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Mr . Wood some time since forbad Mr . O . to enter his house . Mr . O . could not bear with patience this rude behaviour and disappointment , and resolving to seek satisfaction , he went to Mr . W ' s house early on Friday morning , the 27 th of January , before Mr . W . was up , and sent one of the servants to say , that he ,
Mr . Oliver , wished to speak with him . Mr . W . immediately dressed himself , went down into his counting house , and sent his clerk into the parlour , with the money to discharge a small bill he owed Mr . Oliver . — -Mr . Oliver , however , informed the clerk , that the business he had to settle must be done by Mr . Wood
himself ; the clerk immediately delivered this message to his master , who went to Mr . Oliver , when the latter presented his bill , and soon after pulled out a brace of pistols from his pockets , while Mr . Wood ' s back was turned ; the clerk seeing them , asked , what those were for ? At that moment Mr .
Wood turned towards Mr . Oliver , who instantly levelled one pistol at Mr . W . and the other at himself : that pointed at Mr . W . immediately went off , and shot him through the body . The clerk then knocked the other pistol out of his
hand , before it was discharged . —Mr . Wood exclaimed , " Sir , you have kilted me ! " Mr . Oliver replied , " It is ivhal Unleaded . " The family being alarmed , a surgeon was sent for ; Mr . 0 . told them it was useless , as Mr . W . would be a dead man in two hours : " and I too , " saidMr . Oliver , " shall be dead be-At that in
fore I leave this room . " - stant he put something into his mouth , which it appeared afterwards was poison ; but this second attempt to destroy himself was frustrated : for , although it made him extremely ill , yet the dose being too strong , he threw it off' his stomach , —MrWood languished till the
fol-. lowing Monday , when he expired . Mr 0 . was committed to Stafford jail . Lately , aged 88 , the Rev . M . Worthiugton , M . A . vicar of Childivall , and upwards of 60 years curate of Woodplui ' . ipton . Piety to God , benevolence to man , and charity to the poor , were the most striking features in his
character , and few of his contemporaries out - stripped him in these respects . He was well versed in the theory and practice of surgery , with which he often successfully assisted his neighbours , but always gratuilously . The last 20 years
of his life were rendered comfortable , by the presentation of the vicarage of Childivall , and an annuity-of 20 I . bequeathed him , solely from a regard to his worth , by the Hon . and Rev . J . Stanley , rector of Winnock . Lately , at Unthank , aged 59 , Mr . W . Forster ; many years principal agent to
the late Sir W . and the present Sir T . Blackett , at Allenheads , and considered as the most skilful person in the knowledge of lead-mines of any in the North of England . Lately , at Surinam , Mr . Thomas Christie , ofFinsbury-square , author of a Defence of theFrenchRevolutionagainst
Mr . Burke . He had been bred to physic , and took a doctor's degree , but had abandoned the profession for several years . This gentleman was a native of Montrose , in Scotland . He resided in France during the three first years of the revolutionand wrote an accurate
, and minute history of that memorable period . He is said to have first suggested the plan of publishing the Analytical Review ; and , by his literary labours , he contributed greatly toward its establishment . He , together with
Doctor W . Thomson , instituted the Literary Society , called ' The Westminster Library . ' He is author of ser veral anonymous pieces . Lately , at Jamaica , Mr . Leoni , the celebrated singer . He appeared the first time on the stage at Drury-lane , in Kaliel , in Mr . Garrick ' s opera of
The Enchanter , 13 th Dec . 1760 . Lately , at St . Christopher's , the Hon . captain Dunbar Douglas , son of the Earl of Selkirk . Lately , Thomas Longman , Esq . at Hampstead , aged 66 , formerly an eminent bookseller in Paternoster-row . LatelyMr . William
Brownbook-, , seller , corner of E ; sex-street ,-Strand . The late Mr . Dodsley , the bookseller , whose death we announced in our last , was the brother , the partner , and successor in the business , of the late ingenious Mr . Robert Dodsley , author of ' Trifles , ' ' The Economy of Human Life' ' Cleonea tragedy' & c . At an
, , , early age , he was removed from his native place , Anston , in Nottinghamshire , to London , by his brother , who had settled as a book . ieiler in Pall-Mdl ; and from that rirtie , tit ! his death , a period of 60 year :, !••; : c-c r .. ;' .,. ued in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mr . Wood some time since forbad Mr . O . to enter his house . Mr . O . could not bear with patience this rude behaviour and disappointment , and resolving to seek satisfaction , he went to Mr . W ' s house early on Friday morning , the 27 th of January , before Mr . W . was up , and sent one of the servants to say , that he ,
Mr . Oliver , wished to speak with him . Mr . W . immediately dressed himself , went down into his counting house , and sent his clerk into the parlour , with the money to discharge a small bill he owed Mr . Oliver . — -Mr . Oliver , however , informed the clerk , that the business he had to settle must be done by Mr . Wood
himself ; the clerk immediately delivered this message to his master , who went to Mr . Oliver , when the latter presented his bill , and soon after pulled out a brace of pistols from his pockets , while Mr . Wood ' s back was turned ; the clerk seeing them , asked , what those were for ? At that moment Mr .
