Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Public Amusements.
Third Robber , - - Mr . PIIILLIMORE . Fourth ditto , - - Mr . BANNISTER . Helen , - - Miss FAHKEN . Dame Rawbold , - - Miss TIDSWELL , Barbara , - Signora STORAGE . Blanche , - - r Mrs . GIBBS . Girl , - Miss GRAINGER . Judith , - Miss DE CAMI' .
The Scene lies on the border of the Netv Forest . Sir Edward Mortimer , Keeper of the New Forest in the reign of Charles I . is a man whose mind has been rendered by the Author a receptacle for the most heterogeneous qualities . Though mild , generous , charitable , and humane , the friend of the poor , the patron of ihe virtuous , and the protector of the distressed , he has , in his youth , committed a most atrocious murder , for which neither excuse nor palliation can be found , and the recollection of Avhich incessantly-goads
him Avith the stings of remorse , and gradually undermines his health , by subjecting him to all the horrors of a guilty conscience . For this murder he has been tried , and honourably acquitted . Previous to the period at which the piece opens , Sir Edward has taken into his service , in the capacity of Secretary , an obscure youth , Wilford , tvho is , infact , the hero of the piece . From the observations which Wilford has occasion to make on the state of his master's mind , who is more particularly affected when engaged in examining the contents of an iron chest in his studyhe is led to expect the existence of some fatal secret , Avhich
, defeats the effects of a high reputation and general esteem ; and , by a conversation AA'hich he has Avilh Adam Winterton , steward to Sir Edward , who , at fourscore , is perpetually adverting Avith all the garrulity , and Avith more than the usual tediousness of old age , to the transactions of the two preceding reigns , and who , by his love of Canary , is betrayed over his bottle , into some indiscreet communications , this suspicion becomes confirmed . Stimulated by curiosity
Wilford takes advantage of the momentary negligence of his master , in leaving the key in the lock to open the iron chest : but ere he can examine its contents , Sir Edward returns , and detecting him in the attempt , is about to stab him Avith his dagger ; the timely intervention of reason , however , deters him from the commission of a second murder . Soon after this occurrence , Sir Edward determines to entrust Wilford Avith the fatal secret ; and , after exacting a solemn oath of secrecy , proclaims himself an assassin . Stricken Avith horror at the recital , -Wilford resolves to fly from a house which , has become odious to him , but is
intercepted by a robber , who fells him to the ground , and is afterwards conducted to the habitation of the gang , in the ruins of an old abbey , near the mansion of Sir Edward . The cruelty of the robber who Avounds Wilford being resented by the captain of the gang , tvho is represented as an honest and honourable thief , and by his associates in general , a sentence of expulsion is pronounced against him ; and , as might naturally be expected , he repairs to Sir Edward , and impeaches . By this means , Sir Edward becomes apprised of Wilford ' s situation , and resolves to execute a plan of revenge Avhich he had devised , in order to
prevent the fatal effects which he apprehended might accrue from the extraordinary confidence which he bad reposed in his secretary . Wilford is therefore secured , and charged Avith having robbed his master , Avho secretly conveys into his trunk some jewels and papers which had been kept in the iron chest . He is accordingly brought to trial in the hail of the castle before Captain Fitzharding , an old soldier , AA'ho is on a visit to his brother , Sir Edward Mortimer ; and Sir Edward himself becomes his accuser . With all the profligacy of a hardened villain , Sir Edward relies on the integrity of Wilfordas the means of ' his conviction ; and
, suddenly , and indeed , miraculously , losing all that exquisite sensibility v . hich the slightest allusion to any circumstance that can recall to his mind the fatal transaction which he has doomed him to perpetual misery invariably excites , he , with the utmost coolness and indifference , questions Wilford on the circumstance of his opening the iron chest which contained the articles said to be stolen , and is not in the smallest degree affected by the pointed appeals Avhich Wilford makes
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Public Amusements.
Third Robber , - - Mr . PIIILLIMORE . Fourth ditto , - - Mr . BANNISTER . Helen , - - Miss FAHKEN . Dame Rawbold , - - Miss TIDSWELL , Barbara , - Signora STORAGE . Blanche , - - r Mrs . GIBBS . Girl , - Miss GRAINGER . Judith , - Miss DE CAMI' .
The Scene lies on the border of the Netv Forest . Sir Edward Mortimer , Keeper of the New Forest in the reign of Charles I . is a man whose mind has been rendered by the Author a receptacle for the most heterogeneous qualities . Though mild , generous , charitable , and humane , the friend of the poor , the patron of ihe virtuous , and the protector of the distressed , he has , in his youth , committed a most atrocious murder , for which neither excuse nor palliation can be found , and the recollection of Avhich incessantly-goads
him Avith the stings of remorse , and gradually undermines his health , by subjecting him to all the horrors of a guilty conscience . For this murder he has been tried , and honourably acquitted . Previous to the period at which the piece opens , Sir Edward has taken into his service , in the capacity of Secretary , an obscure youth , Wilford , tvho is , infact , the hero of the piece . From the observations which Wilford has occasion to make on the state of his master's mind , who is more particularly affected when engaged in examining the contents of an iron chest in his studyhe is led to expect the existence of some fatal secret , Avhich
, defeats the effects of a high reputation and general esteem ; and , by a conversation AA'hich he has Avilh Adam Winterton , steward to Sir Edward , who , at fourscore , is perpetually adverting Avith all the garrulity , and Avith more than the usual tediousness of old age , to the transactions of the two preceding reigns , and who , by his love of Canary , is betrayed over his bottle , into some indiscreet communications , this suspicion becomes confirmed . Stimulated by curiosity
Wilford takes advantage of the momentary negligence of his master , in leaving the key in the lock to open the iron chest : but ere he can examine its contents , Sir Edward returns , and detecting him in the attempt , is about to stab him Avith his dagger ; the timely intervention of reason , however , deters him from the commission of a second murder . Soon after this occurrence , Sir Edward determines to entrust Wilford Avith the fatal secret ; and , after exacting a solemn oath of secrecy , proclaims himself an assassin . Stricken Avith horror at the recital , -Wilford resolves to fly from a house which , has become odious to him , but is
intercepted by a robber , who fells him to the ground , and is afterwards conducted to the habitation of the gang , in the ruins of an old abbey , near the mansion of Sir Edward . The cruelty of the robber who Avounds Wilford being resented by the captain of the gang , tvho is represented as an honest and honourable thief , and by his associates in general , a sentence of expulsion is pronounced against him ; and , as might naturally be expected , he repairs to Sir Edward , and impeaches . By this means , Sir Edward becomes apprised of Wilford ' s situation , and resolves to execute a plan of revenge Avhich he had devised , in order to
prevent the fatal effects which he apprehended might accrue from the extraordinary confidence which he bad reposed in his secretary . Wilford is therefore secured , and charged Avith having robbed his master , Avho secretly conveys into his trunk some jewels and papers which had been kept in the iron chest . He is accordingly brought to trial in the hail of the castle before Captain Fitzharding , an old soldier , AA'ho is on a visit to his brother , Sir Edward Mortimer ; and Sir Edward himself becomes his accuser . With all the profligacy of a hardened villain , Sir Edward relies on the integrity of Wilfordas the means of ' his conviction ; and
, suddenly , and indeed , miraculously , losing all that exquisite sensibility v . hich the slightest allusion to any circumstance that can recall to his mind the fatal transaction which he has doomed him to perpetual misery invariably excites , he , with the utmost coolness and indifference , questions Wilford on the circumstance of his opening the iron chest which contained the articles said to be stolen , and is not in the smallest degree affected by the pointed appeals Avhich Wilford makes