Article MONTHLY CHRONICLE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Monthly Chronicle.
Were agreed to , and signed the same day . Captain Harvey , of his Majesty's ship Prince of Wales , will have the honour to deliver this dispatch , from whoni I have always experienced the greatest zeal and attention Co his Majesty ' s service "; I have the honour to be , & c . HENKY HARVEY . ' List of ships of war burnt and caplitred in Shagaramus Bay ; in the Gulph of
PariaFebru-; ary l"l , 1797 , by tbe squadron under the command of Rear-Admiral Harvey . San Vincento , S $ *¦ A . Don Sebastian RKiz de Apodaca , ) ¦ T ) Capt . Don Geronimo Meiidoza , ( burnt . Gallarado , 74 l Don Gabriel Sorondo , ' C Arrogante , 74 Don Raphael Be ' nasa , ' / San Damaso , 74 Don Toref Jordan , captured ; Santa Cecilia , 36 Doti Manuel Urtesabcl , burnt .
' , Prince of Wales ; Trinidad , Feb . 14 ; i 797 . ' Be pleased to acquaint their Lordships that very few vessels of the enemy have been taken possession of at the surrender of this island ; what have been captured arc chiefly small craft of little or-nb value . Two merchant vessels and a French privateer were set fire to when the ships of War were destroyed . The other vessels at Port D'Espagne belong to neutral powers ' . Some h ' aval stores ; consisting of small cables , cordage , aiid sail-cloth , were found in the magazines on shore , which I shall cause to be embarked , and sent to Martinique . I have the honour to be , & "c . HENRY HARVEY . '
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , APRIL 4 . Extract of a ldtter from Rear-Admiral Pringle , Commander in Chief of his Majesty ' s ships and vessels at the Cape of Good Hope , to Mr . Nepeati ; dated at that Settlement , on the 15 th of January last ; ' On the jf st ult . his Majesty ' s ships Jupiter and Sceptre returned here from their cruize off the Mauritius , having captured three small vessels , two of which they destroyed ; the third , a brig , arrived the 12 Hi instant . Captain Losack left . hat station on the 25 th ot" Novemberhaving previousldetached the
Crescent-, y , Braave and Sphynx , to look into Foul Point and Augustine Bay . On the 13 th these last ships returned to this place , having captured five vessels , and also destroyed an establishment of the enemy at Foul Poifit , upon the island of Madagascar . I inclose Capt . Spranger ' s letter to me upon the subject . ' A letter from Captain Spranger to Rear-Admiral Pringle , daied on board the Crescent , Cape of Good Hope , January 14 , 1797 . ' s : n ,
' I have the honour to inform you , that , in pursuance of my Order ' s , I proceeded with his Majesty ' s ships Braave and Sphynx under my command to Foul Point , it ! the Island of Madagascar ; and having landed the marines and small arms meb of the squadron , and summoned the French Resident to surrender , I took possession of the fort and factory in behalf of his Britannic Majesty , and remained there till I had completed the demolition of the establishment , agreeable to my directions . The French had a considerable depot , of amis and ammunition , -
stores and merchandize , for trading with tlie ilatives , tlie destruction of whicli must greatly distress the enemy , as the island of Mauritius draws its . principal supplies of provisions from this settlement . I have also the honour to fransmif you the capitulation of M . Rasselin , the . Resident , who I sent , together with other prisoners , in a cartel to . the Isle of France . ' DOWXISG-STIIEET , APRIL 8 , 1797 . A dispatch , of which the following is an extract , has been received by the Right
Hon . Lord Grenville , bis Majesty's Principal Secretary Of State for Foreign ' Affairs , from Colonel Graham , dated Head-quarters of bis Royal Highness Ihe Archduke Charles , at Vippach , March 20 , 1797 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Monthly Chronicle.
Were agreed to , and signed the same day . Captain Harvey , of his Majesty's ship Prince of Wales , will have the honour to deliver this dispatch , from whoni I have always experienced the greatest zeal and attention Co his Majesty ' s service "; I have the honour to be , & c . HENKY HARVEY . ' List of ships of war burnt and caplitred in Shagaramus Bay ; in the Gulph of
PariaFebru-; ary l"l , 1797 , by tbe squadron under the command of Rear-Admiral Harvey . San Vincento , S $ *¦ A . Don Sebastian RKiz de Apodaca , ) ¦ T ) Capt . Don Geronimo Meiidoza , ( burnt . Gallarado , 74 l Don Gabriel Sorondo , ' C Arrogante , 74 Don Raphael Be ' nasa , ' / San Damaso , 74 Don Toref Jordan , captured ; Santa Cecilia , 36 Doti Manuel Urtesabcl , burnt .
' , Prince of Wales ; Trinidad , Feb . 14 ; i 797 . ' Be pleased to acquaint their Lordships that very few vessels of the enemy have been taken possession of at the surrender of this island ; what have been captured arc chiefly small craft of little or-nb value . Two merchant vessels and a French privateer were set fire to when the ships of War were destroyed . The other vessels at Port D'Espagne belong to neutral powers ' . Some h ' aval stores ; consisting of small cables , cordage , aiid sail-cloth , were found in the magazines on shore , which I shall cause to be embarked , and sent to Martinique . I have the honour to be , & "c . HENRY HARVEY . '
ADMIRALTY-OFFICE , APRIL 4 . Extract of a ldtter from Rear-Admiral Pringle , Commander in Chief of his Majesty ' s ships and vessels at the Cape of Good Hope , to Mr . Nepeati ; dated at that Settlement , on the 15 th of January last ; ' On the jf st ult . his Majesty ' s ships Jupiter and Sceptre returned here from their cruize off the Mauritius , having captured three small vessels , two of which they destroyed ; the third , a brig , arrived the 12 Hi instant . Captain Losack left . hat station on the 25 th ot" Novemberhaving previousldetached the
Crescent-, y , Braave and Sphynx , to look into Foul Point and Augustine Bay . On the 13 th these last ships returned to this place , having captured five vessels , and also destroyed an establishment of the enemy at Foul Poifit , upon the island of Madagascar . I inclose Capt . Spranger ' s letter to me upon the subject . ' A letter from Captain Spranger to Rear-Admiral Pringle , daied on board the Crescent , Cape of Good Hope , January 14 , 1797 . ' s : n ,
' I have the honour to inform you , that , in pursuance of my Order ' s , I proceeded with his Majesty ' s ships Braave and Sphynx under my command to Foul Point , it ! the Island of Madagascar ; and having landed the marines and small arms meb of the squadron , and summoned the French Resident to surrender , I took possession of the fort and factory in behalf of his Britannic Majesty , and remained there till I had completed the demolition of the establishment , agreeable to my directions . The French had a considerable depot , of amis and ammunition , -
stores and merchandize , for trading with tlie ilatives , tlie destruction of whicli must greatly distress the enemy , as the island of Mauritius draws its . principal supplies of provisions from this settlement . I have also the honour to fransmif you the capitulation of M . Rasselin , the . Resident , who I sent , together with other prisoners , in a cartel to . the Isle of France . ' DOWXISG-STIIEET , APRIL 8 , 1797 . A dispatch , of which the following is an extract , has been received by the Right
Hon . Lord Grenville , bis Majesty's Principal Secretary Of State for Foreign ' Affairs , from Colonel Graham , dated Head-quarters of bis Royal Highness Ihe Archduke Charles , at Vippach , March 20 , 1797 .