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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
life . The GOLD MEDAL of the ROYAL ACADEMY was awarded to him in 1770 for a basso relievo of the RAPE of PROSERPINE , Soon after these evident proofs of a genius hi g hly promising , he was elected by the Academy to be sent' to Rome as a student , at the expence of the institution . This election must have been-peculiarly gratifyingas it was an attestation of the respect in which his talents
, were held at home , while it at the same time afforded him an opportunity of improving himself by a study of the finest remains of ancient Sculpture . His visit to Rome took place in the year 1772 . His principal works during his residence in that venerable Repository of the Arts was a basso relievo in marble of the Death of GERMANIC us ,
another of CARACTACUS before the Emperor CLAUDIUS , and a Statue of CUPID . The first is in the possession of T . Coke , Esq . at Holkham in Norfolk , the second enriches the memorable Collection of the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM at STOWE , and the Statue of CUPID is in a grotto belonging to the palace of the EMPRESS of RUSSIA at Czarsco-Zelo . Mr . Banks took this Statue himself to
Russia in 1781 , after it had been a subject of admiration to the connoisseurs of this country . The Empress gave Mr . Banks for this beautiful Statue 4000 roubles , or about 3801 . of British coin . At this place Mr . Banks enjoyed the patronage of Lord Maknsbury and Prince Potemkin . For the latter he made a model for a Statue of the Empress , and returned to London after staying a year in Russia .
We cannot state the time when Mr . Banks became a member of the Royal Academy , but may presume it was soon after his return from Rome , as he had shewn such obvious proofs of superior genius as gave him a fair and indisputable claim to be admitted among the respectable Fraternity who belong to that admirable school for the advancement of British genius . The first work after his return to this country was a monument ta
the memory of the late BISHOP NEWTON , whose character will always be remembered with regard , on account of his pious labours and great literary talents . It is placed in Bow Church , Cheapside . There is an elegant monument by Mr . Banks in Cripplegate Church , to the memory of Mrs . Hand . But the first great public work from this Artist is the monument to
Sir EYRE COOTE in Westminster Abbey , erected at the expence of the East-India Company , who at the same time raised a shrine expressive of their own taste in selecting Mr . Banks for the office of com- , memorating the exploits of the gallant veteran whose services so well entitled him to the grateful remembrance of his country . We shall not enter . into a description of a work which no man of taste will be
content without beholding ; but we may just observe , that the figure of the MAHRATT A or HiND 00 CAPTIVE is one of the most beaur tiful exemplifications of national character that we ever saw . The whole is spirited , dignified , and appropriate . Though we shall not presume to detail the beauties of Mr . Banks's art , -because the public are so well acquainted with them , it would
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
life . The GOLD MEDAL of the ROYAL ACADEMY was awarded to him in 1770 for a basso relievo of the RAPE of PROSERPINE , Soon after these evident proofs of a genius hi g hly promising , he was elected by the Academy to be sent' to Rome as a student , at the expence of the institution . This election must have been-peculiarly gratifyingas it was an attestation of the respect in which his talents
, were held at home , while it at the same time afforded him an opportunity of improving himself by a study of the finest remains of ancient Sculpture . His visit to Rome took place in the year 1772 . His principal works during his residence in that venerable Repository of the Arts was a basso relievo in marble of the Death of GERMANIC us ,
another of CARACTACUS before the Emperor CLAUDIUS , and a Statue of CUPID . The first is in the possession of T . Coke , Esq . at Holkham in Norfolk , the second enriches the memorable Collection of the Marquis of BUCKINGHAM at STOWE , and the Statue of CUPID is in a grotto belonging to the palace of the EMPRESS of RUSSIA at Czarsco-Zelo . Mr . Banks took this Statue himself to
Russia in 1781 , after it had been a subject of admiration to the connoisseurs of this country . The Empress gave Mr . Banks for this beautiful Statue 4000 roubles , or about 3801 . of British coin . At this place Mr . Banks enjoyed the patronage of Lord Maknsbury and Prince Potemkin . For the latter he made a model for a Statue of the Empress , and returned to London after staying a year in Russia .
We cannot state the time when Mr . Banks became a member of the Royal Academy , but may presume it was soon after his return from Rome , as he had shewn such obvious proofs of superior genius as gave him a fair and indisputable claim to be admitted among the respectable Fraternity who belong to that admirable school for the advancement of British genius . The first work after his return to this country was a monument ta
the memory of the late BISHOP NEWTON , whose character will always be remembered with regard , on account of his pious labours and great literary talents . It is placed in Bow Church , Cheapside . There is an elegant monument by Mr . Banks in Cripplegate Church , to the memory of Mrs . Hand . But the first great public work from this Artist is the monument to
Sir EYRE COOTE in Westminster Abbey , erected at the expence of the East-India Company , who at the same time raised a shrine expressive of their own taste in selecting Mr . Banks for the office of com- , memorating the exploits of the gallant veteran whose services so well entitled him to the grateful remembrance of his country . We shall not enter . into a description of a work which no man of taste will be
content without beholding ; but we may just observe , that the figure of the MAHRATT A or HiND 00 CAPTIVE is one of the most beaur tiful exemplifications of national character that we ever saw . The whole is spirited , dignified , and appropriate . Though we shall not presume to detail the beauties of Mr . Banks's art , -because the public are so well acquainted with them , it would