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Parliamentary Proceedings.
panick and alarm was so great as to cause the writer to be consigned fo the Revolutionary Tribunal . As to the idea of the declension of the French resources , he would only observe , that this argument hacl been held out day after day by Ministers , since the commencement of the war , and yet at this hour we seethe war prosecuted with encreased energy and success by France . -which shews no symptom whatever of its resources being diminished After some other observations , his Grace moved a Resolution , slating the opinion of their Lordships to bethat the present actual Government of France should be no bar to
, a negociation for Peace . Lord Haxcifsbury opposed the motion , as being contrary to the uniform declarations of their Lordships on the subject , as well as the sentiments delivered from the throne , from none of which , he contended , could it be inferred , that Great Britain was ' averse to treating with France , the moment she has established a regular and settled government , as it was not the form of their government that we could object to , but the character of it ; and on these grounds
lie would admit the injustice of the govern men I of one country interfering with that of another , further thaji what ivas warranted by the principle of self-preservation . His Lordship moved the previous question . A long debate then took place , which ended in a division , when the numbers were , for the previous question 75 , against it 12 . 25 . This being the day appointed for thg General Fast , at half past eleven o ' clock , the House met , when the Lord Chancellor , attended by the Archbishop
of Canterbury , several of the Bishops , and a few of the Lay Lords , went in Ihe usual procession to Westminster Abbey , where a sermon was preached by the Kight Reverend Dr . Courteney , Bishop of Bristol , After returning from the Abbey , adjourned . 26 . An order for taking the Report of the Committee of Precedents into consideration , respecting the trial of Mr . Hastings , being read , Lord Thurlow roseand at some length took a general view of the subject
, , particularly of what appeared in evidence ; the result of which was , that ' the Noble Lord was of opinion , that their Lordships should give a verdict on the whole of the charges collectively ; but as he deemed this to be a question of the greatest importance , he thought it should be' referred to a Conimittee of tiie whole House ; he therefore , moved , that the further consideration of the Re ^ port of the Committee of Precedents , be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Monday next , and ( hat their Lordships be summoned for that day ; both which motions ivere ordered accordingly ,
27 . The House received several private Bills from the Commons , and adjourned till Monday , when the Lords were to be summoned on the Report of the Committee to search for Precedents in cases of Impeachments . ' 1
HOUSE OF COMMONS , Pek 2 . Mr . Pitt moved the order of the day , for the House to resolve itself in'o a Committee of the whole House , on the consideration of the most speedy and effectual means of manning the Navy , aiid Lord Arden took Ihe chair . Mr . Pitt proposed his plan in four resolutions to the Committee . Al ! vessels under 35 tons , he proposed should be exempted : but from that burthen to 75 tonseach vessel should find landman to the from to 105
, one Navy ; 75 , one seaman or two landmen ; and so in proportion , till the tonnage was very high , When a variation would be proper , as the number of hands employed did not increase in the proportion-to burden beyond a certain degree . The produce of this regulation he estimated between eighteen or twenty-thousand . With respect to the general call on counties , he proposed that it should produce about ten thousand , that is , on an average , one man for each parish . On the subject of Canal Navigation , he had not yet obtained the necessary accounts of their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
panick and alarm was so great as to cause the writer to be consigned fo the Revolutionary Tribunal . As to the idea of the declension of the French resources , he would only observe , that this argument hacl been held out day after day by Ministers , since the commencement of the war , and yet at this hour we seethe war prosecuted with encreased energy and success by France . -which shews no symptom whatever of its resources being diminished After some other observations , his Grace moved a Resolution , slating the opinion of their Lordships to bethat the present actual Government of France should be no bar to
, a negociation for Peace . Lord Haxcifsbury opposed the motion , as being contrary to the uniform declarations of their Lordships on the subject , as well as the sentiments delivered from the throne , from none of which , he contended , could it be inferred , that Great Britain was ' averse to treating with France , the moment she has established a regular and settled government , as it was not the form of their government that we could object to , but the character of it ; and on these grounds
lie would admit the injustice of the govern men I of one country interfering with that of another , further thaji what ivas warranted by the principle of self-preservation . His Lordship moved the previous question . A long debate then took place , which ended in a division , when the numbers were , for the previous question 75 , against it 12 . 25 . This being the day appointed for thg General Fast , at half past eleven o ' clock , the House met , when the Lord Chancellor , attended by the Archbishop
of Canterbury , several of the Bishops , and a few of the Lay Lords , went in Ihe usual procession to Westminster Abbey , where a sermon was preached by the Kight Reverend Dr . Courteney , Bishop of Bristol , After returning from the Abbey , adjourned . 26 . An order for taking the Report of the Committee of Precedents into consideration , respecting the trial of Mr . Hastings , being read , Lord Thurlow roseand at some length took a general view of the subject
, , particularly of what appeared in evidence ; the result of which was , that ' the Noble Lord was of opinion , that their Lordships should give a verdict on the whole of the charges collectively ; but as he deemed this to be a question of the greatest importance , he thought it should be' referred to a Conimittee of tiie whole House ; he therefore , moved , that the further consideration of the Re ^ port of the Committee of Precedents , be referred to a Committee of the whole House on Monday next , and ( hat their Lordships be summoned for that day ; both which motions ivere ordered accordingly ,
27 . The House received several private Bills from the Commons , and adjourned till Monday , when the Lords were to be summoned on the Report of the Committee to search for Precedents in cases of Impeachments . ' 1
HOUSE OF COMMONS , Pek 2 . Mr . Pitt moved the order of the day , for the House to resolve itself in'o a Committee of the whole House , on the consideration of the most speedy and effectual means of manning the Navy , aiid Lord Arden took Ihe chair . Mr . Pitt proposed his plan in four resolutions to the Committee . Al ! vessels under 35 tons , he proposed should be exempted : but from that burthen to 75 tonseach vessel should find landman to the from to 105
, one Navy ; 75 , one seaman or two landmen ; and so in proportion , till the tonnage was very high , When a variation would be proper , as the number of hands employed did not increase in the proportion-to burden beyond a certain degree . The produce of this regulation he estimated between eighteen or twenty-thousand . With respect to the general call on counties , he proposed that it should produce about ten thousand , that is , on an average , one man for each parish . On the subject of Canal Navigation , he had not yet obtained the necessary accounts of their