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A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
ransomed there . Their joy was the more , in that they found Juan Fernandez , who was left there the last voyage . Dinisianez de Gram , Alvaro Gil , and Mafaldo de Setubal , with each a caravel , landed in the island Arguim , where they took seven Moors , and , by their help , forty-seven afterwards . They ran along the coast of the continent eighty leaguesand at several times took fifty slaves
, , losing seven Portuguese ; whose boat being left dry by the ebb in the island De las Garzas , they were all killed . Lancelot , who once before had commanded a small fleet , sailed from Lagos again towards Arguim , as admiral of fourteen vessels . At the same time set out for Madera , Alvaro and Dinis Fernandez , Juan de Castille , and others , who altogether , with the former fourteen , made up twenty-seven sail . Nine of
the fourteen from Lagos came to Arguim . Alvaro de Freytas returned home with his three ships ; but Lancelot with his sailed to the island Tider , being unwilling to return as light as they came out , and designing to sail to the Sarrah of the Aflanhaji , and Guinea ; but after some small attempts , resolved for the island of Palma . They touched at Gomera , and were entertained by the commanders , Piste and Brucho , in acknowledgment of some kindness they had received from prince
Henry . Lancelot , being homeward-bound , discovered the river Ovedek , which he called Sanaga , because a black of that name was released there . It was then believed to be one of the branches of Nile ; because they were informed it came far from the eastward . Stephen Al . onso , in a small boat , went up the river , and took two blacks , after , considerable opposition made by their father . Roderigo Anez and Dinis Diaz
were here separated from the rest by a great storm , and arrived in Portugal . Lancelot steering towards Cape Verde , went afliore upon an island , where he found nothing but goats , and these words cut on the bark of a tree . Talent de bieufiire . This was Prince Henry's motto , which expressed his designs , and gave Lancelot to understand the Portuguese had been there before . It was Alvaro Fernandez , of Madera , who had conducted them thither . Lancelot stood along the shore ,
while Gomez Perez going up close in a boat , threw a looking-glass and a sheet of paper with a crucifix on it to some blacks , who breaking and tearing them to pieces , poured in a volley of arrows ; for which they designed to be revenged next day : but a great florm , which dispersed all their ships , prevented the execution . Lawrence Diaz got Home first ; Gomez Perez put in at Rio del Oro , whence he brought one slave , and many fkins of sea wolves ; and found the people
there somewhat tractable . Alvaro Freytas and Vincent Diaz , in the island Tider , took fifty-nine ' slaves . Dinis Fernandez and Palacano , at Cape St . Anne , took nine more , twelve of their men swimming ashore for them . With these , and such like small successes , they all returned home , having lost one small vessel ; but the men were saved .
NEW DISCOVERY FOR STOPPING INVOLUNTARY . BLEEDINGS . The Caustic Volatile Alkali has been discovered , by Dr . J . M . de Pira , physician to the King of the Two Sicilies , to be wonderfull y efficacious in stopping haemorrhages from veins or arteries . The proportion of the Caustic Volatile Alkali employed is . four ounces to a pound ofwatc .-v
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
ransomed there . Their joy was the more , in that they found Juan Fernandez , who was left there the last voyage . Dinisianez de Gram , Alvaro Gil , and Mafaldo de Setubal , with each a caravel , landed in the island Arguim , where they took seven Moors , and , by their help , forty-seven afterwards . They ran along the coast of the continent eighty leaguesand at several times took fifty slaves
, , losing seven Portuguese ; whose boat being left dry by the ebb in the island De las Garzas , they were all killed . Lancelot , who once before had commanded a small fleet , sailed from Lagos again towards Arguim , as admiral of fourteen vessels . At the same time set out for Madera , Alvaro and Dinis Fernandez , Juan de Castille , and others , who altogether , with the former fourteen , made up twenty-seven sail . Nine of
the fourteen from Lagos came to Arguim . Alvaro de Freytas returned home with his three ships ; but Lancelot with his sailed to the island Tider , being unwilling to return as light as they came out , and designing to sail to the Sarrah of the Aflanhaji , and Guinea ; but after some small attempts , resolved for the island of Palma . They touched at Gomera , and were entertained by the commanders , Piste and Brucho , in acknowledgment of some kindness they had received from prince
Henry . Lancelot , being homeward-bound , discovered the river Ovedek , which he called Sanaga , because a black of that name was released there . It was then believed to be one of the branches of Nile ; because they were informed it came far from the eastward . Stephen Al . onso , in a small boat , went up the river , and took two blacks , after , considerable opposition made by their father . Roderigo Anez and Dinis Diaz
were here separated from the rest by a great storm , and arrived in Portugal . Lancelot steering towards Cape Verde , went afliore upon an island , where he found nothing but goats , and these words cut on the bark of a tree . Talent de bieufiire . This was Prince Henry's motto , which expressed his designs , and gave Lancelot to understand the Portuguese had been there before . It was Alvaro Fernandez , of Madera , who had conducted them thither . Lancelot stood along the shore ,
while Gomez Perez going up close in a boat , threw a looking-glass and a sheet of paper with a crucifix on it to some blacks , who breaking and tearing them to pieces , poured in a volley of arrows ; for which they designed to be revenged next day : but a great florm , which dispersed all their ships , prevented the execution . Lawrence Diaz got Home first ; Gomez Perez put in at Rio del Oro , whence he brought one slave , and many fkins of sea wolves ; and found the people
there somewhat tractable . Alvaro Freytas and Vincent Diaz , in the island Tider , took fifty-nine ' slaves . Dinis Fernandez and Palacano , at Cape St . Anne , took nine more , twelve of their men swimming ashore for them . With these , and such like small successes , they all returned home , having lost one small vessel ; but the men were saved .
NEW DISCOVERY FOR STOPPING INVOLUNTARY . BLEEDINGS . The Caustic Volatile Alkali has been discovered , by Dr . J . M . de Pira , physician to the King of the Two Sicilies , to be wonderfull y efficacious in stopping haemorrhages from veins or arteries . The proportion of the Caustic Volatile Alkali employed is . four ounces to a pound ofwatc .-v