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On Poverty hobbled , Hope soften'd her pam , But long did they search for the goddess in vain ;' Towns , cities , and countries , they travers'd around , For Charity ' s lately grov / n hard to be found . At length at the door of _ a LODGE they arriv'd , Where their spirits exhausted the Tyler reviv'd , Who , when ask'd ( as 'twas late ) it the dame was gone home Said , no ; Cbar . ly always was last in the room .
The door being open'd , in Poverty came , "Was cherislrd , reliev'd , and caress'd by the dame ; Each votary , likewise , the object to save , Obey'd his own feelings , and cheerfully gave . Then shame on . the . man who the Science derides , . Where this sof .-beaming virtue for ever presides . In this scriptural maxim let ' s ever accord
' ¦ ' ¦ What we give to the poor , we but lend to the Lord . " THE FOUR . CARDINAL VIRTUES , JUSTICE .. Inferior . virtues rise from these ,. Affording pleasure , comfort , peace ,
And less ' ning all our cares ; Here Justice see , at Mercy ' s word , Conceals her scales , and drops her sword , Appeas'd l ? y her , the guilty victim spares .
FORTITUDE . Here Fortitude , of Hope the child . With conscious resignation fill'd , ¦ Displays her dauntless brow ; . Sees , fearless , human ills surround , She vieiys them all with peace profound-, And smiles at threaten'd woe !
TEMPERANCE , Now ruddy Temperance shews her blooming face , Replete with health , with ease , and fair content Whilst pamper'd Lux ' ry mourns her sickly case , And finds too late a glutton ' s life mispent . PRUDENCE ,
"With cautious step and serious grace , A form behold with hidden face , Veil ' . d o ' er with modest fears ; Till CQiifi . dei . ee , unus'd to doubt , Resolves to find the goddess out , Withdraws the veil , and Piuder . ce , see , appears _ Without thy ifts mankind would savage turn 3 '
g Would human nature wantonly disgrace ; Would at all ' boundsof due restriction spurn ; And all the noblest works of Heav ' n deface , . These JVIoral Virtues are by us ordain'd Th' unerring pilots to the heavenly shore : By these directed endless joy ' s obiain'd ; _ A . i . d , having their kind aid , we want no mo . i . e _
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Poverty hobbled , Hope soften'd her pam , But long did they search for the goddess in vain ;' Towns , cities , and countries , they travers'd around , For Charity ' s lately grov / n hard to be found . At length at the door of _ a LODGE they arriv'd , Where their spirits exhausted the Tyler reviv'd , Who , when ask'd ( as 'twas late ) it the dame was gone home Said , no ; Cbar . ly always was last in the room .
The door being open'd , in Poverty came , "Was cherislrd , reliev'd , and caress'd by the dame ; Each votary , likewise , the object to save , Obey'd his own feelings , and cheerfully gave . Then shame on . the . man who the Science derides , . Where this sof .-beaming virtue for ever presides . In this scriptural maxim let ' s ever accord
' ¦ ' ¦ What we give to the poor , we but lend to the Lord . " THE FOUR . CARDINAL VIRTUES , JUSTICE .. Inferior . virtues rise from these ,. Affording pleasure , comfort , peace ,
And less ' ning all our cares ; Here Justice see , at Mercy ' s word , Conceals her scales , and drops her sword , Appeas'd l ? y her , the guilty victim spares .
FORTITUDE . Here Fortitude , of Hope the child . With conscious resignation fill'd , ¦ Displays her dauntless brow ; . Sees , fearless , human ills surround , She vieiys them all with peace profound-, And smiles at threaten'd woe !
TEMPERANCE , Now ruddy Temperance shews her blooming face , Replete with health , with ease , and fair content Whilst pamper'd Lux ' ry mourns her sickly case , And finds too late a glutton ' s life mispent . PRUDENCE ,
"With cautious step and serious grace , A form behold with hidden face , Veil ' . d o ' er with modest fears ; Till CQiifi . dei . ee , unus'd to doubt , Resolves to find the goddess out , Withdraws the veil , and Piuder . ce , see , appears _ Without thy ifts mankind would savage turn 3 '
g Would human nature wantonly disgrace ; Would at all ' boundsof due restriction spurn ; And all the noblest works of Heav ' n deface , . These JVIoral Virtues are by us ordain'd Th' unerring pilots to the heavenly shore : By these directed endless joy ' s obiain'd ; _ A . i . d , having their kind aid , we want no mo . i . e _