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Proceedings Of A Great Council Of Jews,
a rich canopy over him . lie made his crosses in the air with his ringers , and threw his blessings amongst them . And truly these delusions were so prevailing with ' the people , that ( poor souls !) they seemed to me to rejoice , as if Christ himself had been come to Rome , ancl brought them down the felicities of Heaven . 'At one time I beheld in Naples ( perhaps it will seem strange ,
but it is true ) about eight thousand pilgrims going " to Rome for their absolution ; all which the Viceroy of Naples maintained three days at his own charge ; and on the fourth day , they did present themselves before him at his palace , in pilgrim weeds , viz . with leaden pictures of saints in their hats , with leather collars about their necks , which fell down half way over their arms , and their staves in their hands :
and thus they marched away from Naples in the posture of an arm }' , towards Rome ; and so farewell Rome 1 Vidi . satis est vidisse . ' I omit to recite many other occurrences , which [ 13- conference , I shall willingly communicate to my friends , they being too many to commit to writing : only now the fourth remarkable thing-remained ! to present you with ; and that is ,
THE PROCEEDINGS OF A GREAT COUNCIL OF JEWS , assembled in the plain of Ageda in Hungary , about thirty leagues distant from Buda , to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ , on the 12 th of October , 1650 . 'It hath been much desired by many honest Christians , that this narrative of the Jews ' council should be publishedwhich I did intend
, only to communicate to private friends . . The chief argument by ¦ which they have persuaded me to do it , is , because they do conceive it to be a preparative ancl hopeful sign of the Jews ' conversion , arid that it will be glad tidings to the church < f Christ ; and therefore I have yielded to satisfy their desires therein . And thus it was : ' At the place above-named there assembled about three hundred
Rabbies , called together from several parts of the world , to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ ; ancl it seems this place was thought most convenient for this council , in regard that part of the country was not much inhabited , because of the continual wars between the Turk and the King of Hungary ; where ( as I ivas informed ) they had fought two bloody battles ; yet both Piincesnotwithstanding their
, own differences , did give leave to the Jews to hold their council there . And for their accommodation there , the Jews did make divers tents for their repose , and had plenty of provision / brought them from other parts of the countr }' , during the time of their sitting there . There was also one large tent , built only for the council to sit in , made almost four square ; the north and the south part of it being not
altogether so large as the east and west part thereof . It had but one door , and that opened to the east , and in the middle thereof stood a little table and a stool for the Propounder to sit ' on , with his face towards the door of the tent . The said Propounder was * of the tribe of Levi , and was named Zacharias ; and within this tent , round about , were placed divers forms for the consulters to sit on . It was also inclosed with a rail that stood at a distance from it , to prevent entrance
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proceedings Of A Great Council Of Jews,
a rich canopy over him . lie made his crosses in the air with his ringers , and threw his blessings amongst them . And truly these delusions were so prevailing with ' the people , that ( poor souls !) they seemed to me to rejoice , as if Christ himself had been come to Rome , ancl brought them down the felicities of Heaven . 'At one time I beheld in Naples ( perhaps it will seem strange ,
but it is true ) about eight thousand pilgrims going " to Rome for their absolution ; all which the Viceroy of Naples maintained three days at his own charge ; and on the fourth day , they did present themselves before him at his palace , in pilgrim weeds , viz . with leaden pictures of saints in their hats , with leather collars about their necks , which fell down half way over their arms , and their staves in their hands :
and thus they marched away from Naples in the posture of an arm }' , towards Rome ; and so farewell Rome 1 Vidi . satis est vidisse . ' I omit to recite many other occurrences , which [ 13- conference , I shall willingly communicate to my friends , they being too many to commit to writing : only now the fourth remarkable thing-remained ! to present you with ; and that is ,
THE PROCEEDINGS OF A GREAT COUNCIL OF JEWS , assembled in the plain of Ageda in Hungary , about thirty leagues distant from Buda , to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ , on the 12 th of October , 1650 . 'It hath been much desired by many honest Christians , that this narrative of the Jews ' council should be publishedwhich I did intend
, only to communicate to private friends . . The chief argument by ¦ which they have persuaded me to do it , is , because they do conceive it to be a preparative ancl hopeful sign of the Jews ' conversion , arid that it will be glad tidings to the church < f Christ ; and therefore I have yielded to satisfy their desires therein . And thus it was : ' At the place above-named there assembled about three hundred
Rabbies , called together from several parts of the world , to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ ; ancl it seems this place was thought most convenient for this council , in regard that part of the country was not much inhabited , because of the continual wars between the Turk and the King of Hungary ; where ( as I ivas informed ) they had fought two bloody battles ; yet both Piincesnotwithstanding their
, own differences , did give leave to the Jews to hold their council there . And for their accommodation there , the Jews did make divers tents for their repose , and had plenty of provision / brought them from other parts of the countr }' , during the time of their sitting there . There was also one large tent , built only for the council to sit in , made almost four square ; the north and the south part of it being not
altogether so large as the east and west part thereof . It had but one door , and that opened to the east , and in the middle thereof stood a little table and a stool for the Propounder to sit ' on , with his face towards the door of the tent . The said Propounder was * of the tribe of Levi , and was named Zacharias ; and within this tent , round about , were placed divers forms for the consulters to sit on . It was also inclosed with a rail that stood at a distance from it , to prevent entrance