Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE ← Page 7 of 8 →
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Monthly Chronicle
Head-Ouariers- at Ancona , Feb . 18 , 1797 . ' Loretto contained a treasure of the value of about three millions ofjivres Tournois ; but they have only left us about one million . I send you the Madona , with all the reliqnes ; the chest which contains them will be directed expressly to you , and you will make what use you please of them . The Madona is of wood . ' The Province of Macerata , more generally known by the name of "the Marquisate of Ancona" is one of the most beautifuland-, without doubt , one of the
, , richest of the estates of the Pope . ' Our troops have gotten possession of Umbria , and the country of Perugia . We are also masters of the small province of Canorino . ' At Ancona we found go cannon , 23 , 000 bombs and grenadoes , 2256 musquets , and 4 ammunition waggons . ' Brussels , Jan . 26 . The counter-revolutionary movements in the environs of the Abbey of Affiegheim were more serious than were at first imagined ; it seems
that they were connected with a vast plan of insurrection , the execution of which was prevented by the vig ilance of the civil and military constituted authorities . The designs of the insurgents were , it is said , to sound the tocsin in all the rural communes of the environs , and to proceed with a force of from 8 to 10 , 000 men to Brussels , and an equal number to Louvain . They had no doubt , that , if the first plan had succeeded , all the ci-devant province of Brabant would rise , and that the counter-revolution would then be organized in the whole of Belgium . Several individuals who formed part of the armed assemblage have been taken
up , and the Commission has condemned two of them to be shot ; one . the servant of the Baron de Moorsal ; and the other , an Austrian deserter . They were shot yesterday . The Baron de Moorsal himself has been taken up , tried , and shot . He fired upon one of the gendarmes , but missed him . Letters from Verviers , of the 8 th instant , announce , that on the preceding Monday a strong popular commotion took place at Malmedi . The Military Commandant , contrary to the Proclamation which allowed the public exercise of religious worship , would not permit the priests to carry about the Host . He ordered
the priest to turn back with his procession ; but the latter refused , and 700 inhabitants , of both sexes , armed themselves with pitchforks , and similar weapons , and desired the priest to go on . The soldiers fired , and killed several of the inhabitants , upon which the garrison was attacked , and obliged to evacuate the town .
TRENCH ACCOUNT OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE COAST OP WALES . Brest , Feb . 12 . A plan has been- for some time in contemplation to form the galley slaves of this port into regiments . This plan , though disbelieved by some , is no longer chimerical : it is now on the eve of execution . A small detachment , composed of the frigates La Vengeance and- La Resistance , the corvette La Constance , and the lugger La Vautour , are immediately to depart , under the orders of the Chief of Division , Castagnier . Yesterday , and the day before , twelve hundred galley slaves were embarked on board these vessels . They were
chosen from amongst the thieves , deserters , and mutinous soldiers . They were organized into bodies , under officers chosen from amongst themselves , and are all armed , and dressed in uniform ; their destination is not known . Feb . 13 . The division of frigates , having on board 1200 felons , and commanded by Castagnier , sailed this day . Its destination is still unknown . EAST INDIES .
Balavia , June 26 . A dreadful mortality prevails here : the island is nearly depopulated by the ravages of disease and , death—every day the flag is to be seen , hoisted half-staff high , denoting the death of some person iu office , Member of Council , or Captain of an Indiaman . This disorder attacks all ranks and ages , and generally proves fatal within twenty-four hours . The troops and seamen atBatavia do not now amount to 1400 men . WEST INDIES .
St . Pierre , Martinique , Nov . 12 We have been very nearly as sickly in these , islands as at St . Domingo . The troops have suffered dreadfully . According to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle
Head-Ouariers- at Ancona , Feb . 18 , 1797 . ' Loretto contained a treasure of the value of about three millions ofjivres Tournois ; but they have only left us about one million . I send you the Madona , with all the reliqnes ; the chest which contains them will be directed expressly to you , and you will make what use you please of them . The Madona is of wood . ' The Province of Macerata , more generally known by the name of "the Marquisate of Ancona" is one of the most beautifuland-, without doubt , one of the
, , richest of the estates of the Pope . ' Our troops have gotten possession of Umbria , and the country of Perugia . We are also masters of the small province of Canorino . ' At Ancona we found go cannon , 23 , 000 bombs and grenadoes , 2256 musquets , and 4 ammunition waggons . ' Brussels , Jan . 26 . The counter-revolutionary movements in the environs of the Abbey of Affiegheim were more serious than were at first imagined ; it seems
that they were connected with a vast plan of insurrection , the execution of which was prevented by the vig ilance of the civil and military constituted authorities . The designs of the insurgents were , it is said , to sound the tocsin in all the rural communes of the environs , and to proceed with a force of from 8 to 10 , 000 men to Brussels , and an equal number to Louvain . They had no doubt , that , if the first plan had succeeded , all the ci-devant province of Brabant would rise , and that the counter-revolution would then be organized in the whole of Belgium . Several individuals who formed part of the armed assemblage have been taken
up , and the Commission has condemned two of them to be shot ; one . the servant of the Baron de Moorsal ; and the other , an Austrian deserter . They were shot yesterday . The Baron de Moorsal himself has been taken up , tried , and shot . He fired upon one of the gendarmes , but missed him . Letters from Verviers , of the 8 th instant , announce , that on the preceding Monday a strong popular commotion took place at Malmedi . The Military Commandant , contrary to the Proclamation which allowed the public exercise of religious worship , would not permit the priests to carry about the Host . He ordered
the priest to turn back with his procession ; but the latter refused , and 700 inhabitants , of both sexes , armed themselves with pitchforks , and similar weapons , and desired the priest to go on . The soldiers fired , and killed several of the inhabitants , upon which the garrison was attacked , and obliged to evacuate the town .
TRENCH ACCOUNT OF THE EXPEDITION TO THE COAST OP WALES . Brest , Feb . 12 . A plan has been- for some time in contemplation to form the galley slaves of this port into regiments . This plan , though disbelieved by some , is no longer chimerical : it is now on the eve of execution . A small detachment , composed of the frigates La Vengeance and- La Resistance , the corvette La Constance , and the lugger La Vautour , are immediately to depart , under the orders of the Chief of Division , Castagnier . Yesterday , and the day before , twelve hundred galley slaves were embarked on board these vessels . They were
chosen from amongst the thieves , deserters , and mutinous soldiers . They were organized into bodies , under officers chosen from amongst themselves , and are all armed , and dressed in uniform ; their destination is not known . Feb . 13 . The division of frigates , having on board 1200 felons , and commanded by Castagnier , sailed this day . Its destination is still unknown . EAST INDIES .
Balavia , June 26 . A dreadful mortality prevails here : the island is nearly depopulated by the ravages of disease and , death—every day the flag is to be seen , hoisted half-staff high , denoting the death of some person iu office , Member of Council , or Captain of an Indiaman . This disorder attacks all ranks and ages , and generally proves fatal within twenty-four hours . The troops and seamen atBatavia do not now amount to 1400 men . WEST INDIES .
St . Pierre , Martinique , Nov . 12 We have been very nearly as sickly in these , islands as at St . Domingo . The troops have suffered dreadfully . According to