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Extracts From Mr. Oulton's " History Of The Theatres Of London,
« I have been branded with the infamous title of * ' !&™ ' ~™™ ™ * £ " secuted under that appellation bv , and at the instance of the very men A / no « ounce ine when t is their interest so to do , « in a contrary style ' The « in ere . e h plain I am a rascal and a vagrant when they can get nothing by « me I am the contrar )' , when I am deemtd an object of pecuniary advantage " « ° Under s u ch circums , ances , I must indeed have no grateful idea of the proand must liment to my °° ° «
« fessionto which I belong , pay a poor comp g " friends of the West , and to that generous people by whose countem . e ana « protection in the East of the City , I am enabled to P ^ " "' J . *^^ " lid not personally feel the intended insult , as clearly as I peiceive tha palpable « Sypocrby whkh induces , by the Manager ' s advertisement a decepon upon « tb ,. m- for ir it must have been evident to every man of unceis . anding , tnat « { he peered ? wh ™ he can earn a livelihood elsewhere , will never become a
" ? : Sl f 2 « qts r " ou Xas acting Manager , take notice , that my « name in the Plav-bi ^ s « f D ury-lane , has been inserted without my consent ; « and con-eque ^ . y I desire that it ^ be discontinued , for the reasons I have " « Twbh not to give the least disappointment to those " ^^ ™™ X « ironswhose claims upon my gratitude must remain a debt whith I si all e cr and the
, « be -ble to discharge ; and therefore , I Avish it to be understood by you « Proprietor ^ tl t my poor abilities in the Quaker are at their service to-mo , « ^ that I shall not ^ iarge the Managers any « hmg for my performance W « is to be considered as a small token of my gratitude to the public , not as any « part of my duty to the Theatre . "I am , Sir , tvith great esteem , " Your most obedient humble servant , •< CHARLES BANNISTER . " * '
' « On the whole of the preceding circumstances , M j- *^™" * ^ to comment The utmost of his desire is , to acquit himself with CA e > iLspect o h " from whom he has received so many ^^ r ^^^ £ * £ that a life of professional exertion in their service will be the only means ot tes tifying his gratitude - , HN PALMER . » Royally Iheatre , Sept . IB , I 7 S 7-
Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . VIENNA , Feb . 10 . tTTS Imperial Maiesty , after repeated solicitations , has consented to Count Cla fav " retieiauon of his command of the Imperial army on the Lower
I s ithine and hJapSed his brother , the Archduke Charles , to the command of tha aiw At ( he same time his Ma esty has-been pleased , as a testimony of hi saSsS ' n 4 th tHe Field Marshal ' s glorious services , to confer on him the order of the Golden Fleece . Wars „ w Feb . 7 . War is to be immediately declared between the Russians JrTurks General Suwarrow is to have the chief command of the former , and the different Centrals who are to act under him are said to be already appointed " The National Assembly of the Batavian Republic was installed on the 1 st ol Match i Citizen C . Paulas was elected President . The public ceremony on this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extracts From Mr. Oulton's " History Of The Theatres Of London,
« I have been branded with the infamous title of * ' !&™ ' ~™™ ™ * £ " secuted under that appellation bv , and at the instance of the very men A / no « ounce ine when t is their interest so to do , « in a contrary style ' The « in ere . e h plain I am a rascal and a vagrant when they can get nothing by « me I am the contrar )' , when I am deemtd an object of pecuniary advantage " « ° Under s u ch circums , ances , I must indeed have no grateful idea of the proand must liment to my °° ° «
« fessionto which I belong , pay a poor comp g " friends of the West , and to that generous people by whose countem . e ana « protection in the East of the City , I am enabled to P ^ " "' J . *^^ " lid not personally feel the intended insult , as clearly as I peiceive tha palpable « Sypocrby whkh induces , by the Manager ' s advertisement a decepon upon « tb ,. m- for ir it must have been evident to every man of unceis . anding , tnat « { he peered ? wh ™ he can earn a livelihood elsewhere , will never become a
" ? : Sl f 2 « qts r " ou Xas acting Manager , take notice , that my « name in the Plav-bi ^ s « f D ury-lane , has been inserted without my consent ; « and con-eque ^ . y I desire that it ^ be discontinued , for the reasons I have " « Twbh not to give the least disappointment to those " ^^ ™™ X « ironswhose claims upon my gratitude must remain a debt whith I si all e cr and the
, « be -ble to discharge ; and therefore , I Avish it to be understood by you « Proprietor ^ tl t my poor abilities in the Quaker are at their service to-mo , « ^ that I shall not ^ iarge the Managers any « hmg for my performance W « is to be considered as a small token of my gratitude to the public , not as any « part of my duty to the Theatre . "I am , Sir , tvith great esteem , " Your most obedient humble servant , •< CHARLES BANNISTER . " * '
' « On the whole of the preceding circumstances , M j- *^™" * ^ to comment The utmost of his desire is , to acquit himself with CA e > iLspect o h " from whom he has received so many ^^ r ^^^ £ * £ that a life of professional exertion in their service will be the only means ot tes tifying his gratitude - , HN PALMER . » Royally Iheatre , Sept . IB , I 7 S 7-
Monthly Chronicle.
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . VIENNA , Feb . 10 . tTTS Imperial Maiesty , after repeated solicitations , has consented to Count Cla fav " retieiauon of his command of the Imperial army on the Lower
I s ithine and hJapSed his brother , the Archduke Charles , to the command of tha aiw At ( he same time his Ma esty has-been pleased , as a testimony of hi saSsS ' n 4 th tHe Field Marshal ' s glorious services , to confer on him the order of the Golden Fleece . Wars „ w Feb . 7 . War is to be immediately declared between the Russians JrTurks General Suwarrow is to have the chief command of the former , and the different Centrals who are to act under him are said to be already appointed " The National Assembly of the Batavian Republic was installed on the 1 st ol Match i Citizen C . Paulas was elected President . The public ceremony on this