the blind , the dumb , and the lame , particularly at Perugia , were operated . * A new prodigy now presents itself . Three lilies , by way of decoration , had been placed near to a picture of the Virgin , where they had remained so long , as to be completely withered and dry . " But on the oth of July , a bud , perfectly fresh and green , was seen on one , and soon after three other buds on others , which promised a speedy expansion , while the stalks remained in their
withered state . These , however , grew green ; and in this state , for nearly fifteen days , the renovated plants continued , though the heat of the weather was intense , and no rain or vapour fell to refresh them . —At Viterbo , meanwhile , the body of St . Rose was covered with abundant perspiration . —Near Mandola , an illumined cross , with three lilies , was seen in the air , which moved and rested over the celebrated chapel of Loretto . —At Perugia , three stars of a refulgent brightness appeared on the cheeks of the Virgin , and on
the forehead of the infant Jesus , whom she holds in her arms . In other places , some statues of saints altered their positions . ' p . 7 . These ridiculous stories our author very sensibly accounts for , from the illusions to which the sense of sight is liable ; from the time of the occurrence of some of them , viz . in the dusk of the evening , and from the circumstances of the witnesses—Some of them , as that of the lilies for instances , he does not hesitate to ascribe to a-trick played off upon the credulity of the
peop le . This pamplet is well written , and bears marks of a liberal and inquiring mind . The Art of making Gold and Silver , or the probable Means of replenishing the nearly-exhausted Mines of Mexico , Peru , and Polosi ; in a Letter to a Friend . B y Richard Pew . T * -vbich are added , some Observations on the Structure and Formation of Metals , and an Attempt to prove the Existence of the Phlogiston of Stahl , the Principle of Inflammability , £ ? c . THOSE who contemplate , in a philosophical and m oral view , the mischiefs
brought on the human race by the discovery of the Spanish West-Indies , would not wish the mines there to be replenished in the rapid manner our author here proposes . ' If ; ' says he , p . 10 $ ' we could place such a quantity of the metallizing principle in the course of the waters flowing through the mine as should be sufficient to saturate all the particles dissolved , we should be able to produce more gold , in one hour , than has , perhaps , been produced by the unassisted operations of matter upon matter from the creation to the present time . ' Could the nations of Europe introduce the metallizing principle into their rivers , France need not any more plunder her neighbours , nor England subsidize them , or lament the deficiency of her own way s and means .
Fortune ' s Pool ; a Comedy , in fve Acts . As performed al the Theatre-Royal , Covent Garden . By Frederick Reynolds . & vo . Price 2 s . Longman . AMONG the writers of modern Comedy , who write with a view to the acting of a particular performer , Mr . Reynolds claims pre-eminence . Bortune's Fool is one among the many proofs of the conuption of public . taste in . dramatic representation . An audience who had listened to the sterling wit of Congreve , Wycherly , Steele , or Hoadley , we should imagine , would turn
with disgust from the flippancy and inconsistencies of our modern dramatists ; but this is not the case , or the present comedy could net be tolerated . The chief merit of the author consists in some extravagant caricatures of existing chai afters , among these a maich-maimg Dutchess , an ignorant Virtuoso , and an aquatic Duke ( who buifets the billows of the Thames , and makes a voyage of discovery fiom Whitehall to Windsor ) hold a conspicuous rank . Still we cannot but think , that Mr . Reynolds possesses considerable abilities , as a dramatic writer , if they were properly applied .