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Strictures On Public Amusements
son ' s wife . This is made known to the old gentleman by Sheba himself , in the most natural and interesting manner . Sir Stephen goes to the lodgings of his son , whom he finds absent in consequence of a quarrel with Mr . Radcliff , whose pride was injured at his clandestine marriage with his sister . Frederick and Ratcliff fight at a tavern , whither they are followed by the benevolent Jew , who has intimation of their misunderstanding , and Ratcliff is wounded in the hand . While Sir Stephen arid Mrs . Bertram expressing their apprehensionsin of a letter written by
Freare , consequence derick to his father , upon the supposition of a fatal issue to his quarrel , they enter ; and after mutual explanations and congratulations , Sheba is brought in , who discovers in Mrs . Ratcliff the widow of the man who had once saved him from the Inquisition , as Ratcliff had recently done from the brutality of a' London mob . The piece ends happily with a reconciliation of all parties , and the determination of the Jew to leave Ratcliff his heir . . '" This comedy abounds with the most refined sentiments- ; the language flows with and the whole is worked with
case , and is elegant ; the situations are interesting , up treat judgment and proportionable effect . _ ' . , ... ,. Report has fathered the Jew upon Mr . Cumberland ; it is an offspring that will arte , to the well-established feme of that gentleman , whose dramatic productions have so often pleased before . . The play was given out for the following night , -with general applause . The following are the Prologue and Epilogue .
PROLOGUE . ¦ SPOKEN BY MR . PALMER . OUR Comic Bard , before whose roving eye Kingdoms and states in magic vision lie , Sweeps o ' er the map , and , with a partial smile . Fixes at length on his beloved isle - , .. . He views her deck'd in all her nat ' ral charms , of
And wrapt in peace amidst the din arms ' . . : " Here , here , he cries , on Albion's fost ' ring breast " The Arts are shelter'd , and the Muses rest ; " Here will I build my stage , by moral rule - " And scenic measure , here erect my school , " A schoolfor prejudice . Oh ! that my . stroke ' " Could strip that creeper from the British oak ? " Twin'd round her getfrous shaft , the 'tangled weed " " Sheds on the undergrowth its baneful'secd . " This said , he bids us strike the daring blow , That lavs his fame and this defilcr low .
And now our Prologue speaks—In former days Prologues were abstracts of their sev ' ral plays ; But now , like guilty men who dread their doom , We talk of ev ' ry thing but what ' s to come . As for our fable , little I'll unfold , For out of little , much cannot be told ; 'Tis but one species in the wide extent Of Prejudice at which our shaft is sent ;
'Tis but this simple lesson of the heart——Judge not the man by his exterior part ; Virtue ' s strong root in ev ' ry soil will grow , Ricli ores lie buried under piles of snow . If to your candour we appeal this night For a poor client , for a luckless wight , Whom bard ne ' er favour'd , whose sad fate has been Never to shave in one applauding scene , In souls like yours there should be found a place lor ev ' ry victim of unjust disgrace .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements
son ' s wife . This is made known to the old gentleman by Sheba himself , in the most natural and interesting manner . Sir Stephen goes to the lodgings of his son , whom he finds absent in consequence of a quarrel with Mr . Radcliff , whose pride was injured at his clandestine marriage with his sister . Frederick and Ratcliff fight at a tavern , whither they are followed by the benevolent Jew , who has intimation of their misunderstanding , and Ratcliff is wounded in the hand . While Sir Stephen arid Mrs . Bertram expressing their apprehensionsin of a letter written by
Freare , consequence derick to his father , upon the supposition of a fatal issue to his quarrel , they enter ; and after mutual explanations and congratulations , Sheba is brought in , who discovers in Mrs . Ratcliff the widow of the man who had once saved him from the Inquisition , as Ratcliff had recently done from the brutality of a' London mob . The piece ends happily with a reconciliation of all parties , and the determination of the Jew to leave Ratcliff his heir . . '" This comedy abounds with the most refined sentiments- ; the language flows with and the whole is worked with
case , and is elegant ; the situations are interesting , up treat judgment and proportionable effect . _ ' . , ... ,. Report has fathered the Jew upon Mr . Cumberland ; it is an offspring that will arte , to the well-established feme of that gentleman , whose dramatic productions have so often pleased before . . The play was given out for the following night , -with general applause . The following are the Prologue and Epilogue .
PROLOGUE . ¦ SPOKEN BY MR . PALMER . OUR Comic Bard , before whose roving eye Kingdoms and states in magic vision lie , Sweeps o ' er the map , and , with a partial smile . Fixes at length on his beloved isle - , .. . He views her deck'd in all her nat ' ral charms , of
And wrapt in peace amidst the din arms ' . . : " Here , here , he cries , on Albion's fost ' ring breast " The Arts are shelter'd , and the Muses rest ; " Here will I build my stage , by moral rule - " And scenic measure , here erect my school , " A schoolfor prejudice . Oh ! that my . stroke ' " Could strip that creeper from the British oak ? " Twin'd round her getfrous shaft , the 'tangled weed " " Sheds on the undergrowth its baneful'secd . " This said , he bids us strike the daring blow , That lavs his fame and this defilcr low .
And now our Prologue speaks—In former days Prologues were abstracts of their sev ' ral plays ; But now , like guilty men who dread their doom , We talk of ev ' ry thing but what ' s to come . As for our fable , little I'll unfold , For out of little , much cannot be told ; 'Tis but one species in the wide extent Of Prejudice at which our shaft is sent ;
'Tis but this simple lesson of the heart——Judge not the man by his exterior part ; Virtue ' s strong root in ev ' ry soil will grow , Ricli ores lie buried under piles of snow . If to your candour we appeal this night For a poor client , for a luckless wight , Whom bard ne ' er favour'd , whose sad fate has been Never to shave in one applauding scene , In souls like yours there should be found a place lor ev ' ry victim of unjust disgrace .