Article FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. ← Page 6 of 6 Article STATE PAPERS. Page 1 of 2 →
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From The London Gazettes.
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , April 23 . Extract of a Letter from Admiral Peyton , Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in the Downs , to Evan Nepean Esq . Secretary to the Admiralty , dated on board the Savage sloop , April . 2 t , 1796 . I have received a letter from Captain Roe , of his Majesty ' s sloop Racoon , acquainting me he had taken , on the coast oif France , a French lugger privateer , with thirteen men , armed with blunderbusses and musquets , which had been out from Dunkirk five days , but had taken nothing .
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , April 23 , 1796 . Extract of a Letter from Rear-Admiral Parker , Commander in Chief of bis Majesty ' s ships and vessels at Jamaica , to Evan Nepean , Esq . dated Sviiftsure , at the Mole , 2 () tb of February , 179 6 . I beg leave to acquaint you , for their Lordships information , that the Honourable Captain Carpenter , of his Majesty's ship Intrepid , being stationed ( 0 cruize off old Cape Francois for the reinforcements expected from Cork , fell in with a French frigate , which , after ten hours chace , ( the latter part being very light her cables
airs of wind , ) first anchored , and afterwards , by their cutting , drove on shore , in a cove a little , to the eastward of Porto Plata , when the crew abandoned her , and she was taken possession of and ' got off , without damage by Captain Carpenter . It appears by the log-book that she is called La Percante , commanded by the Citoyen Jacque Clement Tourtellet , Lieutenant de Vaisseau , mounting twenty q-pounders , and six brass 2 pounders , and had on board near two hundred men , dispatched by order of the Minister of Marine and Colonies , and sailed from Rochelle the 6 th of December last , with orders not to be spoke with , nor'to speak with any thing .
State Papers.
' The following STATE PAPERS , which Ministers have officially delivered to all the Foreign Ambassadors on the proposed , and rejected Overtures for a General Pacification , will be found of a most extraordinary , as well as important nature . ' NOTE . Transmitted to M . BARTIIELEMI , by Mr . WICKHAM , March 8 , 1796 . THE undersigned , his Britannic Majesty ' s Minister Plenipotentiary to the Monsieur Bartiielemithe desire of
Swiss Cantons , is authorized to convey to , his Court to be made acquainted , through him , with the dispositions of France , in regard to the object of a general pacification . He therefore requests Monsieur Bartiielemi to transmit him in writing ,. ( and after having made the necessary enquiries ) his answer to the following questions . ,.- » ,.-1 . Is there the disposition in France to open a negotiation with his Majesty and his allies for the re-establishment of a general Peace , upon just and suitable termsby sendingfor that purposeMinisters to a Congress , at such place as
, , , may hereafter be agreed upon ? ' ,- -,. 2 . Would there be the disposition to communicate to the undersigned the general grounds of a pacification , such as France would be willing to propose ; in order that his . Majesty andjiis Allies mig ht thereupon examine in concert , whether they are such as mig ht serve as the foundation of a negotiation for Peace ? 3 . Or would there be a desire to propose any other way whatever , for arriving at the same end , that of a general pacification ? . The undersigned is authorized to receive from Monsieur Bartiielemi the answer but he is not authorized to
to these questions , and to transmit them to his Court , enter with him into negotiation or discussion upon these . subjects . , ( Signed ) W . WICKHAM . ' Berne , March 8 , 179 6 . : NOTE . Transmitted to Mr . WICKHAM , by M . BARTHELEMI , March 26 , 1796 . The undersigned , Ambassador of the French Republic to the Helvetic Body , has transmitted to the Executive Directory the note which Mr ,-Wickham , his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
From The London Gazettes.
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , April 23 . Extract of a Letter from Admiral Peyton , Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in the Downs , to Evan Nepean Esq . Secretary to the Admiralty , dated on board the Savage sloop , April . 2 t , 1796 . I have received a letter from Captain Roe , of his Majesty ' s sloop Racoon , acquainting me he had taken , on the coast oif France , a French lugger privateer , with thirteen men , armed with blunderbusses and musquets , which had been out from Dunkirk five days , but had taken nothing .
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , April 23 , 1796 . Extract of a Letter from Rear-Admiral Parker , Commander in Chief of bis Majesty ' s ships and vessels at Jamaica , to Evan Nepean , Esq . dated Sviiftsure , at the Mole , 2 () tb of February , 179 6 . I beg leave to acquaint you , for their Lordships information , that the Honourable Captain Carpenter , of his Majesty's ship Intrepid , being stationed ( 0 cruize off old Cape Francois for the reinforcements expected from Cork , fell in with a French frigate , which , after ten hours chace , ( the latter part being very light her cables
airs of wind , ) first anchored , and afterwards , by their cutting , drove on shore , in a cove a little , to the eastward of Porto Plata , when the crew abandoned her , and she was taken possession of and ' got off , without damage by Captain Carpenter . It appears by the log-book that she is called La Percante , commanded by the Citoyen Jacque Clement Tourtellet , Lieutenant de Vaisseau , mounting twenty q-pounders , and six brass 2 pounders , and had on board near two hundred men , dispatched by order of the Minister of Marine and Colonies , and sailed from Rochelle the 6 th of December last , with orders not to be spoke with , nor'to speak with any thing .
State Papers.
' The following STATE PAPERS , which Ministers have officially delivered to all the Foreign Ambassadors on the proposed , and rejected Overtures for a General Pacification , will be found of a most extraordinary , as well as important nature . ' NOTE . Transmitted to M . BARTIIELEMI , by Mr . WICKHAM , March 8 , 1796 . THE undersigned , his Britannic Majesty ' s Minister Plenipotentiary to the Monsieur Bartiielemithe desire of
Swiss Cantons , is authorized to convey to , his Court to be made acquainted , through him , with the dispositions of France , in regard to the object of a general pacification . He therefore requests Monsieur Bartiielemi to transmit him in writing ,. ( and after having made the necessary enquiries ) his answer to the following questions . ,.- » ,.-1 . Is there the disposition in France to open a negotiation with his Majesty and his allies for the re-establishment of a general Peace , upon just and suitable termsby sendingfor that purposeMinisters to a Congress , at such place as
, , , may hereafter be agreed upon ? ' ,- -,. 2 . Would there be the disposition to communicate to the undersigned the general grounds of a pacification , such as France would be willing to propose ; in order that his . Majesty andjiis Allies mig ht thereupon examine in concert , whether they are such as mig ht serve as the foundation of a negotiation for Peace ? 3 . Or would there be a desire to propose any other way whatever , for arriving at the same end , that of a general pacification ? . The undersigned is authorized to receive from Monsieur Bartiielemi the answer but he is not authorized to
to these questions , and to transmit them to his Court , enter with him into negotiation or discussion upon these . subjects . , ( Signed ) W . WICKHAM . ' Berne , March 8 , 179 6 . : NOTE . Transmitted to Mr . WICKHAM , by M . BARTHELEMI , March 26 , 1796 . The undersigned , Ambassador of the French Republic to the Helvetic Body , has transmitted to the Executive Directory the note which Mr ,-Wickham , his