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Summary Of All The Arguments For And Against Richard Brothers.
curiosity to visit this supposed prophet , whom lie thus describes : ^~ He is a middle-aged man , of mild aspect , rather tall and slender , his hair cut remarkably short , and his attire plain : he asked Mr . Home if he had read his book , and being answered in the affirmative , talked ( as the author writes ) in a wild unconnected manner , referring Mr . Home ( according to Mr . " Halhed ' s remark ) to the Scriptures . In shorthis whole behaviour testified a disordered mind ; and the author
, thinks those medical gentlemen * who declared him insane had very just foundation for their opinion . To judge from Mr . Halhed ' s testimony we must suppose a contrary description of this prophet ; for this writer , by an avowed approbation of his predictions , is evidently of opinion that his whole manner is connectedand himself an inspired rational being . In alluding to a
, late debate in a sixpenny Spouting-club ( as Mr . Halhed expresses it ) respecting Richard Brothers , where the question was , whether he was an impostor or madman , the author observes , that a third possibility in the subject was entirely overlooked by those eager disputants , namely , that he was neither the one nor the other . Homewho only slightly adverts to thisrecommends in an
hu-, , morous vein to the same debating society , as their next question . Which is more mad f or enthusiastic , the offender or defender ? We shall now lay before our readers one of the most remarkable of Brothers' prophecies , with the illustrations of Halfied , and the confutations of Home , leaving it to the judicious "to weigh the scale . " ( To be concluded in our next . )
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
SIR , IN your last Number , p . 77 , is an anecdote which some correspondent of yours has said tends , to illustrate the poem of Gyges ' Ring , in Vol . I . p . 166 . I believe that any reader already unacquainted with the story , will be left as much in the dark as ever b y the anecdote just alluded to . It must be observedthat the pdfem turns whollon the property
, y which Gyges' Ring possessed of conferring invisibility on the wearer » fit : " Form'd by a Lydian sage , with potent spell , " This ring its wearer made invisible : "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Summary Of All The Arguments For And Against Richard Brothers.
curiosity to visit this supposed prophet , whom lie thus describes : ^~ He is a middle-aged man , of mild aspect , rather tall and slender , his hair cut remarkably short , and his attire plain : he asked Mr . Home if he had read his book , and being answered in the affirmative , talked ( as the author writes ) in a wild unconnected manner , referring Mr . Home ( according to Mr . " Halhed ' s remark ) to the Scriptures . In shorthis whole behaviour testified a disordered mind ; and the author
, thinks those medical gentlemen * who declared him insane had very just foundation for their opinion . To judge from Mr . Halhed ' s testimony we must suppose a contrary description of this prophet ; for this writer , by an avowed approbation of his predictions , is evidently of opinion that his whole manner is connectedand himself an inspired rational being . In alluding to a
, late debate in a sixpenny Spouting-club ( as Mr . Halhed expresses it ) respecting Richard Brothers , where the question was , whether he was an impostor or madman , the author observes , that a third possibility in the subject was entirely overlooked by those eager disputants , namely , that he was neither the one nor the other . Homewho only slightly adverts to thisrecommends in an
hu-, , morous vein to the same debating society , as their next question . Which is more mad f or enthusiastic , the offender or defender ? We shall now lay before our readers one of the most remarkable of Brothers' prophecies , with the illustrations of Halfied , and the confutations of Home , leaving it to the judicious "to weigh the scale . " ( To be concluded in our next . )
To The Editor Of The Freemasons' Magazine.
SIR , IN your last Number , p . 77 , is an anecdote which some correspondent of yours has said tends , to illustrate the poem of Gyges ' Ring , in Vol . I . p . 166 . I believe that any reader already unacquainted with the story , will be left as much in the dark as ever b y the anecdote just alluded to . It must be observedthat the pdfem turns whollon the property
, y which Gyges' Ring possessed of conferring invisibility on the wearer » fit : " Form'd by a Lydian sage , with potent spell , " This ring its wearer made invisible : "