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Extracts From Mr. Oulton's " History Of The Theatres Of London,
„ Stl S matIzetl as I have been for some months past tvith the appellations of ^ I agmnt , Rogue , and Vagabond , in the newspapers , —Do the Managers of Drury-Lane imagine that I can , tvith any propriety , appear on their boards ? I should rather conclude that they think me unworthy of so great an honour . Whattt ever may be their sentiments , I feel myself insulted by Mr . Linley ; and the more so , as that gentleman , in conjunction with Messrs . Harris and Colman persists in his very elegant charge ; and has given notice by his solicitors Wallis and Troward , that the King's Bench will be moved agai nst-the justices Avho bailed brother ' when committedin the
^ my , , phrase of the notice as Rogue and Vagabond . This , I repeat it , is persisting in the charge ; and under these circumstances , I feel that it would be meanness of spirit in me to act anv longer at Drury-Lane . I am therefore to desire , Sir , that in the bills for tomorrow my name may be omitted . A person of your experience will not be at a loss for another play , or , if the same play be necessary , for another ner' * tormer . * " I am to request that will immediately communicate this to
you Mr . Linley Alter a long connection with you , and on my part great personal regard r feel no small uneasiness in this separation ; but I shall ahvays remain , Dear Sir Royalty Theatre , Yours , Sept . , , i 7 8 , J 0 HN p ALMER „ THOMAS KING , ESO . „ " ? . - S - „ At the same time tl , at l whh y ° u * ° communicate my fixed determination of not again appearing as a performer at Drury-Lane Theatre ' : If it be m nt ! altthe advertised for to
. « , uT \ r ° il ,, ° f . Play -morrow evening , sooner " than the public shall be disappointed , —I will perform . " To this letter the folloAA'ing ansAver tvas returned : " DEAR SIR , " I have not been able to see Mr . Linley , since I received your letter ; but will as soon as possible make him acquainted with the contents of it . In he mean Ume , I take the liberty to inform you , there , vill not be any perfon'Lmce a " iJiury-Lane Theatre to-morrow ; and am sorry to find we are not likely to have " your assistance there in future . y av
" I am , Sir , „ ., , _„ " Your very humble servant , "' M-V' 7 " " THOMAS ICING . " Mr . PALMER . „ r 'l ' ? , ? . ' ° " the rece ; P f of this Ie « er , " conceiving that the disappointment kt . tr , o Mr ! Kg . ' " , mpUted ' ° him ' lramediate | y ^ patched the subsequent
" DEAR SIR , « DerformwT . ? n eCeiV r 5 ' ° " , , etter > warming me , that there will not be any performance at Drury-Lane 1 heatre to-morrow . I hope the play is not post-; poned in consequence of my letter ; as I before informed you , and now repeat t that sooner than the public shall be disappointed , I am re ' ady to appear n the character designed me in the bills . M ¦ Royalty Theatre , « j am gj ^ Yours > ' " J 0 HN
Mr . KING ' PALMER . " " Mr . Palmer having : thus exonerated himself from anv sunoosed dntv to tj ,-Managers of Drury-Lane Theatre , Mr . Bannister , disdS ^ Tbe fheVerv ^ t \ ™?™^> " thC foIUwin * Ietter t 0 Ml ' - » S > -hich was recei / ed " SIR , ThT h f ? 6 ? that the induct of the of
" Lan ^ -I T ™ , ™ ' Proprietors Drury-- ¦ mhntion ^ t " r make , " " " P « sabIe < Kv in me to declare myideter" S ' ei Tntlm b / lf-thf *"" ' , M COniormity * « » ° « ce which they have « ton * hat announce the "Pining of their house for the winter sea-. VOL . vi , B e
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extracts From Mr. Oulton's " History Of The Theatres Of London,
„ Stl S matIzetl as I have been for some months past tvith the appellations of ^ I agmnt , Rogue , and Vagabond , in the newspapers , —Do the Managers of Drury-Lane imagine that I can , tvith any propriety , appear on their boards ? I should rather conclude that they think me unworthy of so great an honour . Whattt ever may be their sentiments , I feel myself insulted by Mr . Linley ; and the more so , as that gentleman , in conjunction with Messrs . Harris and Colman persists in his very elegant charge ; and has given notice by his solicitors Wallis and Troward , that the King's Bench will be moved agai nst-the justices Avho bailed brother ' when committedin the
^ my , , phrase of the notice as Rogue and Vagabond . This , I repeat it , is persisting in the charge ; and under these circumstances , I feel that it would be meanness of spirit in me to act anv longer at Drury-Lane . I am therefore to desire , Sir , that in the bills for tomorrow my name may be omitted . A person of your experience will not be at a loss for another play , or , if the same play be necessary , for another ner' * tormer . * " I am to request that will immediately communicate this to
you Mr . Linley Alter a long connection with you , and on my part great personal regard r feel no small uneasiness in this separation ; but I shall ahvays remain , Dear Sir Royalty Theatre , Yours , Sept . , , i 7 8 , J 0 HN p ALMER „ THOMAS KING , ESO . „ " ? . - S - „ At the same time tl , at l whh y ° u * ° communicate my fixed determination of not again appearing as a performer at Drury-Lane Theatre ' : If it be m nt ! altthe advertised for to
. « , uT \ r ° il ,, ° f . Play -morrow evening , sooner " than the public shall be disappointed , —I will perform . " To this letter the folloAA'ing ansAver tvas returned : " DEAR SIR , " I have not been able to see Mr . Linley , since I received your letter ; but will as soon as possible make him acquainted with the contents of it . In he mean Ume , I take the liberty to inform you , there , vill not be any perfon'Lmce a " iJiury-Lane Theatre to-morrow ; and am sorry to find we are not likely to have " your assistance there in future . y av
" I am , Sir , „ ., , _„ " Your very humble servant , "' M-V' 7 " " THOMAS ICING . " Mr . PALMER . „ r 'l ' ? , ? . ' ° " the rece ; P f of this Ie « er , " conceiving that the disappointment kt . tr , o Mr ! Kg . ' " , mpUted ' ° him ' lramediate | y ^ patched the subsequent
" DEAR SIR , « DerformwT . ? n eCeiV r 5 ' ° " , , etter > warming me , that there will not be any performance at Drury-Lane 1 heatre to-morrow . I hope the play is not post-; poned in consequence of my letter ; as I before informed you , and now repeat t that sooner than the public shall be disappointed , I am re ' ady to appear n the character designed me in the bills . M ¦ Royalty Theatre , « j am gj ^ Yours > ' " J 0 HN
Mr . KING ' PALMER . " " Mr . Palmer having : thus exonerated himself from anv sunoosed dntv to tj ,-Managers of Drury-Lane Theatre , Mr . Bannister , disdS ^ Tbe fheVerv ^ t \ ™?™^> " thC foIUwin * Ietter t 0 Ml ' - » S > -hich was recei / ed " SIR , ThT h f ? 6 ? that the induct of the of
" Lan ^ -I T ™ , ™ ' Proprietors Drury-- ¦ mhntion ^ t " r make , " " " P « sabIe < Kv in me to declare myideter" S ' ei Tntlm b / lf-thf *"" ' , M COniormity * « » ° « ce which they have « ton * hat announce the "Pining of their house for the winter sea-. VOL . vi , B e