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Parliamentary Proceedings.
of Grants he took at 745 , 000 ! . and agreeably to the usual statement , lie took the Land and Malt at 350 , 000 ! . Exchequer Bills to be provided for , 6 , ooo , oool . To be provided for in the Ways and Means , 3 , 400 , 0001 . For the Navy , 6 , ooo , oool . For various expenditures for the Army , making 11 , 000 , 090 ) . --Ordnance , 2 , ooo , oool . Total to be provided , 27 , 540 , 000 ! , exclusive of Exchequer Bills for the service of Ihe year . On the 5 th of April he should be more explicit , as then the Ways and Means will be wound up . Buthe had the satisfaction to
say , that the Revenue answered the calculation which he had stated on tiie former occasion . The joo , oool . expected to be paid by the East India Company , amounted nearly to the whole of the failure of the last year . The total therefore to be provided was 28 , 180 , 000 ! . He next adverted to the Ways and Means . The Land and Malt he estimated at 2 , 750 , 000 ! . He then , on an average of the last four years , estimated the produce of the permanent Revenue at the gross amount of 13 , 091 , 000 ! . He said , that in the last year there was a difference of about 126 , 000 ! . occasioned
by the delay of the Oporto fleet , wliich prevented its coming into the Exchequer , or being made up in the accounts . There was one important article , of an happy event , which he declined at present making any charge for , but would reserve for a separate discussion . If any thing were to be paid by the East India Company , it was to be carried to the consolidated fund . He next adverted , to 3 , 500 , 000 ! . Exchequer Bills , a loan of eighteen millions , amounting in the whole to 27 , 145 , 000 ! . If the East India Company did not make good the deficiency this yearit did not follow but that deficiency should be supplied by them
, the next . He , however , was persuaded , that the 18 , 006 , 000 ! . loan would be amply sufficient . It was his intention to provide for the unfunded debt that occurred in the year 1794 , when the debt of the Navy was increased to 3 , 594 , 000 ! . He thought it his duty to adhere lo the same line of conduct this year that he did the last , in providing for the probable excess likely to take place now . The terms and conditions which led him to think what , the people would agree to ,
respecting the present loan of 6 , ooo , oool . to the Emperor , was the necessity of active co-operation against the common enemy . On the general grounds , he thought that the Emperor ' s loan might prevent gentlemen from coming forward with the loan for the service of this country , but the terms held out by the Court of Vienna were such , as to facilitate the raising of the 18 , 000 , 000 ! . which would be furnished on such grounds as would be deemed satisfactory to gentle * men , and such as could not be expected , if the Imperial loan had not taken place . The terms of agreeing to the loan for 100 I . were one-half in the Three per
Cents , and 8 s . 6 d . in the Long Annuities : in this loan the subscribers were to get a bonus of 4 s . 6 d . Long Annuities in the Emperor ' s , if the measure were . agreed to by Parliament , as the proposition would , at a future day , be laid before thein . The loan of last year of n , ooo , oool . was raised at a premium of 4 ! . us . 2 d . per cent , but now , lie was . happy to observe , and the House must feel considerable pleasure , it being a matter of great satisfaction , that in the third year of a great and expensive war , the resources of the country were such , as that a loan of iS , ooo , oool . could be raised on such advantageous conditions as
those he mentioned , which was not more than an advance of 4 s . per cent . Independent of the event of a loan taking place with the Emperor , we could not expect the loan on the same terms for this country , the price of Three per Cents , at 6 4 and 3-4 ths , the Long Annuities at 81 . is . 6 d . being the price of the day ; so that the actual stock so given was near 100 ! . There was also a bonus amounting to two and a half percent , on the discount ; the value of the stock given for iocl . exceeded a half per cent , wliich would make together a bonus of near 7 percent , so that gentlemen would see that this was no unreasonable
bargain on the part of tbe subscribers . He next noticed the stock as it stood now , that the bonus of the Emperor would be reduced near two per cent . This arosefrom the pressing views of general policy . It was impossible to make bet- , ter terms on the part of ihe public . He said , that it was his intention , by additional taxes of one per cent , to reduce the capital of the national debt , created since the war . This should be used as a matter of precaution , in which tha Ee
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Parliamentary Proceedings.
