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A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
Antonio Gonzales , with Tristan , was sent in 1440 to the same place , in order to load his vessel with the fkins of fea-wolves . Gonzales went back to Portugal with some flaves ; but Tristan , having first careened , coasted on as far as Cabo Blanco , or White Cape , where , though he saw the track of people , yet meeting none , he sailed home . In 1442 , Antonio Gonzales returned again to the same coast , carrying with him the chief of the Moors he had takenwho promised to
, give seven Guinea-slaves for his ransom ; but being once at liberty , he forgot his promise . However , on his landing , others came to redeem the two young men that were prisoners ; giving in exchange ten blacks of several countries , and a considerable quantity of gold dust , which was the first brought from those parts . For this reason , a rivulet that runs about six leagues up the land , was called Rio del Oro , or the
River of Gold . Besides these things , they brought home a shield of buckflcin , and some ostriches eggs ; every body admiring the colour of the slaves . The gold stirred up covetous desires , and encouraged Nunno Tristan to undertake the voyage again in 1443 . Advancing farther , he discovered the island Adeget , one of those of Arguim . Hence they went over to another , which they called De las Garzas , or the Island of Hawks , because of the vast numbers they saw there , some
of which they took . In 1444 , Lancelot , the prince ' s servant , Gilianes ( who first passed CapeBojador ) , Stephen Alonso , Roderic Alvarez , and Juan Diaz , haying obtained the prince ' s leave , on paying him an acknowledgment , erected a company in the town of Lagos to pursue these discoveries . Gonzalo de Cintra set out with one ship in 1445 , and coming to
the islands Arguim , ran up a creek at night , intending to go ashore ; but the tide ebbing , he stuck ; and , in the morning , two hundred Moors coming upon him , he was killed with seven of his company . These were the . first Portuguese killed in these attempts ; and from ' the captain that place took name , bein g called Angra de Gonzalo de Cintra , fourteen leagues beyond Rio del Oro . Antonio Gonzales , Diego
Alonzo , and Gomez Perez , set out next year , 144 6 , in three caravels , bound for that river , with orders to treat about the conversion of those barbarians , of peace , and trade . The proposals were rejected , and they returned , bringing back one of the natives , who came voluntarily . to see the country ; and John Fernandez remained there with the same design . Nunno Tristan made another voyageand brought twenty
, slaves from a neig hbouring village . Denis Fernandez , in another vessel , passing the mouth of the river Sanaga , which divides the Affanaji from the jalofs , took four blacks , who were fishing in an almadia , or boat . Sailing forward , he discovered the famous Cabo Verde , set up a
wooden cross , and returned . Antonio Gonzales , Garcia Mendez , and James Alonzo , though separated by a storm , met again in 1447 in the islands of Arguim . Falling upon a village , they seized twenty-five Moors of those which fled from them . He that ran best took most , as Lorenzo Diaz , who took seven , whilst others caught but one , and some none . They called this point Cabo del Rescate , or Cape of Ransom , because some blacks were
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
Antonio Gonzales , with Tristan , was sent in 1440 to the same place , in order to load his vessel with the fkins of fea-wolves . Gonzales went back to Portugal with some flaves ; but Tristan , having first careened , coasted on as far as Cabo Blanco , or White Cape , where , though he saw the track of people , yet meeting none , he sailed home . In 1442 , Antonio Gonzales returned again to the same coast , carrying with him the chief of the Moors he had takenwho promised to
, give seven Guinea-slaves for his ransom ; but being once at liberty , he forgot his promise . However , on his landing , others came to redeem the two young men that were prisoners ; giving in exchange ten blacks of several countries , and a considerable quantity of gold dust , which was the first brought from those parts . For this reason , a rivulet that runs about six leagues up the land , was called Rio del Oro , or the
River of Gold . Besides these things , they brought home a shield of buckflcin , and some ostriches eggs ; every body admiring the colour of the slaves . The gold stirred up covetous desires , and encouraged Nunno Tristan to undertake the voyage again in 1443 . Advancing farther , he discovered the island Adeget , one of those of Arguim . Hence they went over to another , which they called De las Garzas , or the Island of Hawks , because of the vast numbers they saw there , some
of which they took . In 1444 , Lancelot , the prince ' s servant , Gilianes ( who first passed CapeBojador ) , Stephen Alonso , Roderic Alvarez , and Juan Diaz , haying obtained the prince ' s leave , on paying him an acknowledgment , erected a company in the town of Lagos to pursue these discoveries . Gonzalo de Cintra set out with one ship in 1445 , and coming to
the islands Arguim , ran up a creek at night , intending to go ashore ; but the tide ebbing , he stuck ; and , in the morning , two hundred Moors coming upon him , he was killed with seven of his company . These were the . first Portuguese killed in these attempts ; and from ' the captain that place took name , bein g called Angra de Gonzalo de Cintra , fourteen leagues beyond Rio del Oro . Antonio Gonzales , Diego
Alonzo , and Gomez Perez , set out next year , 144 6 , in three caravels , bound for that river , with orders to treat about the conversion of those barbarians , of peace , and trade . The proposals were rejected , and they returned , bringing back one of the natives , who came voluntarily . to see the country ; and John Fernandez remained there with the same design . Nunno Tristan made another voyageand brought twenty
, slaves from a neig hbouring village . Denis Fernandez , in another vessel , passing the mouth of the river Sanaga , which divides the Affanaji from the jalofs , took four blacks , who were fishing in an almadia , or boat . Sailing forward , he discovered the famous Cabo Verde , set up a
wooden cross , and returned . Antonio Gonzales , Garcia Mendez , and James Alonzo , though separated by a storm , met again in 1447 in the islands of Arguim . Falling upon a village , they seized twenty-five Moors of those which fled from them . He that ran best took most , as Lorenzo Diaz , who took seven , whilst others caught but one , and some none . They called this point Cabo del Rescate , or Cape of Ransom , because some blacks were