Article WISDOM AND FOLLY. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Wisdom And Folly.
usurers , brokers , & x . than highwaymen , gamesters , and other thieves of that kind ; so none exclaim more severely against highwaymen , gamesters , & c . than usurers , brokers , and other thieves of this kind . What holds with different sets of knaves , holds also with different sets of Fools ; though indeed in the upshot Fools and Knaves are pretty near akin . None rail more against Topsy-turvy ' s lecturer .-:, seditious writers & c . than Bigotsplace-hunterslevee-mongerslords of
, , , , the bedchamber , maids of honour , baisemaqiieues , aud other Fools of that kind ; so none rail - more against -Bigots , levee-mongers , & c . than seditious writers , lecturers , Tutwites , and other Pools of this kind . On both sides the railing is chiefly imitation . ' ' Which of the two , ' I said , ' do you think the most friendly to Folly ? ' 'The Turvyites are the most active in the service of' Polly , ' my Guide
replied , ' while they last ; but the Bigots ancl Co . the most uniform and persevering . The Turvyites are like a tornado , violent for a time ; the Bigots like a trade-wind , blowing constantly . ' ' Who is that , ' I asked my Guide , ' wilh two large octavo volumes in his hand , that he contemplates with mixed gravity and exultation , with a man in socks , spectacles , and snuff-coloured coat , who
seems to be his humble follower ? ' ' These , ' said he , 'dig in the same vineyard with Topsy-turvy , and try to raise the same fiuit bv different culture . They are both deserters from lower parts of the regions of Wisdom than Thomas ; and the man in socks from nearer the frontiers than the other . They are now most zealous promoters of the dominion of Folly . The man with the two books having found
religion , morality , and subordination , very great restraints on the exertions of the loyal . subjects of Folly , has written these volumes to persuade born and bred Fools to do without either . As Fools have a wonderful propensity to hear ancl use terms commo ) i among the Wise , this man , to gratify them , calls his volumes Political Justice : he tells Fools that they are mere machines ; that whatever they do , they can no more help than a pistol can firing , if it was loadedprimed
, , the trigger drawn , and the flint good ; ancl that they no more deserve punishment for committing murder , than the bullet from that pistol when it shoots a man . This , you will allow , is an excellent way of making Fools rogues , as Fools only can attend , to such absurdity . If would certainly be a very consolatory doftrine to the robbers and murderers on your Hounslow-heathif they could
per-, suade themselves that it is true : but even THEY are not so bad , as they wour . n r . E , were they to adopt that mans principles . ' ' Heaven avert , ' said I , ' that such doctrine should ever visit England ! Abershaw would be blameless by the Political Justice . ' ' Completely to overthrow morality , he details the various obligations from contracts , promises , and reprobates them all : he proscribes marriage ,
government of every kind , friendship , parental and filial affection , and patriotism ; in short , affection for every object to whose benefit it can operate , that so , if the affection exist , it may do no good . Pie proposes also various changes of other sorts : to make ploughs till the ground spontaneously , to make carts go without horses , to make men live for ever . These last schemes are not altogether new , as something like them is to be found in the Voyage to Laputa and the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Wisdom And Folly.
usurers , brokers , & x . than highwaymen , gamesters , and other thieves of that kind ; so none exclaim more severely against highwaymen , gamesters , & c . than usurers , brokers , and other thieves of this kind . What holds with different sets of knaves , holds also with different sets of Fools ; though indeed in the upshot Fools and Knaves are pretty near akin . None rail more against Topsy-turvy ' s lecturer .-:, seditious writers & c . than Bigotsplace-hunterslevee-mongerslords of
, , , , the bedchamber , maids of honour , baisemaqiieues , aud other Fools of that kind ; so none rail - more against -Bigots , levee-mongers , & c . than seditious writers , lecturers , Tutwites , and other Pools of this kind . On both sides the railing is chiefly imitation . ' ' Which of the two , ' I said , ' do you think the most friendly to Folly ? ' 'The Turvyites are the most active in the service of' Polly , ' my Guide
replied , ' while they last ; but the Bigots ancl Co . the most uniform and persevering . The Turvyites are like a tornado , violent for a time ; the Bigots like a trade-wind , blowing constantly . ' ' Who is that , ' I asked my Guide , ' wilh two large octavo volumes in his hand , that he contemplates with mixed gravity and exultation , with a man in socks , spectacles , and snuff-coloured coat , who
seems to be his humble follower ? ' ' These , ' said he , 'dig in the same vineyard with Topsy-turvy , and try to raise the same fiuit bv different culture . They are both deserters from lower parts of the regions of Wisdom than Thomas ; and the man in socks from nearer the frontiers than the other . They are now most zealous promoters of the dominion of Folly . The man with the two books having found
religion , morality , and subordination , very great restraints on the exertions of the loyal . subjects of Folly , has written these volumes to persuade born and bred Fools to do without either . As Fools have a wonderful propensity to hear ancl use terms commo ) i among the Wise , this man , to gratify them , calls his volumes Political Justice : he tells Fools that they are mere machines ; that whatever they do , they can no more help than a pistol can firing , if it was loadedprimed
, , the trigger drawn , and the flint good ; ancl that they no more deserve punishment for committing murder , than the bullet from that pistol when it shoots a man . This , you will allow , is an excellent way of making Fools rogues , as Fools only can attend , to such absurdity . If would certainly be a very consolatory doftrine to the robbers and murderers on your Hounslow-heathif they could
per-, suade themselves that it is true : but even THEY are not so bad , as they wour . n r . E , were they to adopt that mans principles . ' ' Heaven avert , ' said I , ' that such doctrine should ever visit England ! Abershaw would be blameless by the Political Justice . ' ' Completely to overthrow morality , he details the various obligations from contracts , promises , and reprobates them all : he proscribes marriage ,
government of every kind , friendship , parental and filial affection , and patriotism ; in short , affection for every object to whose benefit it can operate , that so , if the affection exist , it may do no good . Pie proposes also various changes of other sorts : to make ploughs till the ground spontaneously , to make carts go without horses , to make men live for ever . These last schemes are not altogether new , as something like them is to be found in the Voyage to Laputa and the