Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. ← Page 5 of 5
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House Of Commons.
Mr . Nichols considered it as dangerous to send money out of the country , during the present scarcity of specie . Mr . Fox thought it incumbent upon him to notice the subject now before the House . The sum of money was in his mind a trifle , compared to the principle on which it was proposed to he voted ; since after the vote , the Minister might send money to the Emperor without the consent of Parliament , as he had done before . Some might think this a proper way of conducting the affairs of Government ; but as to him , he was highly averse to the House carrying on such a delusion , by
pretending to have any thing to do with the ways and means , over which he had no controul . He did not mean to question the propriety of advancing money to the Emperor ; but he could not help observing that it would be 'better to advance it in the shape of a subsidy than of a loan ; since of a loan the repayment was very p'ecarious , while it gave us no right to stipulate for an equivalent as if a subsidywere given . The House , instead of trusting to the Minister , ought to confide in its own judgment , and as this was in some measure the object of the amendment , he should vote for it .
Mr . Grey doubted the repayment of a loan with good reason , since the Empe-: Tor had failed in the first of his engagements , the promised remittance of 92 , 000 ! . never having taken place . This was an injury done to the public , . and a material one to the holders of stock . He then asked what the Minister could say of the fraudulent account he last year laid before the House . When asked how the vote , of credit was applied , he answered , part to the arm }' , and part to the ordnance . It now appeared , however , that a very considerable portion had been applied to the support of Conde ' s army . Mr . Pitt admitted , indeed , that the Emperor had not made good the stipulated instalments of the interest due upon the former loan ; but surely under the
circumstances of the present year , a failure of that sort did not argue a want of faith . Sir W . Pulteney ' s motion was negatived without a division . Mr . Sheridan rose , and , after a short introduction , proposed the following amendment at Ihe end of the Address : — ' Your Majesty ' s faithful Commons having thus manifested their determination to enable your Majesty to give such assistance to your Majesty ' s Ally the Emperor , as may be indispensably necessary , in the unfortunate event of an unfavourable issue to the present negotiations for
peace , cannot omit this occasion of expressing their deep regret , that your Majesty ' s Ministers should in recent instances have presumed to issue similar assistance without any previous application to Parliament so to do ; thereby acting , as your Majesty's gracious message appears in a great measure to admit , in defiance of the established practice , and -in violation of the Constitutional Privileges of this House . ' '" Negatived without a division . The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Supply , when the
following resolution was moved , and adopted . ' That a sum not exceeding 500 , 000 ! . be given to his Majesty to be applied to the service of the Emperor , to be issued at such times , and in such a"manner , as his Majesty may see most proper . ' - . .. " Mr . Fox made many pointed remarks upon the way in which the Minister ap ? plied the public money to purposes different from those for which' they had been voted . In doing this he pursued a course of obscurity , concealment , and fraud . If the House suffered him to go on in the same way , he did not see how they could be of more service to the country , than a bodyof gentlemen of equal number , w \\ o should meet any where else for their amusement .
Tuesday , 20 . Mr . Nichols thought that previously . to the Report of the Committee of Supply being taken into consideration , the House ought to enquire of . the Governors of the Bank their reasons for objecting to an Austrian loan . It had „ come out yesterday in conversation that the principal ones were the high price of bullion , and the rate of exchange . It was a fact that fifty guineas could be made " by melting a thousand . It was therefore impossible that the specie could be kept * up by coining ; and consequently there was good reason to be cautious in sending money out of the country , especially as the measure in agitation was only the be ; ginning of a system . " ' ' ¦ (" TO BE nEGULAKLY CONTINUED , j
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House Of Commons.
Mr . Nichols considered it as dangerous to send money out of the country , during the present scarcity of specie . Mr . Fox thought it incumbent upon him to notice the subject now before the House . The sum of money was in his mind a trifle , compared to the principle on which it was proposed to he voted ; since after the vote , the Minister might send money to the Emperor without the consent of Parliament , as he had done before . Some might think this a proper way of conducting the affairs of Government ; but as to him , he was highly averse to the House carrying on such a delusion , by
pretending to have any thing to do with the ways and means , over which he had no controul . He did not mean to question the propriety of advancing money to the Emperor ; but he could not help observing that it would be 'better to advance it in the shape of a subsidy than of a loan ; since of a loan the repayment was very p'ecarious , while it gave us no right to stipulate for an equivalent as if a subsidywere given . The House , instead of trusting to the Minister , ought to confide in its own judgment , and as this was in some measure the object of the amendment , he should vote for it .
Mr . Grey doubted the repayment of a loan with good reason , since the Empe-: Tor had failed in the first of his engagements , the promised remittance of 92 , 000 ! . never having taken place . This was an injury done to the public , . and a material one to the holders of stock . He then asked what the Minister could say of the fraudulent account he last year laid before the House . When asked how the vote , of credit was applied , he answered , part to the arm }' , and part to the ordnance . It now appeared , however , that a very considerable portion had been applied to the support of Conde ' s army . Mr . Pitt admitted , indeed , that the Emperor had not made good the stipulated instalments of the interest due upon the former loan ; but surely under the
circumstances of the present year , a failure of that sort did not argue a want of faith . Sir W . Pulteney ' s motion was negatived without a division . Mr . Sheridan rose , and , after a short introduction , proposed the following amendment at Ihe end of the Address : — ' Your Majesty ' s faithful Commons having thus manifested their determination to enable your Majesty to give such assistance to your Majesty ' s Ally the Emperor , as may be indispensably necessary , in the unfortunate event of an unfavourable issue to the present negotiations for
peace , cannot omit this occasion of expressing their deep regret , that your Majesty ' s Ministers should in recent instances have presumed to issue similar assistance without any previous application to Parliament so to do ; thereby acting , as your Majesty's gracious message appears in a great measure to admit , in defiance of the established practice , and -in violation of the Constitutional Privileges of this House . ' '" Negatived without a division . The House then resolved itself into a Committee of Supply , when the
following resolution was moved , and adopted . ' That a sum not exceeding 500 , 000 ! . be given to his Majesty to be applied to the service of the Emperor , to be issued at such times , and in such a"manner , as his Majesty may see most proper . ' - . .. " Mr . Fox made many pointed remarks upon the way in which the Minister ap ? plied the public money to purposes different from those for which' they had been voted . In doing this he pursued a course of obscurity , concealment , and fraud . If the House suffered him to go on in the same way , he did not see how they could be of more service to the country , than a bodyof gentlemen of equal number , w \\ o should meet any where else for their amusement .
Tuesday , 20 . Mr . Nichols thought that previously . to the Report of the Committee of Supply being taken into consideration , the House ought to enquire of . the Governors of the Bank their reasons for objecting to an Austrian loan . It had „ come out yesterday in conversation that the principal ones were the high price of bullion , and the rate of exchange . It was a fact that fifty guineas could be made " by melting a thousand . It was therefore impossible that the specie could be kept * up by coining ; and consequently there was good reason to be cautious in sending money out of the country , especially as the measure in agitation was only the be ; ginning of a system . " ' ' ¦ (" TO BE nEGULAKLY CONTINUED , j