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Masonic Intelligence.
ON Sunday the loth of April , a sermon was preached at the parish church of St . George , Bloomsbury , for the benefit of the ROYAL CUMBERLANDFREE-MASON ' s SCHOOL , by the Rev . Brother , ARCHER THOMPSON ; who took his text from the 5 th Chapter of St . John ' s Gospel , 7 th verse . " The impotent man answered him , 'Sir , I have no man , when the water " is troubled , to put me into the pool ; but , while I am coming , another
" steppeth down before me . " The story was told in a most pathetic and impressive manner ; and his app lication of its meaning to the exigencies of the society , was ' truly happy . Jrtis est celare artem ; and Mr . Thompson evinced the fullness of his literary wealth throughout a glowing composition , without disgusting his attentive auditors with apparently laboured description , or over-strained metaphor . The best eulogium a preacher can possibly receiveis silenceand our poet ' s
, ; " deathfid stillness , " was perhaps never more strikingly exemplified , than during the delivery of the hortatory peroration . The Rev * Brother Weedon Butler , Senior , morning preacher of Charlotte Chapel , read the previous service with peculiar propriety ; and the collection at the doors amounted to 4 . 5 I . 16 s . gd . On the following day , the Governors and a numerous Company of Friends
to the Institution , dined together at Free-masons Hall , the EARL OF MOIRA in the Chair ; when that benevolent Nobleman addressed the Company in a speech of such pathos and persuasion , that the happy result , of if was a collection from the Company to the amount of upwards of FIVE HUNDRED AND
FIFTY POUNDS . It is with the greatest' pleasure we are able to state to the Masonic Body , and the public at large , the flourishing condition of this laudable and excellent charity . From the accounts brought forward b y the Governors at the Anniversary Dinner , it appears , that they have , at an expence of upwards of 20 G 0 I . erected a School House , in St . George ' s Fields , sufficiently capacious to receive ' one hundred children . It appears also , that the number admitted
at the period of its Institution , FIFTEEN , has been increased to THIRTY - SIX ; and that the liberal contributions of several of the Royal Famil y , the Nobility , Gentry , & c . embolden the Governors to hope they will soon be enabled still farther to augment the number . We congratulate our Brothers on the ' prospect of the ROYAL CUMBERLAND FREE -MASONS ' SCHOOL being likely to become as universal , in doing good , as ' the Society which first established it . -
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Masonic Intelligence.
ON Sunday the loth of April , a sermon was preached at the parish church of St . George , Bloomsbury , for the benefit of the ROYAL CUMBERLANDFREE-MASON ' s SCHOOL , by the Rev . Brother , ARCHER THOMPSON ; who took his text from the 5 th Chapter of St . John ' s Gospel , 7 th verse . " The impotent man answered him , 'Sir , I have no man , when the water " is troubled , to put me into the pool ; but , while I am coming , another
" steppeth down before me . " The story was told in a most pathetic and impressive manner ; and his app lication of its meaning to the exigencies of the society , was ' truly happy . Jrtis est celare artem ; and Mr . Thompson evinced the fullness of his literary wealth throughout a glowing composition , without disgusting his attentive auditors with apparently laboured description , or over-strained metaphor . The best eulogium a preacher can possibly receiveis silenceand our poet ' s
, ; " deathfid stillness , " was perhaps never more strikingly exemplified , than during the delivery of the hortatory peroration . The Rev * Brother Weedon Butler , Senior , morning preacher of Charlotte Chapel , read the previous service with peculiar propriety ; and the collection at the doors amounted to 4 . 5 I . 16 s . gd . On the following day , the Governors and a numerous Company of Friends
to the Institution , dined together at Free-masons Hall , the EARL OF MOIRA in the Chair ; when that benevolent Nobleman addressed the Company in a speech of such pathos and persuasion , that the happy result , of if was a collection from the Company to the amount of upwards of FIVE HUNDRED AND
FIFTY POUNDS . It is with the greatest' pleasure we are able to state to the Masonic Body , and the public at large , the flourishing condition of this laudable and excellent charity . From the accounts brought forward b y the Governors at the Anniversary Dinner , it appears , that they have , at an expence of upwards of 20 G 0 I . erected a School House , in St . George ' s Fields , sufficiently capacious to receive ' one hundred children . It appears also , that the number admitted
at the period of its Institution , FIFTEEN , has been increased to THIRTY - SIX ; and that the liberal contributions of several of the Royal Famil y , the Nobility , Gentry , & c . embolden the Governors to hope they will soon be enabled still farther to augment the number . We congratulate our Brothers on the ' prospect of the ROYAL CUMBERLAND FREE -MASONS ' SCHOOL being likely to become as universal , in doing good , as ' the Society which first established it . -