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Parliamentary Proceedings.
Lord Hood took occasion to Say , that what he did at Toulori was from his own judgment and not by the direction of Ministers . Mr . Whitbread , Jun . supported Mr . Grey ' s motion in an able speech . Several other Members spoke , particularly Mr . Lambton , and Mr . Sheridan , oh the same side with Mr . Whitbread , and Mr . Pittperconlra . At length on a division , the numbers were , for the previous question . a 9 moved by Mr . Dundas 190 ; against it 6 a ; majority against Mr . Grey 130 . — Adjourned . '
0 Sir Wi'liam Young , after a short preface , in which he stated the great in "* conveniences arising from the circumstance of its not being competent to Magistrates under the Act of George the First , to grant relief to poor persons at their own houses , moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend so much-of the said Act as contained that provision . Leave given . Mr Alderman Anderson observed , that the punishment for the crime of bigamy was extreme l y inadequate ; he therefore moved for leave to bring in a Bill to for at the discretion of the
extend the punishment to transportation seven years , judge . Leave given . 16 The House being in a Committee of Supply , resolved ; " That the sum of ? 8 o 68 3 I 3 S . gd . be granted for the ordinary of the Navy for the year 1795 , and that 525 , 840 ! . be granted for the building , rebuilding , and repairs of ships in the merchants yards . '' 17 . Mr . Pitt moved , that the bill for Manning the Navy be withdrawn .
Or' Ifle ' also moved for leave to bring in a fresh bill , the object of which ivas the same , but with amendments in the provisions . v 18 . The House , in a Committee of Supply , voted , For the Civil List Establishment of Nova Scotia , - 44 ' 5 ° o Ditto New Brunswick , - .-. - -- - 7175 o o Ditto Island of StJohn - - 1900 o o
. , - Ditto Cape Breton , - - ' - " J * » ° ° Ditto Newfoundland , ' - - 12 3- 10 o Ditto Bahama Islands , - " - s " ° ° Ditto Dominica , - . - " " 6 o ° ° °
Ditto New South Wales , . - - ' . . -, - ,,. „ SH 1 ° ° For defraying the extraordinary expences- of his Majesty s Mint from January 1 , to July 27 , 1794 . " " sG ll z t For ditto ditto , from July 2 S , to December 31 , 1794 , - 13 S & 2 0 All to be reported on the morrow . - ' In a Committee of Supply , Mr . Rose stated , that there was an arrear of it oool due to a Mr . Oswald from Government , which had remained unsettled , since the warhe therefore proposed to vote that sum to the
represeven years ; sentative of Mr . Oswald . ..,.. ' .. ,...... - Mr Hussey said , he had no doubt but that the money was due from Govern--inent ' but he thought it improper to vote it in so thin a Committee . Th ' e SWosuggestcdthe propriety of laying the accounts of this transaction before the House before they voted that sum . 10 Mr Thomas Stanley reported from the Committee appointed to try and " determine the merits of the Seaford Right of Election" That the said Select
, Committee have determined , that the Right of Election for the Town and Port of Seafoid according as Ihe same was decided by the last determination in the House of Commons , oh the 10 th of February , # 670-1 , is in the populacy , " or according to the interpretation of the word populacy , by the resolution of the Midllouse , on the 15 th of December , 1761 , " in the Inhabitants Housekeepers of the said Town and Port , paying scot and lot , and in-such -Inhabitants . Housekeepers only . " . ..
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
Lord Hood took occasion to Say , that what he did at Toulori was from his own judgment and not by the direction of Ministers . Mr . Whitbread , Jun . supported Mr . Grey ' s motion in an able speech . Several other Members spoke , particularly Mr . Lambton , and Mr . Sheridan , oh the same side with Mr . Whitbread , and Mr . Pittperconlra . At length on a division , the numbers were , for the previous question . a 9 moved by Mr . Dundas 190 ; against it 6 a ; majority against Mr . Grey 130 . — Adjourned . '
0 Sir Wi'liam Young , after a short preface , in which he stated the great in "* conveniences arising from the circumstance of its not being competent to Magistrates under the Act of George the First , to grant relief to poor persons at their own houses , moved for leave to bring in a Bill to amend so much-of the said Act as contained that provision . Leave given . Mr Alderman Anderson observed , that the punishment for the crime of bigamy was extreme l y inadequate ; he therefore moved for leave to bring in a Bill to for at the discretion of the
extend the punishment to transportation seven years , judge . Leave given . 16 The House being in a Committee of Supply , resolved ; " That the sum of ? 8 o 68 3 I 3 S . gd . be granted for the ordinary of the Navy for the year 1795 , and that 525 , 840 ! . be granted for the building , rebuilding , and repairs of ships in the merchants yards . '' 17 . Mr . Pitt moved , that the bill for Manning the Navy be withdrawn .
Or' Ifle ' also moved for leave to bring in a fresh bill , the object of which ivas the same , but with amendments in the provisions . v 18 . The House , in a Committee of Supply , voted , For the Civil List Establishment of Nova Scotia , - 44 ' 5 ° o Ditto New Brunswick , - .-. - -- - 7175 o o Ditto Island of StJohn - - 1900 o o
. , - Ditto Cape Breton , - - ' - " J * » ° ° Ditto Newfoundland , ' - - 12 3- 10 o Ditto Bahama Islands , - " - s " ° ° Ditto Dominica , - . - " " 6 o ° ° °
Ditto New South Wales , . - - ' . . -, - ,,. „ SH 1 ° ° For defraying the extraordinary expences- of his Majesty s Mint from January 1 , to July 27 , 1794 . " " sG ll z t For ditto ditto , from July 2 S , to December 31 , 1794 , - 13 S & 2 0 All to be reported on the morrow . - ' In a Committee of Supply , Mr . Rose stated , that there was an arrear of it oool due to a Mr . Oswald from Government , which had remained unsettled , since the warhe therefore proposed to vote that sum to the
represeven years ; sentative of Mr . Oswald . ..,.. ' .. ,...... - Mr Hussey said , he had no doubt but that the money was due from Govern--inent ' but he thought it improper to vote it in so thin a Committee . Th ' e SWosuggestcdthe propriety of laying the accounts of this transaction before the House before they voted that sum . 10 Mr Thomas Stanley reported from the Committee appointed to try and " determine the merits of the Seaford Right of Election" That the said Select
, Committee have determined , that the Right of Election for the Town and Port of Seafoid according as Ihe same was decided by the last determination in the House of Commons , oh the 10 th of February , # 670-1 , is in the populacy , " or according to the interpretation of the word populacy , by the resolution of the Midllouse , on the 15 th of December , 1761 , " in the Inhabitants Housekeepers of the said Town and Port , paying scot and lot , and in-such -Inhabitants . Housekeepers only . " . ..