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List Of New Publications.
HISTORY and TRAVELS . A JOURNEY from Prince of Wales Fort , in Hudson ' s Bay , to the Northern Ocean . By Samuel Hearne . ito . Price r ) 7 " 7 s . Cadell and Davies . Travels into different parts of Europe , ini 79 t and 1792 . By John Owen ,
A . M . 2 vol . 8 vo . Price 14 s . Cad . & Dav . DIVINITY . An Apology for the Bible . By Robert , Lord Bishop of LlandafF . 8 vo . " JBrice 4 s . Cadell and Davies . '' Christology ; or a Discourse concerning Christ . By Rev . R , Fleming .
Svo , Price 7 s . Rivmglons . A preservative against Infidelity . By John Evans , A . M . 8 vo . Price 3 s . 6 d . Symonds . LAW . Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas , and Exchequer
Chamber . By Henry Blackstone . Vol . 11 . Part V . 8 vo . Price 7 s . fid . Butienaorlb . The Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas . By Baker JohnSellon , Esq . Vol . 11 . 8 vo . Price I 2 S . fid . Butlenoorth . A Treatise on the Law of Elections . By John Simeon , Esq . Svo . Price Ss . Buttervjorlb . The Practice of the High Court of Chancery . 2 vol . Svo . Price 16 s . But .
PHYSIC . A Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery . By W . Taplin . Svo . Price 5 s . Robinsons . Observations on the Mechanism of the Horse ' s foot . By S . Freeman , Esq . 410 . Pripe ll . is . Edwards .
POETRY . The Paradise of Taste . By A . Thompson , Esq . 410 . Price 6 s . Cadell and Davies . The Influence of Local Attachment . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Johnson . The Balance . Parsons .
MISCELLANEOUS . Essays by Count Kumford , Nd . IV , Cadell and Davies .
The Naval G ' azetter . By J . Maiham . 2 vol . Svo . Price iSs . Allen £ sf West . The History of the two Convention Acts . Svo . Price 12 s . Robinsons . Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon , Esq . 2 vol . 410 . Price 2 I . 2 s „ Cadell and Davies . - ¦ A New System of Fire and
Planetary Life . 8 vo . Price 2 s . Cadell & Davies . An Enquiry into certain Papers and Instruments attributed to Shakspere . By Edmond Malone , Esq . Svo .. Price 7 s . Cadell aud Davies . NOVELS . Agatha . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 12 s .
Allen and West . Matilda and Elizabeth . 4 vol . i 2 mo . Price 12 s . Law . The Pavillion . 4 vol . i 2 ino . Price 12 s . Lane . The Hermit of Caucasus . By Joseph Moser . 2 vol . iimo . Price 6 s . Lane . Adela Northington . 3 vol . nmo ,
Price 9 s . Cawthom . Berkely Hall . 3 vol . i 2 tno . Price 10 s . 6 d . TindaU The Monk . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 10 s . fid . T . Bell . The Female Gamester . 2 vol . 121110 , Price 7 s . Vernor and Hood . Angelina . By Mrs . Mary Robinson .
3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 10 s . fid . Hookham and Carpenter . -DRAMATIC . The Battle of Eddington , a Tragedy . Svo . Price is . fid . Elmsley . Tlie Sicilian Lover , a Tragedy . By-Mrs . Robinson . 8 vo . Hoot . ES Carp .
¦ PAMPHLETS . Mr . Burke ' s Conduct and Pretensions considered . By a Royalist . Price is . Allen and West . An Inquiry into the state of the Finances of Great Britain , in answer to Mr . Morgan ' s Facts . By N .
Vansittart , Esq . Price is . fid . Owen . Plain Reasons for a general Reform of our Charities . Svo . Price 2 s . fid . Slockdale . Remarkson Conversations occasioned by Mr . Burke's Letters , Svo , Price is . Ca-A-thom .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
List Of New Publications.
