Article THE ENQUIRY. Page 1 of 1 Article PROCRASTINATION. Page 1 of 1 Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Enquiry.
AMIDST the myrtles as I walk'd , Love and my fighs thus intertalk'd . " Tell me , " said I , in deep distress , « ' Where shall I find my shep herdess ?" " Thou fool , " said Love , " know ' st thou not this , In ev'ry thing that ' s good she is ? In yonder tulip go and seek ,
There wilt thou find her lip and cheek : In the enamel'd pansy by , There shalt thou see her curious eye ; In bloom of peach , in rose ' s bud , Flow the pure rivers of her blood : In lilies high that farther stands , The emblems of her whiter hands : In yonder rising hill , there smell
Such sweets as in her bosom dwell . " " 'Tis true , " said I ; and thereupon , I went to pluck them one by one _ And of all to make an union , But on a sudden all was gone ; With that , I said , sure all these be , Fond man , resemblances of thee ; And like these flow ' rs thy joys shall die , E'en in the twinkling of an eye ; And all thy * hopes of her shall wither , Like these frail sweets , thus knit together .
vox ET ' PRTEREA NIHIL . cc TT LOVE you , "—oft the youth did say ; JL " I 'ove y ° "— ° ft l ' maiden sigh'd : Thus echoed both from day to day , Till one wax'd cold , and t ' other— -DIED !
Monthly Chronicle.
LEGHORN , January 30 . ON the 15 th instant a desperate action took place off the height of Porto Vecchio between three Sardinian vessels and two Barbary zebecks . The Sardinians grappled and took one of 18 guns and 100 men , arid also grappled and boarded the other of 12 guns and § 6 men ; but some of the crew , rather than yield , set fire to her , ; and stic blew up , but happily not before the Sardinian vessels had disengaged themselves and p icked up the people who had been blown up , amongst whom were some
Sardinians . The crews of the Sardinian vessels were so enraged that they dispatched all tiie Turks and Algerines whom they had taken , consisting of 92 . The loss of the Sardinians was 7 men killed , and 75 wounded . The war Of the Creek nations against the United States of America wjt happily concluded on the 30 th of November , by a treaty , of which official information hai besn received by the Congress . ' VOL . II . G |
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The Enquiry.
AMIDST the myrtles as I walk'd , Love and my fighs thus intertalk'd . " Tell me , " said I , in deep distress , « ' Where shall I find my shep herdess ?" " Thou fool , " said Love , " know ' st thou not this , In ev'ry thing that ' s good she is ? In yonder tulip go and seek ,
There wilt thou find her lip and cheek : In the enamel'd pansy by , There shalt thou see her curious eye ; In bloom of peach , in rose ' s bud , Flow the pure rivers of her blood : In lilies high that farther stands , The emblems of her whiter hands : In yonder rising hill , there smell
Such sweets as in her bosom dwell . " " 'Tis true , " said I ; and thereupon , I went to pluck them one by one _ And of all to make an union , But on a sudden all was gone ; With that , I said , sure all these be , Fond man , resemblances of thee ; And like these flow ' rs thy joys shall die , E'en in the twinkling of an eye ; And all thy * hopes of her shall wither , Like these frail sweets , thus knit together .
vox ET ' PRTEREA NIHIL . cc TT LOVE you , "—oft the youth did say ; JL " I 'ove y ° "— ° ft l ' maiden sigh'd : Thus echoed both from day to day , Till one wax'd cold , and t ' other— -DIED !
Monthly Chronicle.
LEGHORN , January 30 . ON the 15 th instant a desperate action took place off the height of Porto Vecchio between three Sardinian vessels and two Barbary zebecks . The Sardinians grappled and took one of 18 guns and 100 men , arid also grappled and boarded the other of 12 guns and § 6 men ; but some of the crew , rather than yield , set fire to her , ; and stic blew up , but happily not before the Sardinian vessels had disengaged themselves and p icked up the people who had been blown up , amongst whom were some
Sardinians . The crews of the Sardinian vessels were so enraged that they dispatched all tiie Turks and Algerines whom they had taken , consisting of 92 . The loss of the Sardinians was 7 men killed , and 75 wounded . The war Of the Creek nations against the United States of America wjt happily concluded on the 30 th of November , by a treaty , of which official information hai besn received by the Congress . ' VOL . II . G |