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The Deys of Algiers are never ashamed to mention the meanness of their extraction , as they think that the distinction conferred on them by the power which they exercise , is a sufficient title to nobility . Dr . Shaw relates , that the Dey of Algiers who was upon the throne when he travelled in that country , replied to the deputy consul of a neighbouring nation , who had offended him , ' My mother sold sheep ' s trottersand my father neats' tonguesbut theywould have
* , , been ashamed to expose for sale such a bad tongue as thine . ' A Spaniard who Was established in a small town of Holland , and who must have died of hunger had he not had a servant who spoke Dutch and Spanish , said , one day , to a Spanish traveller , who carne to see him , " How stupid the people are in this country ' . —I have resided here twenty-five years , and yet nobody understands what I say . "
The clergymen , who performed service in the Lutheran church * at Potsdam , which Fouga , a celebrated architect , ornamented wath ail elegant facade of cut stone , represented to the late King of Prussia * that it obscured the interior part of the church so much that the people could not see to . read the psalms . The building , however , being so far advanced that this inconvenience could not be remedied , his
majesty wrote the following answer at the bottom of the memorial * ' Blessed are those who believe , and who do not see . ' Under the ministry of Cardinal Fleury , some rewards were granted to all . the officers of a certjin regiment , except to the Chevalier de Ferigouse , one of the lieutenants . This gentleman , who was a Gasconhappening one day to be present at . the minister ' s audience
, * thought proper to address him in the following words : ' I do not know , my Lord , by what fatality it happened that I was under cover when your eminence was showering down your favours on the whole regiment' The cardinal was so well pleased with this singular expression , that the chevalier soon after obtained what he wished for ..
A gentleman ,, of a very extraordinary disposition , having heard the fable of the harpies read in the Court of Alphonso V . King of Arragon , imagined it was done With a view to ridicule him , because the poets pretend that these monsters inhabited a certain isle near Sicily , from which his family original ! } ' sprung . The monarch observing that he seemed to be much offended , said to him , ' Be not uneasy , Sir , the harpies no longer reside in that place ; they are now-dispersed
throughout the courts of princes , and it is there that these ravenous birds have for some time fixed their abode . ' John Raulin , of the order of Cluny , in his Sermcnes quadragesimales , speaking of fasting , says , 'A coach goes faster when it is empty by fasting a man can be better united to God : for it is a principle with geometersthat a round body can never touch a plane
, surface except in one point ; but God is this surface , according to these words , Justus et rectus Dominus . A belly too well fed becomes round ; ' it cannot therefore touch God except in one point ; but fasting flattens the bell )' , and it is then that it is united ' with the surfaoe of God in all points . '
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The Deys of Algiers are never ashamed to mention the meanness of their extraction , as they think that the distinction conferred on them by the power which they exercise , is a sufficient title to nobility . Dr . Shaw relates , that the Dey of Algiers who was upon the throne when he travelled in that country , replied to the deputy consul of a neighbouring nation , who had offended him , ' My mother sold sheep ' s trottersand my father neats' tonguesbut theywould have
* , , been ashamed to expose for sale such a bad tongue as thine . ' A Spaniard who Was established in a small town of Holland , and who must have died of hunger had he not had a servant who spoke Dutch and Spanish , said , one day , to a Spanish traveller , who carne to see him , " How stupid the people are in this country ' . —I have resided here twenty-five years , and yet nobody understands what I say . "
The clergymen , who performed service in the Lutheran church * at Potsdam , which Fouga , a celebrated architect , ornamented wath ail elegant facade of cut stone , represented to the late King of Prussia * that it obscured the interior part of the church so much that the people could not see to . read the psalms . The building , however , being so far advanced that this inconvenience could not be remedied , his
majesty wrote the following answer at the bottom of the memorial * ' Blessed are those who believe , and who do not see . ' Under the ministry of Cardinal Fleury , some rewards were granted to all . the officers of a certjin regiment , except to the Chevalier de Ferigouse , one of the lieutenants . This gentleman , who was a Gasconhappening one day to be present at . the minister ' s audience
, * thought proper to address him in the following words : ' I do not know , my Lord , by what fatality it happened that I was under cover when your eminence was showering down your favours on the whole regiment' The cardinal was so well pleased with this singular expression , that the chevalier soon after obtained what he wished for ..
A gentleman ,, of a very extraordinary disposition , having heard the fable of the harpies read in the Court of Alphonso V . King of Arragon , imagined it was done With a view to ridicule him , because the poets pretend that these monsters inhabited a certain isle near Sicily , from which his family original ! } ' sprung . The monarch observing that he seemed to be much offended , said to him , ' Be not uneasy , Sir , the harpies no longer reside in that place ; they are now-dispersed
throughout the courts of princes , and it is there that these ravenous birds have for some time fixed their abode . ' John Raulin , of the order of Cluny , in his Sermcnes quadragesimales , speaking of fasting , says , 'A coach goes faster when it is empty by fasting a man can be better united to God : for it is a principle with geometersthat a round body can never touch a plane
, surface except in one point ; but God is this surface , according to these words , Justus et rectus Dominus . A belly too well fed becomes round ; ' it cannot therefore touch God except in one point ; but fasting flattens the bell )' , and it is then that it is united ' with the surfaoe of God in all points . '