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The Scientific Magazine, And Freemasons' Repository,
of his heart , however , forbad his resentment to proceed farther than their dismissal . But justice to the memory of his father seemed to be the ruling principle of his actions ; and to testify his sense of his wrongs , lie orderdererl his corpse to be taken from its sepulchre , in the church of Novieski , in Petersburg !) , in order that it mi ght be interred with that of his mother in the family vault of his ancestors . Thus were
the remains of the proud Catharine mingled , in deatii , with those of a husband , whom her ambition had reduced to the shameful necessity of abandoning his throne , and whose life had been probably shortened by her intrigues . In the latter part of her life Catharine had entered into the league against the French republic , and for that purpose had be ^ tin to levy
recruits , to act in concert with those of Francis , emperor of Germany ; but immediately on his accession , Paul ordered the edict to be revoked . This , perhaps , is a proof that the diposition of the Court of Russia is by no means favourable to the allied powers . But what must place the character of Paul the First in a more favourable point of viewis the regard he has shewn for the happiness of the lower ,
, ranks of his people , by reducing the tribute of forty roubles , which each lord had a right to exact from his vassal , to five ; and promoting the agriculture of the country , by preventing too great a number of horses being eniplo } -ed in the luxury of the capital . The generosity of the conduct of the Emperor towards the gallant Kosciusko merits the highest praise , and must endear him to every
one who feels for the sufferings of Poland . In his politics Paul is said to be strongly partial to Prussia . This may , perhaps , be accounted for from the great friendshi p which existed between the great Frederick and Peter the Third , whose partiality certainly saved Prussia from the most eminent danger to which it was ever exposed . In 17 62 , when that unhappy prince mounted the Russian thronehe immediately relinquished the system of his
, predecessor , the Empress Elizabeth , withdraw his victorious armies from the Prussian territory , made peace with Frederick , and changed the whole face of affairs in Germany . In person , the Emperor is rather short , but possesses a dignity in Iiis manner , tempered with a degree of affability , which claims the respect and love of all who have the pleasure of his conversation .
Having been surrounded by Frenchmen in his youth , he has acquired a considerable portion of that vivacity which so strongly marks the French character , and he has something in his gait and deportment which gives him the app . earance of a native of France . Upon a general Review of his character , we think , that he possesses every virtue of his unfortunate Father ( and virtues even his enemies
, allowed him ) without any of his failings . Like him he has begun the works of legislation and reform ; but with a more temperate and steady hand : and the natural benevolence of his heart is tempered by . 50 strong a judgment , that he will avoid the rocks on which that unfortunate man split , and , we doubt not , rank in history , as one of those inonarchs who have been the benefactors of mankind .
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The Scientific Magazine, And Freemasons' Repository,
of his heart , however , forbad his resentment to proceed farther than their dismissal . But justice to the memory of his father seemed to be the ruling principle of his actions ; and to testify his sense of his wrongs , lie orderdererl his corpse to be taken from its sepulchre , in the church of Novieski , in Petersburg !) , in order that it mi ght be interred with that of his mother in the family vault of his ancestors . Thus were
the remains of the proud Catharine mingled , in deatii , with those of a husband , whom her ambition had reduced to the shameful necessity of abandoning his throne , and whose life had been probably shortened by her intrigues . In the latter part of her life Catharine had entered into the league against the French republic , and for that purpose had be ^ tin to levy
recruits , to act in concert with those of Francis , emperor of Germany ; but immediately on his accession , Paul ordered the edict to be revoked . This , perhaps , is a proof that the diposition of the Court of Russia is by no means favourable to the allied powers . But what must place the character of Paul the First in a more favourable point of viewis the regard he has shewn for the happiness of the lower ,
, ranks of his people , by reducing the tribute of forty roubles , which each lord had a right to exact from his vassal , to five ; and promoting the agriculture of the country , by preventing too great a number of horses being eniplo } -ed in the luxury of the capital . The generosity of the conduct of the Emperor towards the gallant Kosciusko merits the highest praise , and must endear him to every
one who feels for the sufferings of Poland . In his politics Paul is said to be strongly partial to Prussia . This may , perhaps , be accounted for from the great friendshi p which existed between the great Frederick and Peter the Third , whose partiality certainly saved Prussia from the most eminent danger to which it was ever exposed . In 17 62 , when that unhappy prince mounted the Russian thronehe immediately relinquished the system of his
, predecessor , the Empress Elizabeth , withdraw his victorious armies from the Prussian territory , made peace with Frederick , and changed the whole face of affairs in Germany . In person , the Emperor is rather short , but possesses a dignity in Iiis manner , tempered with a degree of affability , which claims the respect and love of all who have the pleasure of his conversation .
Having been surrounded by Frenchmen in his youth , he has acquired a considerable portion of that vivacity which so strongly marks the French character , and he has something in his gait and deportment which gives him the app . earance of a native of France . Upon a general Review of his character , we think , that he possesses every virtue of his unfortunate Father ( and virtues even his enemies
, allowed him ) without any of his failings . Like him he has begun the works of legislation and reform ; but with a more temperate and steady hand : and the natural benevolence of his heart is tempered by . 50 strong a judgment , that he will avoid the rocks on which that unfortunate man split , and , we doubt not , rank in history , as one of those inonarchs who have been the benefactors of mankind .