Article AN ACCOUNT OF DRUIDISM. Page 1 of 6 →
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An Account Of Druidism.
[ From Mr . POLWHELE ' S " Hiftorical Views of Devonshire ,- ' Vol . I . juft publifhed . }
IT appears , that the British Druids , like the Indian Gymrio ' sophists , or the Persian Magi , had two sets Of doctrines ; the first j for the . initiated ; the second Ibr the people ; That there is one GOD ' , the creator of heaven and earth , was a secret doctrine of the Brachmans . And the nature and perfection O'f the deity were among the Druidical arcana * . Pomponius Mela confirms this account of Casar : Druidat '
terra mundiqite magmtudinem etformam ,- niotus coeli et sidcrum , et quid Dii velint scire se profiteri : And Lucan : Soils tiosic Deoi ,. et cceli numina . < uobis . That these ideas were derived from Noah f , 1 have scarcely a doubt : they were brought into this island by the immediate descendants of those holy men , to whom only the secrets oY Noah were
communicated . ; and who , as consecrated to religion , ' were thus entrusted with the secrets of Heaven . The imperishable nature of the soul was another doctrine of the Druids , which , ' in its genuine purity / perhaps , was incommunicable to the vulgar . But the soul ' s immorta .-lity , connected with many sensitive ideas , was generally preached to " the people . It was with unvarying firmness that the Druids asserted the immortality of the soul . And the universal influence of this
doctrine on their conduct , excited the surprise of the ^ Greeks and Romans . It was this which inspired the soldier with courage in . the day of battle ; which animated , the slave to die with his master , and the ' wife to share the fates of her husband ; which urged the old and the feeble to precip itate themselves from rocks , and the victim to become a '
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An Account Of Druidism.
[ From Mr . POLWHELE ' S " Hiftorical Views of Devonshire ,- ' Vol . I . juft publifhed . }
IT appears , that the British Druids , like the Indian Gymrio ' sophists , or the Persian Magi , had two sets Of doctrines ; the first j for the . initiated ; the second Ibr the people ; That there is one GOD ' , the creator of heaven and earth , was a secret doctrine of the Brachmans . And the nature and perfection O'f the deity were among the Druidical arcana * . Pomponius Mela confirms this account of Casar : Druidat '
terra mundiqite magmtudinem etformam ,- niotus coeli et sidcrum , et quid Dii velint scire se profiteri : And Lucan : Soils tiosic Deoi ,. et cceli numina . < uobis . That these ideas were derived from Noah f , 1 have scarcely a doubt : they were brought into this island by the immediate descendants of those holy men , to whom only the secrets oY Noah were
communicated . ; and who , as consecrated to religion , ' were thus entrusted with the secrets of Heaven . The imperishable nature of the soul was another doctrine of the Druids , which , ' in its genuine purity / perhaps , was incommunicable to the vulgar . But the soul ' s immorta .-lity , connected with many sensitive ideas , was generally preached to " the people . It was with unvarying firmness that the Druids asserted the immortality of the soul . And the universal influence of this
doctrine on their conduct , excited the surprise of the ^ Greeks and Romans . It was this which inspired the soldier with courage in . the day of battle ; which animated , the slave to die with his master , and the ' wife to share the fates of her husband ; which urged the old and the feeble to precip itate themselves from rocks , and the victim to become a '