Article A NEW MASONIC SONG. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SONG. Page 1 of 1
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A New Masonic Song.
The great Corner-stone Avas by Charily done , But Strength Avas the principal Builder ; When for Mortar they cry'd , ' twas by Friendship supply'd , And Beauty Avas Carver and Gilder . Having long persever'd , a Grand Temple they rear'd , A refuge from folly ancl scandal ; Where all Avho reside are in virtue employ'd
, Nor fear the attacks of a Vandal . But if in their rage they should eA'er engage In th' attempt , 'twould be ahvays prevented ; Tie door is so high , 'twould be madness to try , And the walls are all strongly cemented . The Gods all agreed 'twas an excellent deed , And to shew the affection they bore ' em
, A treasure they gave , which the tenants still have , Secur'd in the Sanctum Sanctorum . Thus bless'd from above with a token of love , Each Brother tvith joy should receive it ; Safe lock'd in his heart , it should iieA'er depart , Till cail'd for by Heaven that gave it .
WHY does that gentle bosom heave ? For AVhom escapes that tender sigh ? Can any AVOCS Amanda grieve , Or force a tear from that bright eye ? Has any false deceitful youth Betray'd thy unsuspecting heart ?
Say , has he broke his plighted truth , And made thy peaceful bosom smart ? Ah ! had he but a heart like mine , No tears should fill Amanda ' s eye ; That gentle breast should ne ' er repine , Nor ever heave one anxious sigh .
With fondest care he'd calm thy Avoes , , > ; And watch thee all the live-long day ; At night Avould sooth thee to repose , And drive thy sorrows far away . Then , fair Amanda , turn to me , And let my bosom share thy pain ; That tender sigh , which stole from thee ,
My breast shall pay thee back again . Ab ! could a hope that breast inspire , These little sighs might kindred prov ? , AAvaken'd by the same desire , . And that desire be mutual love . $ tin < krlaiil . J , X . R .
• C C 2 ' , .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A New Masonic Song.
The great Corner-stone Avas by Charily done , But Strength Avas the principal Builder ; When for Mortar they cry'd , ' twas by Friendship supply'd , And Beauty Avas Carver and Gilder . Having long persever'd , a Grand Temple they rear'd , A refuge from folly ancl scandal ; Where all Avho reside are in virtue employ'd
, Nor fear the attacks of a Vandal . But if in their rage they should eA'er engage In th' attempt , 'twould be ahvays prevented ; Tie door is so high , 'twould be madness to try , And the walls are all strongly cemented . The Gods all agreed 'twas an excellent deed , And to shew the affection they bore ' em
, A treasure they gave , which the tenants still have , Secur'd in the Sanctum Sanctorum . Thus bless'd from above with a token of love , Each Brother tvith joy should receive it ; Safe lock'd in his heart , it should iieA'er depart , Till cail'd for by Heaven that gave it .
WHY does that gentle bosom heave ? For AVhom escapes that tender sigh ? Can any AVOCS Amanda grieve , Or force a tear from that bright eye ? Has any false deceitful youth Betray'd thy unsuspecting heart ?
Say , has he broke his plighted truth , And made thy peaceful bosom smart ? Ah ! had he but a heart like mine , No tears should fill Amanda ' s eye ; That gentle breast should ne ' er repine , Nor ever heave one anxious sigh .
With fondest care he'd calm thy Avoes , , > ; And watch thee all the live-long day ; At night Avould sooth thee to repose , And drive thy sorrows far away . Then , fair Amanda , turn to me , And let my bosom share thy pain ; That tender sigh , which stole from thee ,
My breast shall pay thee back again . Ab ! could a hope that breast inspire , These little sighs might kindred prov ? , AAvaken'd by the same desire , . And that desire be mutual love . $ tin < krlaiil . J , X . R .
• C C 2 ' , .