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Parliamentary Proceedings.
20 . The Secretary at War brought up an account of the distribution ofthet'v <_ f millions , five hundred thousand pounds , voted to be paid to the king of Prussia * Ordered to be laid on the table . Mr . Rose having moved for , produced a copy of accounts of sums of money , one -en balance from this country to the representatives of the late Mr . Oswald , Commissary of a late war in Germany ,- and also due to the Landgrave of Hesse Gassel . On the question being put , for laying the accounts on the table , General Smith observedthat previous notice should have been given of a
, business of this kind . These were accounts of a transaction thirty vears ago . One of them involved a sum of 41 , 000 ! . and the other a very large sum of money . Pie hoped , that if any thing was to be voted on these accounts , all the particulars should be laid before the House . Mr . Rose said a few words in reply , and the accounts were-ordered to be laid en the table . 23 . The House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means , to
consider of a Supply to his Majesty , Mr . Hobart in the Chair , v .-lien The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed , that he should not , in the present instance , branch out into particulars , but would confine himself lo a general statement of the several heads he should propose , without entering into any collateral matters , during which he would claim the indulgence of the Committee , The first head was the amount and particulars of the various sums voted on the estimate of the year . Secondly , lie would propose the amount of the unfunded debtand such other charges-as are likely to arise out of the situation
, of public affairs . Thirdly , he would notice the Ways and Means , of which the loan would form a considerable part , and the nature and condition of which he would fully state in a subsequent part of his speech , together with the taxes necessary to defray the annual charges arising from the loan , and other extraordinary expences . This outline , he said , would comprise . the object which stood for consideration this dav . It would be then necessary for him to lay
before the Committee the . credit , the revenue , the resources of . the country , and the state of its commerce ,, which enables it to bear the severe burthens occasioned by this just and necessary war . He would recapitulate . ihe votes and additional sums . granted as aSupply to his Majesty . . The first service lie noticed was that of the Navy ; the House had already voted 100 , 000 seamen , the charge amounted this year to 5 , 200 , 000 ! . There would be a probable increase of 5 89 , 000 ! . which , with one million in consequence of high bounties , and other matters , the estimate of the navy he reckoned at
6 , 315 , 000 ! ., The next general head of service was the Army , the amount oj which he stated on the day the Army Estimates were voted . He then took notice of the expence of Staff Officers , the Recruiting , Half-Pay , Chelsea , and augmentation . of the last year , which amounted to 5 , 341 , 000 ! . The Militia and Fencibles , including contingencies , amounted to 1 , 687 , 000 ! . Under the head of foreign troops he noticed our subsidies and expences , 977 , 000 ! . The expence of the French 427 000 ! . The extraordinaries of the army 3063000 ! .
corps , , , , , The total of the whole , including Militia , Half-pay , and Extraordinaries of last year , amounted to 11 , 241 , 000 ] . He next adverted to the Ordnance . The Land Service , he observed , amounted to 1 , 176 , 000 ! . the total of the Ordnance 10 2 , 331 , 000 ! . He then ' mentioned two sums not yet voted , money due to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel , 68 , 000 ! . and to the representatives of Richard Oswald , Esq . as Contractor for Foreign / troops , 41 , 000 ! . This money , he mentioned , remained due since the American war ; but when the debt is fairGentlemen could have no objection to the
pay-, ment of il from the length of-time . He next recapitulated the various particulars of the miscellaneous services , amounting in the whole to the sum of 257 , 000 ) . Under the present pressure of war , he would not desist from applying the 200 , 0001 . per annum , at the rate of one per cent , for liquidating vhe national debt , agreeably to the former Act . of Parliament . The deficiency
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
20 . The Secretary at War brought up an account of the distribution ofthet'v <_ f millions , five hundred thousand pounds , voted to be paid to the king of Prussia * Ordered to be laid on the table . Mr . Rose having moved for , produced a copy of accounts of sums of money , one -en balance from this country to the representatives of the late Mr . Oswald , Commissary of a late war in Germany ,- and also due to the Landgrave of Hesse Gassel . On the question being put , for laying the accounts on the table , General Smith observedthat previous notice should have been given of a
, business of this kind . These were accounts of a transaction thirty vears ago . One of them involved a sum of 41 , 000 ! . and the other a very large sum of money . Pie hoped , that if any thing was to be voted on these accounts , all the particulars should be laid before the House . Mr . Rose said a few words in reply , and the accounts were-ordered to be laid en the table . 23 . The House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means , to
consider of a Supply to his Majesty , Mr . Hobart in the Chair , v .-lien The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed , that he should not , in the present instance , branch out into particulars , but would confine himself lo a general statement of the several heads he should propose , without entering into any collateral matters , during which he would claim the indulgence of the Committee , The first head was the amount and particulars of the various sums voted on the estimate of the year . Secondly , lie would propose the amount of the unfunded debtand such other charges-as are likely to arise out of the situation
, of public affairs . Thirdly , he would notice the Ways and Means , of which the loan would form a considerable part , and the nature and condition of which he would fully state in a subsequent part of his speech , together with the taxes necessary to defray the annual charges arising from the loan , and other extraordinary expences . This outline , he said , would comprise . the object which stood for consideration this dav . It would be then necessary for him to lay
before the Committee the . credit , the revenue , the resources of . the country , and the state of its commerce ,, which enables it to bear the severe burthens occasioned by this just and necessary war . He would recapitulate . ihe votes and additional sums . granted as aSupply to his Majesty . . The first service lie noticed was that of the Navy ; the House had already voted 100 , 000 seamen , the charge amounted this year to 5 , 200 , 000 ! . There would be a probable increase of 5 89 , 000 ! . which , with one million in consequence of high bounties , and other matters , the estimate of the navy he reckoned at
6 , 315 , 000 ! ., The next general head of service was the Army , the amount oj which he stated on the day the Army Estimates were voted . He then took notice of the expence of Staff Officers , the Recruiting , Half-Pay , Chelsea , and augmentation . of the last year , which amounted to 5 , 341 , 000 ! . The Militia and Fencibles , including contingencies , amounted to 1 , 687 , 000 ! . Under the head of foreign troops he noticed our subsidies and expences , 977 , 000 ! . The expence of the French 427 000 ! . The extraordinaries of the army 3063000 ! .
corps , , , , , The total of the whole , including Militia , Half-pay , and Extraordinaries of last year , amounted to 11 , 241 , 000 ] . He next adverted to the Ordnance . The Land Service , he observed , amounted to 1 , 176 , 000 ! . the total of the Ordnance 10 2 , 331 , 000 ! . He then ' mentioned two sums not yet voted , money due to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel , 68 , 000 ! . and to the representatives of Richard Oswald , Esq . as Contractor for Foreign / troops , 41 , 000 ! . This money , he mentioned , remained due since the American war ; but when the debt is fairGentlemen could have no objection to the
pay-, ment of il from the length of-time . He next recapitulated the various particulars of the miscellaneous services , amounting in the whole to the sum of 257 , 000 ) . Under the present pressure of war , he would not desist from applying the 200 , 0001 . per annum , at the rate of one per cent , for liquidating vhe national debt , agreeably to the former Act . of Parliament . The deficiency