Article ON THE RETURN OF SPRING. Page 1 of 3 →
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On The Return Of Spring.
Solvilur acris liiems grata vice veris et Favoni . Hon .
THERE are scarcely any , endowed with the least possible degree of sensibility , but feel the heart unusually dilated upon the return of Spring . The revival of nature , and the rennovation of those delightful scenes , which the rude hand of winter had concealed under one dreary uniform of devastation , present a prospect' p leasing to eveiy eye and gladdening to every heart . The daisied lawn , the birds from
budding hawthorn , the reviving grove , the carol of every tree , and the bleat of lambs in the neig hbouring-pastures , excite in the mind most pleasing sensations , and : tune every chord to harmony and love . The effect which the return of this genial season produces , is visible in every part of animated nature ,-which seems to receive a newand unusual vi from its kindlinfluence . The
. gour y powers of the human mind likewise , which appear to have been rendered torpid by the cheerless aspect of winter ,-acquire a considerable expansion , and the -many poetical effusions which this " youth of the year" has excited , sufficiently indicate that-it has a particular power of quickening the activity of the imagination , and strengthening the wing of genius . There has not been a poet
whom it has not inspired , not a muse from whom it has not received tribute . \ ¦ ¦ The most pleasing sensation . ever felt in the human breast-is hope . Scarcely any one after the raptures of enjoyment , can say that possession ever gave him the delicious satisfaction he has experienced in listening to the secret suggestions of this sweet enchantress . It
seems to be owing to some reason like this , that the early promise of Spring , gives more pleasure than the maturity of Summer , or the fruits of Autumn . The mind has-still something left to wish and to hope for , some new and untried enjoyment in reversion . Every morning some new blossom is expanded , some new-object grows up , and the eye and the understanding are gratified with perpetual variety .
"When Heaven and earth , as if contending , vie To raise man ' s being and serene his soul ; Can he forbear to join the general smile Of nature ? Can fierce passions vex his breast , While every gale is peace , and every grove Is melody ? THOMSON- . It must be a matter of surprize to every feeling ' mind , that while all around nature smiles delighted , man can yet seem untouched bj the genial influence , and with a heart filled with projects of vengeance , he can whet his sword against his brother man .. That whik
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On The Return Of Spring.
Solvilur acris liiems grata vice veris et Favoni . Hon .
THERE are scarcely any , endowed with the least possible degree of sensibility , but feel the heart unusually dilated upon the return of Spring . The revival of nature , and the rennovation of those delightful scenes , which the rude hand of winter had concealed under one dreary uniform of devastation , present a prospect' p leasing to eveiy eye and gladdening to every heart . The daisied lawn , the birds from
budding hawthorn , the reviving grove , the carol of every tree , and the bleat of lambs in the neig hbouring-pastures , excite in the mind most pleasing sensations , and : tune every chord to harmony and love . The effect which the return of this genial season produces , is visible in every part of animated nature ,-which seems to receive a newand unusual vi from its kindlinfluence . The
. gour y powers of the human mind likewise , which appear to have been rendered torpid by the cheerless aspect of winter ,-acquire a considerable expansion , and the -many poetical effusions which this " youth of the year" has excited , sufficiently indicate that-it has a particular power of quickening the activity of the imagination , and strengthening the wing of genius . There has not been a poet
whom it has not inspired , not a muse from whom it has not received tribute . \ ¦ ¦ The most pleasing sensation . ever felt in the human breast-is hope . Scarcely any one after the raptures of enjoyment , can say that possession ever gave him the delicious satisfaction he has experienced in listening to the secret suggestions of this sweet enchantress . It
seems to be owing to some reason like this , that the early promise of Spring , gives more pleasure than the maturity of Summer , or the fruits of Autumn . The mind has-still something left to wish and to hope for , some new and untried enjoyment in reversion . Every morning some new blossom is expanded , some new-object grows up , and the eye and the understanding are gratified with perpetual variety .
"When Heaven and earth , as if contending , vie To raise man ' s being and serene his soul ; Can he forbear to join the general smile Of nature ? Can fierce passions vex his breast , While every gale is peace , and every grove Is melody ? THOMSON- . It must be a matter of surprize to every feeling ' mind , that while all around nature smiles delighted , man can yet seem untouched bj the genial influence , and with a heart filled with projects of vengeance , he can whet his sword against his brother man .. That whik