Article THE LIFE OF MRS. ANNE AYSCOUGH, OR ASKEW. ← Page 5 of 5 Article AN ACCOUNT OF DRUIDISM. Page 1 of 8 →
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The Life Of Mrs. Anne Ayscough, Or Askew.
' The sum of the condemnation of me Anne Askew , art the Guild" hall . They said to me there that I was an heretick , and condem" ned by the law , if I would stand in my own opinion . I answered , " that I was no heretick , neither yet deserved I any death by the law of " God . But as concerning the faith which I uttered and wrote to " the Council , I would not ( I said ) deny it , because I knew it true . " Then would they needs know if I would deny the sacrament to " be Christ ' s Body and Blood . I said , yea . For the same Son of
" God that was born of the Virgin Mary is now glorious in Hea" ven , and will come again from thence at the latter day like as " he went up , Acts i . And as for that ye call your God , it is a piece " of bread ; for a more proof thereof ( mark it when you list ) let it lie " in the box but three months , and it will be mouldy , and so turn to " nothing that is good , wherefore I am persuaded it cannot be God . " After that they willed me to have a Priest , and then I smiled . " Then they asked me if it were not good . I said I would confess my " faults . unto God ; for I was sure he would hear me with favour ; " and so we were condemned with a auest . "
The confession which she sent to the Council , and which is alluded to in the above , was in brief , upon the article of the eucharist , " That " the sacramental bread was left us to be received with ' thanksgiving , " in remembrance of Christ's death , the only remedy of our soul's " recovery : and thereby we also receive the whole benefits and fruits " of his most glorious passion . " From the Guildhall she was remanded to Newgate as a destined
victim for the stake . But the malice of her persecutors was not to be satisfied with the horrors of this fiery trial without preparatory tortures . Our young heroine was therefore doomed to endure the agonizing pains of the rack , and that too hei ghtened by peculiar circuijistances of cruelty . W . \ T ~ o be concluded in our next . ]
An Account Of Druidism.
BY MR . POLWHELE . n __— mi ii ii
( Continued from Page 1 S 2 . J
' f li' -iHE Druid rites come next to be considered . The principal JJL times of devotion among the Druids were either mid-day or midni ght . The officiating Druid was cloathed in a white garment that swept the ground ; on his head he wore the tiara ; he had the anguinum or serpent ' s egg , as the ensign of his order ; his temples were encircled with a wreath of oak-leaves , and he waved-in his hand the magic rod . As to the Druid sacrifice , we have various and VOL . II . Un
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Life Of Mrs. Anne Ayscough, Or Askew.
' The sum of the condemnation of me Anne Askew , art the Guild" hall . They said to me there that I was an heretick , and condem" ned by the law , if I would stand in my own opinion . I answered , " that I was no heretick , neither yet deserved I any death by the law of " God . But as concerning the faith which I uttered and wrote to " the Council , I would not ( I said ) deny it , because I knew it true . " Then would they needs know if I would deny the sacrament to " be Christ ' s Body and Blood . I said , yea . For the same Son of
" God that was born of the Virgin Mary is now glorious in Hea" ven , and will come again from thence at the latter day like as " he went up , Acts i . And as for that ye call your God , it is a piece " of bread ; for a more proof thereof ( mark it when you list ) let it lie " in the box but three months , and it will be mouldy , and so turn to " nothing that is good , wherefore I am persuaded it cannot be God . " After that they willed me to have a Priest , and then I smiled . " Then they asked me if it were not good . I said I would confess my " faults . unto God ; for I was sure he would hear me with favour ; " and so we were condemned with a auest . "
The confession which she sent to the Council , and which is alluded to in the above , was in brief , upon the article of the eucharist , " That " the sacramental bread was left us to be received with ' thanksgiving , " in remembrance of Christ's death , the only remedy of our soul's " recovery : and thereby we also receive the whole benefits and fruits " of his most glorious passion . " From the Guildhall she was remanded to Newgate as a destined
victim for the stake . But the malice of her persecutors was not to be satisfied with the horrors of this fiery trial without preparatory tortures . Our young heroine was therefore doomed to endure the agonizing pains of the rack , and that too hei ghtened by peculiar circuijistances of cruelty . W . \ T ~ o be concluded in our next . ]
An Account Of Druidism.
BY MR . POLWHELE . n __— mi ii ii
( Continued from Page 1 S 2 . J
' f li' -iHE Druid rites come next to be considered . The principal JJL times of devotion among the Druids were either mid-day or midni ght . The officiating Druid was cloathed in a white garment that swept the ground ; on his head he wore the tiara ; he had the anguinum or serpent ' s egg , as the ensign of his order ; his temples were encircled with a wreath of oak-leaves , and he waved-in his hand the magic rod . As to the Druid sacrifice , we have various and VOL . II . Un