Article A NEW TAX SUGGESTED. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THEATRICAL INTELLIGENCE Page 1 of 1
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A New Tax Suggested.
Princes , that they quite forget their starving families , their gap inocreditors and the harpy-clawed Bailiff , who Avails without , to convey these redressers of public grievances to the spunging-house . This increase of public'spirit among the lower class * 5 f Mechanics has been attended with many incoiweniencies , as well to their employers as themselves . Since my Taylor was made chairman of his Oiubhe has lost most of his
, customers , the complicated business of fits high office not permitting him to "work at-his trade ; and since his elevation to the chair , his attention has been so much turned upon ways and means , for reducing the hi gh price of provisions , that Mrs : Vabbage has actually been obliged to pawn his' goose , to satisfy the craving appetites of her starving children . -
My CoWen . I have been forced to turn off , after , having gone baretoot above a week in regard to his numerous : family ; and on my remonstrating AVith him on his unaccountable neglect , Mr . Last replied very gravely , " . That he reall y could not attend to every body ' s business at _ once . " The fellow . ( I find ) is secretary to a club .. . But if theincreasing numbers of eloquent Porters , speculative Lamplighters and learned
Draymen , conA ^ -inced me of the rapid progress of political literature in town , how surprised Avas I , on my return into the country , to find several shrewd politicians threshing in a barri , ancl many an able Statesman following a dung-cart . In the village where V DI W res ! c , e > the reins <> f government are held b y a Aveekly meeting ot Ploughmen and Waggoners , assisted by the Parish Clerk and grave " digger who severallbound b
, are y y oath to accept of neither Post , reeragt : nor Pension . At the period when the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill threatened the Ministry with a formidable opposition / this Society was upon a respectable footing ; but Mr .. President , being lately hanged for sheep-stealing , and three of the most eloquent Members sent to rison for debtits number has decreased '
p , greatly ; yet tlie flame of patriotism burns as bright as ever ; and if not interrupted by their wives , or the parish Constable , they still continue their laudable custom of getting drunk once or twice a week for the good of their country . ' ' Somerset , Dec . i ^ . .. ' IRO-NICUS .
Theatrical Intelligence
EXTRAORDINARY . COME itinerant sons and daughters of Thespis , at a village a few ^ miles from Epsom , performed tlie other night in a barn , to a very crowded and polite audience , the Beggar ' s Opera , to-which ' thev added , for an entertainment , the Miller of Mansfield- the Miller ' s supper consisted of boiled fowlsbaconand ouddingstarts
, , greens , , "f * , which the Actors sat at least three quarters of an hour , and < "e til all their appetites were satisfied , with the greatest composure and calmness , to the great satisfaction of the spectators , who seemed as well pleased as if they had been at Drury Lane or Covent Garden ' . * OL , VIr yr
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A New Tax Suggested.
Princes , that they quite forget their starving families , their gap inocreditors and the harpy-clawed Bailiff , who Avails without , to convey these redressers of public grievances to the spunging-house . This increase of public'spirit among the lower class * 5 f Mechanics has been attended with many incoiweniencies , as well to their employers as themselves . Since my Taylor was made chairman of his Oiubhe has lost most of his
, customers , the complicated business of fits high office not permitting him to "work at-his trade ; and since his elevation to the chair , his attention has been so much turned upon ways and means , for reducing the hi gh price of provisions , that Mrs : Vabbage has actually been obliged to pawn his' goose , to satisfy the craving appetites of her starving children . -
My CoWen . I have been forced to turn off , after , having gone baretoot above a week in regard to his numerous : family ; and on my remonstrating AVith him on his unaccountable neglect , Mr . Last replied very gravely , " . That he reall y could not attend to every body ' s business at _ once . " The fellow . ( I find ) is secretary to a club .. . But if theincreasing numbers of eloquent Porters , speculative Lamplighters and learned
Draymen , conA ^ -inced me of the rapid progress of political literature in town , how surprised Avas I , on my return into the country , to find several shrewd politicians threshing in a barri , ancl many an able Statesman following a dung-cart . In the village where V DI W res ! c , e > the reins <> f government are held b y a Aveekly meeting ot Ploughmen and Waggoners , assisted by the Parish Clerk and grave " digger who severallbound b
, are y y oath to accept of neither Post , reeragt : nor Pension . At the period when the Habeas Corpus Suspension Bill threatened the Ministry with a formidable opposition / this Society was upon a respectable footing ; but Mr .. President , being lately hanged for sheep-stealing , and three of the most eloquent Members sent to rison for debtits number has decreased '
p , greatly ; yet tlie flame of patriotism burns as bright as ever ; and if not interrupted by their wives , or the parish Constable , they still continue their laudable custom of getting drunk once or twice a week for the good of their country . ' ' Somerset , Dec . i ^ . .. ' IRO-NICUS .
Theatrical Intelligence
EXTRAORDINARY . COME itinerant sons and daughters of Thespis , at a village a few ^ miles from Epsom , performed tlie other night in a barn , to a very crowded and polite audience , the Beggar ' s Opera , to-which ' thev added , for an entertainment , the Miller of Mansfield- the Miller ' s supper consisted of boiled fowlsbaconand ouddingstarts
, , greens , , "f * , which the Actors sat at least three quarters of an hour , and < "e til all their appetites were satisfied , with the greatest composure and calmness , to the great satisfaction of the spectators , who seemed as well pleased as if they had been at Drury Lane or Covent Garden ' . * OL , VIr yr