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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
menis ; and among his correspondents were men of such eminence and talents as well repaid his endeavours to entertain them , © ne of these , as we have before mentioned , was the justly-celebrated Dr . Franklin , originally a printer like Mr . Strahan , and his fellow-workman in early life in a printing-house in Loudon , whose friendship and correspondence he continued to enjoynotwithstanding the difference of their
, sentiments in political matters , which often aifor . led pleasantry , but . never mixed any thing acrimonious in their letters . One of the latest lie received from his illustrious and venerable friend , contained a humorous allegory of the state of politics in Britain , drawn from the profession of Printing , of which , though the Doctor had quitted the exercisehe had not forgotten the terms .
, There are stations of acquired greatness which make men proud to recal the lowness of that from which they rose . The native eminence of Franklin ' s mind was above concealing the humbleness of his ori g in . Those only who possess no intrinsic elevation are afraid to sully the honours to which accident has raised them , by the recollection of that obscurity whence they sprung .
Of this recollection Mr . Strahan was rather proud than ashamed ; and we have heard those who were disposed to censure him , blame it as a . kind of ostentation in which he was weak enough to indulge . But surely " ' tis to consider too curiously , to consider it so . " There is a kind of reputation which we may laudably desire , and justly enjoy ; and he who is sincere enough to forego the pride of ancestry and of birth , may , without much imputation of vanity , assume the merit of his own elevation .
in that elevation , he neither triumphed over the inferiority of those he had left below him , nor forgot the equality in which they had formerly stood . Of their inferiority he did not even remind them , by the ostentation oi' grandeur , or the parade of wealth . In his house there was none of that saucy train , none of that state or finery , with which the illiberal delight to confound and to dazzle those who may have formerly seen them in less enviable circumstances . No man was more mindful of ) or more solicitous to oblige , the acquaintance
" For these reasons , I humbly apprehend that he would be a very able and useful member . And I- will venture to say , the employment would not . be disagreeable to him ; and knowing ,, as I do , his strong affection to the King , his ability to setve him in that capacity , and the extreme ardour with which I am convinced he would engage in that service , I must repeat , that I wish most heartily to see him in the House . " if you think this worthy of attention , you will be pleased to take a
convenient opportunity of mentioning it to Lord North . If his Lordship should happily approve of it , I shall have the satisfaction of having been , in some degree , the humble instrument of doing my country , in my opinion , a very essential service . I know youv good-nature , and your , xea ! for the public " welfare , will plead my excuse for giving you this trouble . lam , with the greatest respect , Sir , " Your most obedient and humble servant , " WILLIAM ST RAH AS . "
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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
menis ; and among his correspondents were men of such eminence and talents as well repaid his endeavours to entertain them , © ne of these , as we have before mentioned , was the justly-celebrated Dr . Franklin , originally a printer like Mr . Strahan , and his fellow-workman in early life in a printing-house in Loudon , whose friendship and correspondence he continued to enjoynotwithstanding the difference of their
, sentiments in political matters , which often aifor . led pleasantry , but . never mixed any thing acrimonious in their letters . One of the latest lie received from his illustrious and venerable friend , contained a humorous allegory of the state of politics in Britain , drawn from the profession of Printing , of which , though the Doctor had quitted the exercisehe had not forgotten the terms .
, There are stations of acquired greatness which make men proud to recal the lowness of that from which they rose . The native eminence of Franklin ' s mind was above concealing the humbleness of his ori g in . Those only who possess no intrinsic elevation are afraid to sully the honours to which accident has raised them , by the recollection of that obscurity whence they sprung .
Of this recollection Mr . Strahan was rather proud than ashamed ; and we have heard those who were disposed to censure him , blame it as a . kind of ostentation in which he was weak enough to indulge . But surely " ' tis to consider too curiously , to consider it so . " There is a kind of reputation which we may laudably desire , and justly enjoy ; and he who is sincere enough to forego the pride of ancestry and of birth , may , without much imputation of vanity , assume the merit of his own elevation .
in that elevation , he neither triumphed over the inferiority of those he had left below him , nor forgot the equality in which they had formerly stood . Of their inferiority he did not even remind them , by the ostentation oi' grandeur , or the parade of wealth . In his house there was none of that saucy train , none of that state or finery , with which the illiberal delight to confound and to dazzle those who may have formerly seen them in less enviable circumstances . No man was more mindful of ) or more solicitous to oblige , the acquaintance
" For these reasons , I humbly apprehend that he would be a very able and useful member . And I- will venture to say , the employment would not . be disagreeable to him ; and knowing ,, as I do , his strong affection to the King , his ability to setve him in that capacity , and the extreme ardour with which I am convinced he would engage in that service , I must repeat , that I wish most heartily to see him in the House . " if you think this worthy of attention , you will be pleased to take a
convenient opportunity of mentioning it to Lord North . If his Lordship should happily approve of it , I shall have the satisfaction of having been , in some degree , the humble instrument of doing my country , in my opinion , a very essential service . I know youv good-nature , and your , xea ! for the public " welfare , will plead my excuse for giving you this trouble . lam , with the greatest respect , Sir , " Your most obedient and humble servant , " WILLIAM ST RAH AS . "