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Parliamentary Proceedings.
On the question being put , it was carried without a division . N . B . A Protest against the passing of this Bill was entered on the Jonrnals ^ and signed by theEarl of Guildford , Earl of Lauderdale , Duke of Norfolk , ana the Duke of Bedford . : 4 . Lord Grenville delivered a message from his Majesty , similar to that brought down to the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer , respecting the Imperial Loan ; to be taken into consideration on the 10 th . 5 The Royal assent was given by commission to the Habeas Corpus
Suspen-. sion Bill . 9 . The Order of the Day being read for taking his Majesty ' s message on the Austrian Loan into consideration ; Lord Gremille rose , and in a short but pertinent speech , expatiated on the very great advantages which might accrue to the nation in its present circumstances from adopting the measure proposed in his Majesty's message . By it , he observed , we should secure tbe alliance and effectual co-operation of the greatest power on the Continent , who by it would be
enabled to bring into the field an army of 200 , 000 men , and whose attacks on the common enemy must prove , in the way of a diversion , the most essential service to the cause in which both countries were engaged . He then took a review of the securities offered by Austria for the repayment of the proposed Loan , which being an addition to his Imperial Majesty's- hereditary revenues , the property of the Bank of Vienna . was such : a security as . might be looked to by this country with the utmost confidence . Viewing the subject in its principal in this light , in which he was certain it would . also be considered by their Lordships , after a little reflection on the subject , he concluded with moving an
address to his Majesty , setting forth the concurrence of lhat House with the proposed measure , and containing the warmest assurances of support , & c . The Marquis of hansdovm rose to state his disapprobation of the proposed measure . He considered it as objectionable in all points of view , whether it related to the security offered for the repayment of the money , the ability or inclination of the Emperor to perform the proposed stipulations of the contracts , and lastly , he considered it as a measure of impolicy and profusion of the resources of this country . With respect to the securitythe state of the Imperial
, revenues were such as not to offer the least solid ground of reimbursement . He would be much better pleased if the Austrian receipts at the Custom-houses were put into our hands ; as , a precedent for this the Dutch Loan to Prussia Was offered . A Commissioner from the former country was put in possession of the Customs of Riga . Suppose the Customs of Trieste were ceded to us , it would be much better than as now proposed . He also doubted much of the ability of the Emperor to bring the proffered force of 200 , 000 men into the field , » r his inclinationafter what he had seen and sufferedto co-operate with us
, , iordially in acting against the French . Lastly , he disapproved of the measure as profuse and extravagant ; as it was much better that so much money should be applied to the increase of our naval force , or the augmentation of the wagesand bounty to seamen ; or if it appeared that the rich of this country had much . superfluous wealth , much better would it be to apportion a part of it to relieve ¦ the very great distresses of our poor . Considering the measure in this light , he must therefore oppose it ; and his Lordship concluded with moving an amendment to the address , tending to do away its tendency and effect .
The Earl of Mansfield at some length supported the Address . He contended principally in favour of the policy of the measure , which secured to us the lasting alliance of the greatest Continental power , the good effect of which in the prosecution of the war must be obvious at the first glimpse . He could not agree with the Noble Marquis , that the proposed security was inadequate ; the Austrian revenues were great and flourishing , the credit 0 . the Bank of Vienna equal to that of any other , and besides , the Emperor was influenced to the full performance of his engagements , as well by his interest as his honour . He therefore deemed it incumbent on him to support the address . The Earl of Guildford , in opposing th « Address , dwelt on some of the points
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
On the question being put , it was carried without a division . N . B . A Protest against the passing of this Bill was entered on the Jonrnals ^ and signed by theEarl of Guildford , Earl of Lauderdale , Duke of Norfolk , ana the Duke of Bedford . : 4 . Lord Grenville delivered a message from his Majesty , similar to that brought down to the House of Commons by the Chancellor of the Exchequer , respecting the Imperial Loan ; to be taken into consideration on the 10 th . 5 The Royal assent was given by commission to the Habeas Corpus
Suspen-. sion Bill . 9 . The Order of the Day being read for taking his Majesty ' s message on the Austrian Loan into consideration ; Lord Gremille rose , and in a short but pertinent speech , expatiated on the very great advantages which might accrue to the nation in its present circumstances from adopting the measure proposed in his Majesty's message . By it , he observed , we should secure tbe alliance and effectual co-operation of the greatest power on the Continent , who by it would be
enabled to bring into the field an army of 200 , 000 men , and whose attacks on the common enemy must prove , in the way of a diversion , the most essential service to the cause in which both countries were engaged . He then took a review of the securities offered by Austria for the repayment of the proposed Loan , which being an addition to his Imperial Majesty's- hereditary revenues , the property of the Bank of Vienna . was such : a security as . might be looked to by this country with the utmost confidence . Viewing the subject in its principal in this light , in which he was certain it would . also be considered by their Lordships , after a little reflection on the subject , he concluded with moving an
address to his Majesty , setting forth the concurrence of lhat House with the proposed measure , and containing the warmest assurances of support , & c . The Marquis of hansdovm rose to state his disapprobation of the proposed measure . He considered it as objectionable in all points of view , whether it related to the security offered for the repayment of the money , the ability or inclination of the Emperor to perform the proposed stipulations of the contracts , and lastly , he considered it as a measure of impolicy and profusion of the resources of this country . With respect to the securitythe state of the Imperial
, revenues were such as not to offer the least solid ground of reimbursement . He would be much better pleased if the Austrian receipts at the Custom-houses were put into our hands ; as , a precedent for this the Dutch Loan to Prussia Was offered . A Commissioner from the former country was put in possession of the Customs of Riga . Suppose the Customs of Trieste were ceded to us , it would be much better than as now proposed . He also doubted much of the ability of the Emperor to bring the proffered force of 200 , 000 men into the field , » r his inclinationafter what he had seen and sufferedto co-operate with us
, , iordially in acting against the French . Lastly , he disapproved of the measure as profuse and extravagant ; as it was much better that so much money should be applied to the increase of our naval force , or the augmentation of the wagesand bounty to seamen ; or if it appeared that the rich of this country had much . superfluous wealth , much better would it be to apportion a part of it to relieve ¦ the very great distresses of our poor . Considering the measure in this light , he must therefore oppose it ; and his Lordship concluded with moving an amendment to the address , tending to do away its tendency and effect .
The Earl of Mansfield at some length supported the Address . He contended principally in favour of the policy of the measure , which secured to us the lasting alliance of the greatest Continental power , the good effect of which in the prosecution of the war must be obvious at the first glimpse . He could not agree with the Noble Marquis , that the proposed security was inadequate ; the Austrian revenues were great and flourishing , the credit 0 . the Bank of Vienna equal to that of any other , and besides , the Emperor was influenced to the full performance of his engagements , as well by his interest as his honour . He therefore deemed it incumbent on him to support the address . The Earl of Guildford , in opposing th « Address , dwelt on some of the points