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Home News.
EXETER , April i , 1796 . ON Thursday , an apprentice to a dyer , doing something to an immense cauldron of boiling water , fell in , and continued immersed for half a minute ; on being taken out , although scalded and burned to a shocking degree , he appeared in full possession of all his faculties , received the sacrament , and for about- four hours , the time he survived the accident , appeared free from that pain our horror annexes to that description of death . TauntonApril 1 A servant maidat our assizesreceived 400 Idamages from
, , , , . her master , Mr . Higgins , of Shepton Mallet , for a violent and unprovoked assault . Chester , April I . At the Conway Assizes , the Grand Jury found a Bill of Indictment against the Bishop of Bangor , his Agent , Chaplain , and two other divines , for a riot ; and also another Bill against the Bishop for an assault ! 8 . Yesterday came on , at the Sessions House , Clerkenwell , before Mr . Mainwaring and several other Magistrates , the trial of Mrs . Phipoe , who stood indicted
for an assault on Mr . Courtois . The particulars of this case will immediately recur to the minds of our readers , when we mention that Mrs . Phipoe is the same person who was tried and convicted sonie months ago at the . Old Bailey , on a charge of feloniously and forcibly obtaining from the said Mr . Courtois a promissory note for 2000 I . but her case being left for the opinion of the twelve Judges , it was given in her . favour , a promissory note not being considered as a thing of value ; the Court however ordered her to be detained for the assault , but which she gave bail to answer . On her trial yesterdaythe same circumstances were adduced in evi
, , dence against her as at the Old Bailey , and on which the Jury found her Guilty . The Chairman said the Court would take time to consider the sentence , and ordered her to be brought up on the last day of Sessions . The sentence of the Court afterwards was that she be confined one year in Newgate . 8 . Tuesday last came on the election of a Governor and a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England , for the year ensuing , when
Daniel Giles , Esq . was chosen : Governor , and Thomas Raikes , Esq . Deputy Governor . And Wednesday came on the election of twenty-four Directors ,, when the following Gentlemen were chosen .
Samuel Beachcroft , Esq . Joseph Nutt , Esq . Tho . Boddington , Esq . J . „ hn Pearse , Esq . ' Roger Bohem , Esq . George Peters , Esq . Samuel Bosanquet , Esq . Charles Pole , Esq . Bieknell Coney , Esq . John Puget , Esq . Edward Darell , Esq-. James Reed , Esq . Tho . Dea , Esq : Edward Simeon , Esqr . N le French Thornton
. Bog , Esq . _ Godfrey , Esq . William Manning , Esq . ¦ '¦ - Samuel Thornton , Esq . Job Mathew , Esq . B . Watson , Esq . and Aid ; Wm . Mellish Esq . Mark Weyland , Esq . Sir R . Neave , Bart . Benj . Winthorp , Esq . to . This day the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey , when fifteen prisoners received sentence of death ; one toT > e transported for fourteen , and eighteen for seven years , twelve to be confined in Newgate , ten in the House of Correction , nine to be
publicly and six privately whipped and discharged-. Six of the Convicts sentenced the last Session to death , received his Majesty s pardon on condition of . keing transported for life . ' . VOL . yi . P- p
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Home News.
EXETER , April i , 1796 . ON Thursday , an apprentice to a dyer , doing something to an immense cauldron of boiling water , fell in , and continued immersed for half a minute ; on being taken out , although scalded and burned to a shocking degree , he appeared in full possession of all his faculties , received the sacrament , and for about- four hours , the time he survived the accident , appeared free from that pain our horror annexes to that description of death . TauntonApril 1 A servant maidat our assizesreceived 400 Idamages from
, , , , . her master , Mr . Higgins , of Shepton Mallet , for a violent and unprovoked assault . Chester , April I . At the Conway Assizes , the Grand Jury found a Bill of Indictment against the Bishop of Bangor , his Agent , Chaplain , and two other divines , for a riot ; and also another Bill against the Bishop for an assault ! 8 . Yesterday came on , at the Sessions House , Clerkenwell , before Mr . Mainwaring and several other Magistrates , the trial of Mrs . Phipoe , who stood indicted
for an assault on Mr . Courtois . The particulars of this case will immediately recur to the minds of our readers , when we mention that Mrs . Phipoe is the same person who was tried and convicted sonie months ago at the . Old Bailey , on a charge of feloniously and forcibly obtaining from the said Mr . Courtois a promissory note for 2000 I . but her case being left for the opinion of the twelve Judges , it was given in her . favour , a promissory note not being considered as a thing of value ; the Court however ordered her to be detained for the assault , but which she gave bail to answer . On her trial yesterdaythe same circumstances were adduced in evi
, , dence against her as at the Old Bailey , and on which the Jury found her Guilty . The Chairman said the Court would take time to consider the sentence , and ordered her to be brought up on the last day of Sessions . The sentence of the Court afterwards was that she be confined one year in Newgate . 8 . Tuesday last came on the election of a Governor and a Deputy Governor of the Bank of England , for the year ensuing , when
Daniel Giles , Esq . was chosen : Governor , and Thomas Raikes , Esq . Deputy Governor . And Wednesday came on the election of twenty-four Directors ,, when the following Gentlemen were chosen .
Samuel Beachcroft , Esq . Joseph Nutt , Esq . Tho . Boddington , Esq . J . „ hn Pearse , Esq . ' Roger Bohem , Esq . George Peters , Esq . Samuel Bosanquet , Esq . Charles Pole , Esq . Bieknell Coney , Esq . John Puget , Esq . Edward Darell , Esq-. James Reed , Esq . Tho . Dea , Esq : Edward Simeon , Esqr . N le French Thornton
. Bog , Esq . _ Godfrey , Esq . William Manning , Esq . ¦ '¦ - Samuel Thornton , Esq . Job Mathew , Esq . B . Watson , Esq . and Aid ; Wm . Mellish Esq . Mark Weyland , Esq . Sir R . Neave , Bart . Benj . Winthorp , Esq . to . This day the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey , when fifteen prisoners received sentence of death ; one toT > e transported for fourteen , and eighteen for seven years , twelve to be confined in Newgate , ten in the House of Correction , nine to be
publicly and six privately whipped and discharged-. Six of the Convicts sentenced the last Session to death , received his Majesty s pardon on condition of . keing transported for life . ' . VOL . yi . P- p