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Masonic Anecdote.
from the Travels of ALEXANDER DRUMMOND , Esq . Consul at Aleppo ; written it Smyrna in 174 . 5 , and published at London , in folio , 1754 .
AT this Carnival season they have an assembly here , to which Mr . Consul Crawley did me the honour to introduce me ; and , as I had formed a Lodge of-Free Masons in the place , the ladies had conceived , a strange notion of my character ; for I had been represented to them , fcy some priest , as a conjurer of the first magnitude , who had the devil at my command , . and raised the dead by my diabolical incantations . These terrible prepossessions , instead of frightening them , had only served to raise their curiosity ; and when I entered the room they surveyed me with truly female attention : after they had satisfied their eyes .
-with a most minute examination , they seemed to think I did not differ much from the other children of Adam , and became so familiar to my , 'iappearance , that one of the number was hardy enough to desire me to dance with her ; and , as she escaped without danger , I was afterwards challenged by a pretty little blooming creature , with whom' I walked seven minuets during the course of the evening . As I have mentioned the Lodge of Free Masons , I cannot help congratulating myself upon the opportunity I had of making so many worthy Brethren in this place , and of forming the onl y Lodge that is jn the Levant . : •' '' ' -
For ages past a savage race O'erspread these Asian plains , All nature wore a gloomy face , And pensive mov'd the swains . But now Britannia's gen ' rous sons A glorious Lodge have rais'd , Near the fam'd banks where Meles run S 3
And Homer ' s cattle graz'd ; "' ' The briery wilds to groves are chang'd , With orange-trees around , And fragrant lemons , fairly rang'd , O'crshade the blissful ground .
Approving Phcehus shines more bright ,, . The flow'rs appear more gay , N « w objects rise to please the sight "With each revolving day , "While safe within the' sacred walls , , "Where heav'nly friendship reigns , ' The jovial Masons hear the calls "
Of all the needy swains . Their gen ' rous aid , with cheerful sou ! ,., ' They grant to those who sue ; " And while the sparkling glasses roiy Their smiling joys renew . '
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Masonic Anecdote.
from the Travels of ALEXANDER DRUMMOND , Esq . Consul at Aleppo ; written it Smyrna in 174 . 5 , and published at London , in folio , 1754 .
AT this Carnival season they have an assembly here , to which Mr . Consul Crawley did me the honour to introduce me ; and , as I had formed a Lodge of-Free Masons in the place , the ladies had conceived , a strange notion of my character ; for I had been represented to them , fcy some priest , as a conjurer of the first magnitude , who had the devil at my command , . and raised the dead by my diabolical incantations . These terrible prepossessions , instead of frightening them , had only served to raise their curiosity ; and when I entered the room they surveyed me with truly female attention : after they had satisfied their eyes .
-with a most minute examination , they seemed to think I did not differ much from the other children of Adam , and became so familiar to my , 'iappearance , that one of the number was hardy enough to desire me to dance with her ; and , as she escaped without danger , I was afterwards challenged by a pretty little blooming creature , with whom' I walked seven minuets during the course of the evening . As I have mentioned the Lodge of Free Masons , I cannot help congratulating myself upon the opportunity I had of making so many worthy Brethren in this place , and of forming the onl y Lodge that is jn the Levant . : •' '' ' -
For ages past a savage race O'erspread these Asian plains , All nature wore a gloomy face , And pensive mov'd the swains . But now Britannia's gen ' rous sons A glorious Lodge have rais'd , Near the fam'd banks where Meles run S 3
And Homer ' s cattle graz'd ; "' ' The briery wilds to groves are chang'd , With orange-trees around , And fragrant lemons , fairly rang'd , O'crshade the blissful ground .
Approving Phcehus shines more bright ,, . The flow'rs appear more gay , N « w objects rise to please the sight "With each revolving day , "While safe within the' sacred walls , , "Where heav'nly friendship reigns , ' The jovial Masons hear the calls "
Of all the needy swains . Their gen ' rous aid , with cheerful sou ! ,., ' They grant to those who sue ; " And while the sparkling glasses roiy Their smiling joys renew . '