Article PROGRESS OF NAVIGATION. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Progress Of Navigation.
known before , drawing a straig ht line from the river Del Infante , discovered by Bartholomew Diaz , to the port of Calicut , for in sailing about by the coast it is much more . Returning-home not far from the coast , he-fell in with the islands of Anchediva , signifying . in . the Indian , language five islands , because they are so many ; and having had sight of Goaat a distancesailed over again to the coast of Africa , and
, , anchored near the town of Magadoxa . At Melinda he was received friendly by the king , but , being again under sail , the ship St . Raphael struck on the shore and was lost , giving her name to those sands : all the men were saved by the other two ships , which parted in a storm near Cabo Verde . Nicholas Coello arrived first at Lisbon , and soon after him Vasco de Gama , having spent in his voyage two years and
almost two months . Of 160 men he carried out , only 55 returned home , who were all well rewarded . . Anno 1500 . King Emanuel , encouraged by the . success of Vasco de Gama , fitted out a fleet of 13 sail , under the command of Peter Alvarez Cabral , and in it 1200 men , to gain footing in India . He sailed on the 8 th of March , and , meeting with violent storms , was blown off from the coast of Africa so far , that on Easter-eve the fleet came into
a port , which , for the safety found in it , was called Seguro , and the country at that time Santa Cruz , being the same now known by the name of Brazil , on the south continent of America . Hence the admiral sent back a ship to advertise the king of the accidental new discovery , leaving two Portuguese ashore to enquire into the customs and product of the land . Sailing thence on the 12 th of May for the Cape of Good Hopethe fleet was for 20 days in a most dreadful storm , insomuch that
, the sea swallowed up four ships , and the admiral arrived with only six at Zofala , on the 16 th of July , and on the 20 th at Mozambique ; where having refitted , he . prosecuted his voyage to . Quiloa , and thence to Melinda , whence the fleet stood over for India , and reached Anchediva on the 24 th of August :. then coming to Calicut , peace and commerce was there agreed on with Zamorin , or King of Calicut , but was
soon broken , and the Portuguese entered into strict amity with the Kings of Cochin and Cananor , where they took in their lading and returned to Portugal . Anno 1501 . John de Nova departed from Lisbon with four ships and 400 men , and in his way discovered the island of Conception , in eight degrees of south latitude , and on the east side of Africa , that which from him was called the island of lohn de Nova . At
Cananor and Cochin he took in all his lading , destroying many vessels of Calicut , and in his return home found the island of St . Helana in 15 degrees of south latitude , distant 1549 leagues from Goa , and 1100 from Lisbon , being then unpeopled , but since of great advantage to all that use the trade of India . Anno 2502 . The king set out a fleet of 20 sail , commanded by the
first discoverer . of India , Vasco de Gama , whose second voyage this was . No new discoveries were made by him , but only trade secured at Cochin and Cananor ,. several ships of Calicut taken and destroyed ; the King of Quiloa , on the coast of Africa , was brought to-submit himself
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Progress Of Navigation.
known before , drawing a straig ht line from the river Del Infante , discovered by Bartholomew Diaz , to the port of Calicut , for in sailing about by the coast it is much more . Returning-home not far from the coast , he-fell in with the islands of Anchediva , signifying . in . the Indian , language five islands , because they are so many ; and having had sight of Goaat a distancesailed over again to the coast of Africa , and
, , anchored near the town of Magadoxa . At Melinda he was received friendly by the king , but , being again under sail , the ship St . Raphael struck on the shore and was lost , giving her name to those sands : all the men were saved by the other two ships , which parted in a storm near Cabo Verde . Nicholas Coello arrived first at Lisbon , and soon after him Vasco de Gama , having spent in his voyage two years and
almost two months . Of 160 men he carried out , only 55 returned home , who were all well rewarded . . Anno 1500 . King Emanuel , encouraged by the . success of Vasco de Gama , fitted out a fleet of 13 sail , under the command of Peter Alvarez Cabral , and in it 1200 men , to gain footing in India . He sailed on the 8 th of March , and , meeting with violent storms , was blown off from the coast of Africa so far , that on Easter-eve the fleet came into
a port , which , for the safety found in it , was called Seguro , and the country at that time Santa Cruz , being the same now known by the name of Brazil , on the south continent of America . Hence the admiral sent back a ship to advertise the king of the accidental new discovery , leaving two Portuguese ashore to enquire into the customs and product of the land . Sailing thence on the 12 th of May for the Cape of Good Hopethe fleet was for 20 days in a most dreadful storm , insomuch that
, the sea swallowed up four ships , and the admiral arrived with only six at Zofala , on the 16 th of July , and on the 20 th at Mozambique ; where having refitted , he . prosecuted his voyage to . Quiloa , and thence to Melinda , whence the fleet stood over for India , and reached Anchediva on the 24 th of August :. then coming to Calicut , peace and commerce was there agreed on with Zamorin , or King of Calicut , but was
soon broken , and the Portuguese entered into strict amity with the Kings of Cochin and Cananor , where they took in their lading and returned to Portugal . Anno 1501 . John de Nova departed from Lisbon with four ships and 400 men , and in his way discovered the island of Conception , in eight degrees of south latitude , and on the east side of Africa , that which from him was called the island of lohn de Nova . At
Cananor and Cochin he took in all his lading , destroying many vessels of Calicut , and in his return home found the island of St . Helana in 15 degrees of south latitude , distant 1549 leagues from Goa , and 1100 from Lisbon , being then unpeopled , but since of great advantage to all that use the trade of India . Anno 2502 . The king set out a fleet of 20 sail , commanded by the
first discoverer . of India , Vasco de Gama , whose second voyage this was . No new discoveries were made by him , but only trade secured at Cochin and Cananor ,. several ships of Calicut taken and destroyed ; the King of Quiloa , on the coast of Africa , was brought to-submit himself