Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE ← Page 6 of 8 →
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Monthly Chronicle
cannon , S stands of colours , 1000 prisoners , and killer ! 4 or 500 men : the chief of briga d e , Lahoz , was slightly wounded . We had 40 men killed or wounded . ' Our troops then immediately proceeded to Faenza : they found the gates shut . All the bells sounded the tocsin , and a deluded populace attempted to defend the entrance . All the principal inhabitants , particular !) the Bishop , made their ecape . Two or three discharges of artillery forced the gates , and our troops entered the city in the at'it'ido of charge . The laws of war authorise nie to subject this unfortunate town to pillage ; but how could we resolve to punish a whole
city for ihe crime of a few Priests ! I sen ! to them fifty officers , whom I had made prisoners , in order to undeceive their companions , and to explain to them the dangers which such obstinacy would involve . I this morning sent for all the Monks and all the Priels . I reminded them of the principles of the Gospel , and emploved all the influence which reason and nece . sity could have , to prevail upon them 0 behave properly . They appeared to me to be animated with good principles , i tent to Haven .-ia the Genera ) of the Carmelites , in order to open the eyes of this city to avoid Ihe evils which a longer infatuation would produce . To
Cczemia , the country of the reigning Pope , I sent Father Don Ignacio , Prior of Benedictines . 'General Victor ye'terday continued his route , and made himself master of Sorli . I gave him orders fo proceed this day to Cezenna . I have sent you different papers , which will convince Europe of the folly of those who guide the Court of Rome . You will find annexed two other posting bills , which will convince you of the frenzy of these men . It is deplorable to think that this infatit-. ation costs the blood of the poor peoplethe innocent instrumentsand uniforml
, , y the victims , of theologians . Several Priests , and among others a Capuchin , who preached to the army of the Catholics , were killed on the field of battle . ' Ancona , Feb . 10 . ' We have in a few days conquered Romania , the Duchy of Urbino , the March of Ancona , and taken twelve thoir . Bnd prisoners belonging to the Pope . The latter were skilfully posted on the heights before Ancona . General Victor surrounded them , and made them prisoners , without a musket being discharged . The
Emperor Ji . 'td just presented to the Pope 3000 very fine muskets , with nearly 120 guns of a large calibre . Fifty officers , whom we made prisoners , were dismissed , after taking an oath that they would never again serve the Pone . From Venice to the Adriatic , Ancona is the only port : it is in every point of view very essential to our correspondence with Constantinople . In twenty-one hours we ran penetrate from hence into Macedonia . No government was so much despised , even by the people by whom it was obeyed , as this one . To the first sensation of terror , caused by the entrance of an hostile army , great joy , at their deliverance from a most ridiculous government , succeeded . ' Six at night . We are in possesion of Notre Dame of Loretto . '
EXTRACT OF ANOTHER LETTER , OF THE SAME DATE . ' You will find annexed , Citizens Directors , the capitulation of Mantua . Our troops took possession of the citadel on the 15 th hist . ( Feb . 3 ) and this day the city is completely evacuated by the Austrians . General Kilmaine , who established the second blockade , rendered great services . It is he who ordered St . George to be fortified , and who served us so effectually afterwards . The garrison of Mantua consumed no less than 5000 horses : in consequence of which we found very few , Sic '
The principal articles of the capitulation of Mantua are—That the garrison shall be prisoners of war , except Field-Marshal Wurmser , and all the other Generals , with their Aid-de-Cainps ; 200 cavalry , ancl 500 individuals , chosen by General Wurmser ; that all the Officers shall keep their swoids , horses , equipage , and property ; and that the garrison shall be marched to Gisors , in the Frioul , and exchanged , by preference , for French prisoners of war . The following is an account of the principal artillery found in the town and citadel , viz . 500 cannon , 17 , 115 ' musquets , 44 8 4 pistols , 16 , 100 bars of iron , 18 4 carriages and waggons , & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle
