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All have one father;—all good men and true , In diff'rent roads , the same great end pursue . " - ' When to the Lodge we go—that happy place , f There , faithful Friendship smiles in every face . * What tho' our joys are hid from public view , They on RefieSion please , and must be true . f The Lodge , the social virtues fondly love " : ThereWisdomrules traceand
j- , 's we , so improve -5 There we , ( in moral architecture skill'd ) Dungeons for vice—for virtue temples build j ¦ f Whilst scepter'd reason from her steady throne , j- Well pleas'd surveys us all , and makes us one . There concord and decorum bear the sway , And moral music tunes th' instructive lay : There on a pleasing level all appear ,
And meat only is distinguish'd there . Fraternal love and friendship there increase , And decent freedom reigns , and lasting peace . Secrets we have—hut those we gladly shew To proper persons , —who apply to know . Be not offended , lovely , beauteous fair , That you from Mason ' s rites excluded are ;
'Tis not because we think you would disclose Whate'er within your breasts we might repose ; But we ' re afraid ( and sure our fears are true ) Were you admitted , Love would enter too ; That Jealousy might then our hearts inflame , And to a rival ' s , turn a-brother ' s name ; Break all our bonds , annihilate our joy ,
And soon our ancient Order quite destroy . Be not- offended 1 we your sex adore ;' And pay true homage to your sov ' reign pow'r . Thus I , the lessons which we ' re taught , have shewn , Which suiely must be lov'd , as soon as known ; If e ' er with these , our actions disagree ' , Censure the Men—but blame not Masonry : We do not blame , when Christians go astray , The Light that came from Heav ' n , to shew their way .
The Mason,S Prayer.
PARENT of all ! ' omnipotent In Heav ' n and Earth below ; Through all Creation's bounds . unspent , Whose streams of goodness flow .
The Lines marked-with this reference t are closely imitated from the Freemason ' s beautiful , and well-knowm Anthem ' .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
All have one father;—all good men and true , In diff'rent roads , the same great end pursue . " - ' When to the Lodge we go—that happy place , f There , faithful Friendship smiles in every face . * What tho' our joys are hid from public view , They on RefieSion please , and must be true . f The Lodge , the social virtues fondly love " : ThereWisdomrules traceand
j- , 's we , so improve -5 There we , ( in moral architecture skill'd ) Dungeons for vice—for virtue temples build j ¦ f Whilst scepter'd reason from her steady throne , j- Well pleas'd surveys us all , and makes us one . There concord and decorum bear the sway , And moral music tunes th' instructive lay : There on a pleasing level all appear ,
And meat only is distinguish'd there . Fraternal love and friendship there increase , And decent freedom reigns , and lasting peace . Secrets we have—hut those we gladly shew To proper persons , —who apply to know . Be not offended , lovely , beauteous fair , That you from Mason ' s rites excluded are ;
'Tis not because we think you would disclose Whate'er within your breasts we might repose ; But we ' re afraid ( and sure our fears are true ) Were you admitted , Love would enter too ; That Jealousy might then our hearts inflame , And to a rival ' s , turn a-brother ' s name ; Break all our bonds , annihilate our joy ,
And soon our ancient Order quite destroy . Be not- offended 1 we your sex adore ;' And pay true homage to your sov ' reign pow'r . Thus I , the lessons which we ' re taught , have shewn , Which suiely must be lov'd , as soon as known ; If e ' er with these , our actions disagree ' , Censure the Men—but blame not Masonry : We do not blame , when Christians go astray , The Light that came from Heav ' n , to shew their way .
The Mason,S Prayer.
PARENT of all ! ' omnipotent In Heav ' n and Earth below ; Through all Creation's bounds . unspent , Whose streams of goodness flow .
The Lines marked-with this reference t are closely imitated from the Freemason ' s beautiful , and well-knowm Anthem ' .