Wood turned towards Mr . Oliver , who instantly levelled one pistol at Mr . W . and the other at himself : that pointed at Mr . W . immediately went off , and shot him through the body . The clerk then knocked the other pistol out of his
hand , before it was discharged . —Mr . Wood exclaimed , " Sir , you have kilted me ! " Mr . Oliver replied , " It is ivhal Unleaded . " The family being alarmed , a surgeon was sent for ; Mr . 0 . told them it was useless , as Mr . W . would be a dead man in two hours : " and I too , " saidMr . Oliver , " shall be dead be-At that in
fore I leave this room . " - stant he put something into his mouth , which it appeared afterwards was poison ; but this second attempt to destroy himself was frustrated : for , although it made him extremely ill , yet the dose being too strong , he threw it off' his stomach , —MrWood languished till the
fol-. lowing Monday , when he expired . Mr 0 . was committed to Stafford jail . Lately , aged 88 , the Rev . M . Worthiugton , M . A . vicar of Childivall , and upwards of 60 years curate of Woodplui ' . ipton . Piety to God , benevolence to man , and charity to the poor , were the most striking features in his
character , and few of his contemporaries out - stripped him in these respects . He was well versed in the theory and practice of surgery , with which he often successfully assisted his neighbours , but always gratuilously . The last 20 years
of his life were rendered comfortable , by the presentation of the vicarage of Childivall , and an annuity-of 20 I . bequeathed him , solely from a regard to his worth , by the Hon . and Rev . J . Stanley , rector of Winnock . Lately , at Unthank , aged 59 , Mr . W . Forster ; many years principal agent to
the late Sir W . and the present Sir T . Blackett , at Allenheads , and considered as the most skilful person in the knowledge of lead-mines of any in the North of England . Lately , at Surinam , Mr . Thomas Christie , ofFinsbury-square , author of a Defence of theFrenchRevolutionagainst
Mr . Burke . He had been bred to physic , and took a doctor's degree , but had abandoned the profession for several years . This gentleman was a native of Montrose , in Scotland . He resided in France during the three first years of the revolutionand wrote an accurate
, and minute history of that memorable period . He is said to have first suggested the plan of publishing the Analytical Review ; and , by his literary labours , he contributed greatly toward its establishment . He , together with
Doctor W . Thomson , instituted the Literary Society , called ' The Westminster Library . ' He is author of ser veral anonymous pieces . Lately , at Jamaica , Mr . Leoni , the celebrated singer . He appeared the first time on the stage at Drury-lane , in Kaliel , in Mr . Garrick ' s opera of
The Enchanter , 13 th Dec . 1760 . Lately , at St . Christopher's , the Hon . captain Dunbar Douglas , son of the Earl of Selkirk . Lately , Thomas Longman , Esq . at Hampstead , aged 66 , formerly an eminent bookseller in Paternoster-row . LatelyMr . William
Brownbook-, , seller , corner of E ; sex-street ,-Strand . The late Mr . Dodsley , the bookseller , whose death we announced in our last , was the brother , the partner , and successor in the business , of the late ingenious Mr . Robert Dodsley , author of ' Trifles , ' ' The Economy of Human Life' ' Cleonea tragedy' & c . At an
, , , early age , he was removed from his native place , Anston , in Nottinghamshire , to London , by his brother , who had settled as a book . ieiler in Pall-Mdl ; and from that rirtie , tit ! his death , a period of 60 year :, !••; : c-c r .. ;' .,. ued in