HISTORY and TRAVELS . A JOURNEY from Prince of Wales Fort , in Hudson ' s Bay , to the Northern Ocean . By Samuel Hearne . ito . Price r ) 7 " 7 s . Cadell and Davies . Travels into different parts of Europe , ini 79 t and 1792 . By John Owen ,
A . M . 2 vol . 8 vo . Price 14 s . Cad . & Dav . DIVINITY . An Apology for the Bible . By Robert , Lord Bishop of LlandafF . 8 vo . " JBrice 4 s . Cadell and Davies . '' Christology ; or a Discourse concerning Christ . By Rev . R , Fleming .
Svo , Price 7 s . Rivmglons . A preservative against Infidelity . By John Evans , A . M . 8 vo . Price 3 s . 6 d . Symonds . LAW . Reports of Cases in the Courts of Common Pleas , and Exchequer
Chamber . By Henry Blackstone . Vol . 11 . Part V . 8 vo . Price 7 s . fid . Butienaorlb . The Practice of the Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas . By Baker JohnSellon , Esq . Vol . 11 . 8 vo . Price I 2 S . fid . Butlenoorth . A Treatise on the Law of Elections . By John Simeon , Esq . Svo . Price Ss . Buttervjorlb . The Practice of the High Court of Chancery . 2 vol . Svo . Price 16 s . But .
PHYSIC . A Compendium of Practical and Experimental Farriery . By W . Taplin . Svo . Price 5 s . Robinsons . Observations on the Mechanism of the Horse ' s foot . By S . Freeman , Esq . 410 . Pripe ll . is . Edwards .
POETRY . The Paradise of Taste . By A . Thompson , Esq . 410 . Price 6 s . Cadell and Davies . The Influence of Local Attachment . Svo . Price is . 6 d . Johnson . The Balance . Parsons .
MISCELLANEOUS . Essays by Count Kumford , Nd . IV , Cadell and Davies .
The Naval G ' azetter . By J . Maiham . 2 vol . Svo . Price iSs . Allen £ sf West . The History of the two Convention Acts . Svo . Price 12 s . Robinsons . Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon , Esq . 2 vol . 410 . Price 2 I . 2 s „ Cadell and Davies . - ¦ A New System of Fire and
Planetary Life . 8 vo . Price 2 s . Cadell & Davies . An Enquiry into certain Papers and Instruments attributed to Shakspere . By Edmond Malone , Esq . Svo .. Price 7 s . Cadell aud Davies . NOVELS . Agatha . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 12 s .
Allen and West . Matilda and Elizabeth . 4 vol . i 2 mo . Price 12 s . Law . The Pavillion . 4 vol . i 2 ino . Price 12 s . Lane . The Hermit of Caucasus . By Joseph Moser . 2 vol . iimo . Price 6 s . Lane . Adela Northington . 3 vol . nmo ,
Price 9 s . Cawthom . Berkely Hall . 3 vol . i 2 tno . Price 10 s . 6 d . TindaU The Monk . 3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 10 s . fid . T . Bell . The Female Gamester . 2 vol . 121110 , Price 7 s . Vernor and Hood . Angelina . By Mrs . Mary Robinson .
3 vol . i 2 mo . Price 10 s . fid . Hookham and Carpenter . -DRAMATIC . The Battle of Eddington , a Tragedy . Svo . Price is . fid . Elmsley . Tlie Sicilian Lover , a Tragedy . By-Mrs . Robinson . 8 vo . Hoot . ES Carp .
¦ PAMPHLETS . Mr . Burke ' s Conduct and Pretensions considered . By a Royalist . Price is . Allen and West . An Inquiry into the state of the Finances of Great Britain , in answer to Mr . Morgan ' s Facts . By N .
Vansittart , Esq . Price is . fid . Owen . Plain Reasons for a general Reform of our Charities . Svo . Price 2 s . fid . Slockdale . Remarkson Conversations occasioned by Mr . Burke's Letters , Svo , Price is . Ca-A-thom .