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A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
tlemen , and twenty horse . With this fleet Columbus set sail from Seville on the 15 th of September , the year aforesaid , and on the 5 th of Odtober came to the Gomeru , one of the Canary islands , where he took in wood and water , as also cattle , calves , sheep , goats , and swine , to stock the Indies , besides hens and garden-seeds . Sailing hence more to the southward than the first voyageon the 3 d of November in the
, morning all the fleet spied an island , which Columbus called Dominica , because discovered on a Sunday , and soon after many others , the first of which he called Marigalante , the name of the ship he was in , the next Guadalupe , then Monseratte , Santa Maria Redonda , Santa Maria el Antigua , St . Martin , Santa Cruz ; these are the Caribbee islands . Next he came to the large island , which he called St . John Baptist , but
the Indians Borriquen , and it is now known by the name of Puerto Rico . November the Z 2 d , the fleet arrived on the coast of Hispaniola , where they found the fort burnt down , and none of the Spaniards , they being all destroyed either by discord among themselves , or by the Indians . Not liking the place he had chosen the first voyage to lant his colonyhe turned back to the eastward , and finding a spot
p , to his mind , landed and built a little town , which he called Isabella , in honour of Isabella then queen of Castile . Then keeping five ships of the fleet with him for his use there , he sent back twelve to Spain , under the command of Antony de Torres , with some quantity of gold , and a full account of what had been done . Thus ended this year 1493 :
and here it must be observed , that all the actions done ashore must be omitted , as too extensive for this'discourse , and , in reality , no way belonging to it , the design of it being only to shew what advantages have been made by sea since the discovery of the magnetical needle . Anno 1494 . Columbus sailed from his new colony of Isabella with one great ship arid two caravels on the 24 th of April , directing
hiscourse westward , and came upon the point of Cuba on the I Sth of May , where sailing along the coast he saw an infinite number of small islands ; so that it being impossible to give them all names , he in general called them the Queen ' s Garden . Thus he proceeded as . far as the island de Pinos , near the westernmost end of Cuba , having discovered 333 leagues to the westward from his colony of Isabella .
Hesuffered very much in this voyage by the continual storms of rain , wind , thunder , and lig htning , and therefore resolved to return , taking his way more to the southward , and on the 22 d of July found the island of Jamaica ; whence he directed his course to Hispaniola , and coasting ' about it , arrived at the town of Isabella on the 29 th of September , where he found his brother Bartholomew Columbus , who was come
with four ships from Spain . The admiral built many forts in the island , and being much offended at the ill behaviour of many of the Spaniards , who began to use him disrepectfully , andsent complaintsagainst him to court , returned into Spain to justif y his proceedings , and secure his authority .. [ To be continued . J ¦
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A View Of The Progress Of Navigation.
tlemen , and twenty horse . With this fleet Columbus set sail from Seville on the 15 th of September , the year aforesaid , and on the 5 th of Odtober came to the Gomeru , one of the Canary islands , where he took in wood and water , as also cattle , calves , sheep , goats , and swine , to stock the Indies , besides hens and garden-seeds . Sailing hence more to the southward than the first voyageon the 3 d of November in the
, morning all the fleet spied an island , which Columbus called Dominica , because discovered on a Sunday , and soon after many others , the first of which he called Marigalante , the name of the ship he was in , the next Guadalupe , then Monseratte , Santa Maria Redonda , Santa Maria el Antigua , St . Martin , Santa Cruz ; these are the Caribbee islands . Next he came to the large island , which he called St . John Baptist , but
the Indians Borriquen , and it is now known by the name of Puerto Rico . November the Z 2 d , the fleet arrived on the coast of Hispaniola , where they found the fort burnt down , and none of the Spaniards , they being all destroyed either by discord among themselves , or by the Indians . Not liking the place he had chosen the first voyage to lant his colonyhe turned back to the eastward , and finding a spot
p , to his mind , landed and built a little town , which he called Isabella , in honour of Isabella then queen of Castile . Then keeping five ships of the fleet with him for his use there , he sent back twelve to Spain , under the command of Antony de Torres , with some quantity of gold , and a full account of what had been done . Thus ended this year 1493 :
and here it must be observed , that all the actions done ashore must be omitted , as too extensive for this'discourse , and , in reality , no way belonging to it , the design of it being only to shew what advantages have been made by sea since the discovery of the magnetical needle . Anno 1494 . Columbus sailed from his new colony of Isabella with one great ship arid two caravels on the 24 th of April , directing
hiscourse westward , and came upon the point of Cuba on the I Sth of May , where sailing along the coast he saw an infinite number of small islands ; so that it being impossible to give them all names , he in general called them the Queen ' s Garden . Thus he proceeded as . far as the island de Pinos , near the westernmost end of Cuba , having discovered 333 leagues to the westward from his colony of Isabella .
Hesuffered very much in this voyage by the continual storms of rain , wind , thunder , and lig htning , and therefore resolved to return , taking his way more to the southward , and on the 22 d of July found the island of Jamaica ; whence he directed his course to Hispaniola , and coasting ' about it , arrived at the town of Isabella on the 29 th of September , where he found his brother Bartholomew Columbus , who was come
with four ships from Spain . The admiral built many forts in the island , and being much offended at the ill behaviour of many of the Spaniards , who began to use him disrepectfully , andsent complaintsagainst him to court , returned into Spain to justif y his proceedings , and secure his authority .. [ To be continued . J ¦