of Grants he took at 745 , 000 ! . and agreeably to the usual statement , lie took the Land and Malt at 350 , 000 ! . Exchequer Bills to be provided for , 6 , ooo , oool . To be provided for in the Ways and Means , 3 , 400 , 0001 . For the Navy , 6 , ooo , oool . For various expenditures for the Army , making 11 , 000 , 090 ) . --Ordnance , 2 , ooo , oool . Total to be provided , 27 , 540 , 000 ! , exclusive of Exchequer Bills for the service of Ihe year . On the 5 th of April he should be more explicit , as then the Ways and Means will be wound up . Buthe had the satisfaction to
say , that the Revenue answered the calculation which he had stated on tiie former occasion . The joo , oool . expected to be paid by the East India Company , amounted nearly to the whole of the failure of the last year . The total therefore to be provided was 28 , 180 , 000 ! . He next adverted to the Ways and Means . The Land and Malt he estimated at 2 , 750 , 000 ! . He then , on an average of the last four years , estimated the produce of the permanent Revenue at the gross amount of 13 , 091 , 000 ! . He said , that in the last year there was a difference of about 126 , 000 ! . occasioned
by the delay of the Oporto fleet , wliich prevented its coming into the Exchequer , or being made up in the accounts . There was one important article , of an happy event , which he declined at present making any charge for , but would reserve for a separate discussion . If any thing were to be paid by the East India Company , it was to be carried to the consolidated fund . He next adverted , to 3 , 500 , 000 ! . Exchequer Bills , a loan of eighteen millions , amounting in the whole to 27 , 145 , 000 ! . If the East India Company did not make good the deficiency this yearit did not follow but that deficiency should be supplied by them
, the next . He , however , was persuaded , that the 18 , 006 , 000 ! . loan would be amply sufficient . It was his intention to provide for the unfunded debt that occurred in the year 1794 , when the debt of the Navy was increased to 3 , 594 , 000 ! . He thought it his duty to adhere lo the same line of conduct this year that he did the last , in providing for the probable excess likely to take place now . The terms and conditions which led him to think what , the people would agree to ,
respecting the present loan of 6 , ooo , oool . to the Emperor , was the necessity of active co-operation against the common enemy . On the general grounds , he thought that the Emperor ' s loan might prevent gentlemen from coming forward with the loan for the service of this country , but the terms held out by the Court of Vienna were such , as to facilitate the raising of the 18 , 000 , 000 ! . which would be furnished on such grounds as would be deemed satisfactory to gentle * men , and such as could not be expected , if the Imperial loan had not taken place . The terms of agreeing to the loan for 100 I . were one-half in the Three per
Cents , and 8 s . 6 d . in the Long Annuities : in this loan the subscribers were to get a bonus of 4 s . 6 d . Long Annuities in the Emperor ' s , if the measure were . agreed to by Parliament , as the proposition would , at a future day , be laid before thein . The loan of last year of n , ooo , oool . was raised at a premium of 4 ! . us . 2 d . per cent , but now , lie was . happy to observe , and the House must feel considerable pleasure , it being a matter of great satisfaction , that in the third year of a great and expensive war , the resources of the country were such , as that a loan of iS , ooo , oool . could be raised on such advantageous conditions as
those he mentioned , which was not more than an advance of 4 s . per cent . Independent of the event of a loan taking place with the Emperor , we could not expect the loan on the same terms for this country , the price of Three per Cents , at 6 4 and 3-4 ths , the Long Annuities at 81 . is . 6 d . being the price of the day ; so that the actual stock so given was near 100 ! . There was also a bonus amounting to two and a half percent , on the discount ; the value of the stock given for iocl . exceeded a half per cent , wliich would make together a bonus of near 7 percent , so that gentlemen would see that this was no unreasonable
bargain on the part of tbe subscribers . He next noticed the stock as it stood now , that the bonus of the Emperor would be reduced near two per cent . This arosefrom the pressing views of general policy . It was impossible to make bet- , ter terms on the part of ihe public . He said , that it was his intention , by additional taxes of one per cent , to reduce the capital of the national debt , created since the war . This should be used as a matter of precaution , in which tha Ee