cannon , S stands of colours , 1000 prisoners , and killer ! 4 or 500 men : the chief of briga d e , Lahoz , was slightly wounded . We had 40 men killed or wounded . ' Our troops then immediately proceeded to Faenza : they found the gates shut . All the bells sounded the tocsin , and a deluded populace attempted to defend the entrance . All the principal inhabitants , particular !) the Bishop , made their ecape . Two or three discharges of artillery forced the gates , and our troops entered the city in the at'it'ido of charge . The laws of war authorise nie to subject this unfortunate town to pillage ; but how could we resolve to punish a whole
city for ihe crime of a few Priests ! I sen ! to them fifty officers , whom I had made prisoners , in order to undeceive their companions , and to explain to them the dangers which such obstinacy would involve . I this morning sent for all the Monks and all the Priels . I reminded them of the principles of the Gospel , and emploved all the influence which reason and nece . sity could have , to prevail upon them 0 behave properly . They appeared to me to be animated with good principles , i tent to Haven .-ia the Genera ) of the Carmelites , in order to open the eyes of this city to avoid Ihe evils which a longer infatuation would produce . To
Cczemia , the country of the reigning Pope , I sent Father Don Ignacio , Prior of Benedictines . 'General Victor ye'terday continued his route , and made himself master of Sorli . I gave him orders fo proceed this day to Cezenna . I have sent you different papers , which will convince Europe of the folly of those who guide the Court of Rome . You will find annexed two other posting bills , which will convince you of the frenzy of these men . It is deplorable to think that this infatit-. ation costs the blood of the poor peoplethe innocent instrumentsand uniforml
, , y the victims , of theologians . Several Priests , and among others a Capuchin , who preached to the army of the Catholics , were killed on the field of battle . ' Ancona , Feb . 10 . ' We have in a few days conquered Romania , the Duchy of Urbino , the March of Ancona , and taken twelve thoir . Bnd prisoners belonging to the Pope . The latter were skilfully posted on the heights before Ancona . General Victor surrounded them , and made them prisoners , without a musket being discharged . The
Emperor Ji . 'td just presented to the Pope 3000 very fine muskets , with nearly 120 guns of a large calibre . Fifty officers , whom we made prisoners , were dismissed , after taking an oath that they would never again serve the Pone . From Venice to the Adriatic , Ancona is the only port : it is in every point of view very essential to our correspondence with Constantinople . In twenty-one hours we ran penetrate from hence into Macedonia . No government was so much despised , even by the people by whom it was obeyed , as this one . To the first sensation of terror , caused by the entrance of an hostile army , great joy , at their deliverance from a most ridiculous government , succeeded . ' Six at night . We are in possesion of Notre Dame of Loretto . '
EXTRACT OF ANOTHER LETTER , OF THE SAME DATE . ' You will find annexed , Citizens Directors , the capitulation of Mantua . Our troops took possession of the citadel on the 15 th hist . ( Feb . 3 ) and this day the city is completely evacuated by the Austrians . General Kilmaine , who established the second blockade , rendered great services . It is he who ordered St . George to be fortified , and who served us so effectually afterwards . The garrison of Mantua consumed no less than 5000 horses : in consequence of which we found very few , Sic '
The principal articles of the capitulation of Mantua are—That the garrison shall be prisoners of war , except Field-Marshal Wurmser , and all the other Generals , with their Aid-de-Cainps ; 200 cavalry , ancl 500 individuals , chosen by General Wurmser ; that all the Officers shall keep their swoids , horses , equipage , and property ; and that the garrison shall be marched to Gisors , in the Frioul , and exchanged , by preference , for French prisoners of war . The following is an account of the principal artillery found in the town and citadel , viz . 500 cannon , 17 , 115 ' musquets , 44 8 4 pistols , 16 , 100 bars of iron , 18 4 carriages and waggons , & c .