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Proceedings Of A Great Council Of Jews,
' I remember very well one of the council , in his conference with me , seemed to be very apprehensive of the great and long desolation of their nation , ever since their destruction by the Roman Emperors : and he imputed this their affliflionto their impenitency . And comparing their present judgment with their other judgments thev had suffered beforehe ingenuously confessedthat he did conceive it
, , ¦ was for some great wickedness ; and that their nation was guilty of the blood of the Prophets sent from God to their nation , ancl the many massacres that had been committed by the several sects and factions among them . For ( said he ) we are no idolaters , neither do I think we were guilty of idolatry since our captivity in Babylon ; and therefore ( said he ) I do impute this our calamity and present
judgment to the fore-named causes . And this was the sum of that which was disputed amongst thern the second day of their meeting ; and so they adjourned till the next morning , which was the third day of their meeting . ' When being assembled together again , the point that ivas chiefly agitated was concerning the manner of Christ ' s coming . Ancl this
, some said , shall be like a mighty ]? rince , in the full power and authority of a King , yea , in greater power than ever any King had ; and that he will deliver their nation out of the power of their enemies , and their temple shall be rebuilt again ; and , that the nations shall be of their religion , and worship God after their manner . For they hold , that the Messiah will not alter their reli gion , whensoever he
cometh . And further , concerning Ins parentage , they did agree in this , that he should be born of a Virgin , according to the prediction of the Prophets : ai . d they agreed also , that he may be born of such a Virgin , which might be of mean note amongst their nation , as was the Virgin Mary . And . here some of them seemed to me to incline to think that Christ was come . Therefore , when they came together again the next daythe Propounder demanded of themif Christ
, , were already come , and who they thought he was ? And to this demand they gave this answer , that they-thought Eliah was he , if he were come , because he came with great power , which he declared b y slaying the priests of Baal : and , for the fulfilling of the Scripture , he was oppressed by Ahab and Jezabel : yet they esteemed him to be more than a mortal man , because he so strangely ascended up into
Heaven . And because this opinion was contradicted by others , the day following they took into examination the same question , to answer them that the said Eliah was not the Messiah . They of the contrary opinion did urge the care and love of Eliah for the good of their nation , in that he left them Elisha , his disciple , to teach and instruct the people ; whichthey expect to be the care of their Messiah . These were the chief
arguments they had to defend theiropinion : and thesame day , towards night , itcame into question amongst them , What he then was thatsaid he was the Son of God , and was crucified by their ancestors ? and because this was the great question amongst them , they deferred the further consideration thereof until the next day . [ TO BE CONCLVDED IN OL-RNEXT . J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Proceedings Of A Great Council Of Jews,
' I remember very well one of the council , in his conference with me , seemed to be very apprehensive of the great and long desolation of their nation , ever since their destruction by the Roman Emperors : and he imputed this their affliflionto their impenitency . And comparing their present judgment with their other judgments thev had suffered beforehe ingenuously confessedthat he did conceive it
, , ¦ was for some great wickedness ; and that their nation was guilty of the blood of the Prophets sent from God to their nation , ancl the many massacres that had been committed by the several sects and factions among them . For ( said he ) we are no idolaters , neither do I think we were guilty of idolatry since our captivity in Babylon ; and therefore ( said he ) I do impute this our calamity and present
judgment to the fore-named causes . And this was the sum of that which was disputed amongst thern the second day of their meeting ; and so they adjourned till the next morning , which was the third day of their meeting . ' When being assembled together again , the point that ivas chiefly agitated was concerning the manner of Christ ' s coming . Ancl this
, some said , shall be like a mighty ]? rince , in the full power and authority of a King , yea , in greater power than ever any King had ; and that he will deliver their nation out of the power of their enemies , and their temple shall be rebuilt again ; and , that the nations shall be of their religion , and worship God after their manner . For they hold , that the Messiah will not alter their reli gion , whensoever he
cometh . And further , concerning Ins parentage , they did agree in this , that he should be born of a Virgin , according to the prediction of the Prophets : ai . d they agreed also , that he may be born of such a Virgin , which might be of mean note amongst their nation , as was the Virgin Mary . And . here some of them seemed to me to incline to think that Christ was come . Therefore , when they came together again the next daythe Propounder demanded of themif Christ
, , were already come , and who they thought he was ? And to this demand they gave this answer , that they-thought Eliah was he , if he were come , because he came with great power , which he declared b y slaying the priests of Baal : and , for the fulfilling of the Scripture , he was oppressed by Ahab and Jezabel : yet they esteemed him to be more than a mortal man , because he so strangely ascended up into
Heaven . And because this opinion was contradicted by others , the day following they took into examination the same question , to answer them that the said Eliah was not the Messiah . They of the contrary opinion did urge the care and love of Eliah for the good of their nation , in that he left them Elisha , his disciple , to teach and instruct the people ; whichthey expect to be the care of their Messiah . These were the chief
arguments they had to defend theiropinion : and thesame day , towards night , itcame into question amongst them , What he then was thatsaid he was the Son of God , and was crucified by their ancestors ? and because this was the great question amongst them , they deferred the further consideration thereof until the next day . [ TO BE CONCLVDED IN OL-RNEXT . J