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II . Tho' Genius fires , yet faint his rays appear , Till thy mysterious lore the soul refine ; 'Tis thou to noblest heights his thoughts must rear , And make them doubly shine . O Masonry ! Thou Art sublimelfree !
y , . 'Tis thou exalt ' st the man , and mak ' st him half divine . Ye Masons , favour'd men , your voices raise 1 You speak your glory while you sing its praise . Hail ! inspiring Masonry , & c . 1 " - Blest be the man , and blest he is , who bears With virtuoupride a Mason ' s sacred name ;
s And may each Brother , who the blessing shares , Enrich the lift of Fame . Bleft Masonry ! Thou Art sublimely free ! Heav ' n bids thy happy sons , and they thy worth proclaim . With loud assent 1 their cheerful voices raise , Their great , immortal Masonry to praise .-
Hail ! inspiring Masonry , See . IV . The tow ' r fky-pointing , and the dome sublime , Rais'd by the mystic rules and forming power . Shall long withftand the iron tooth of time , Yet { till their fall is sure : But Masonry , The Art sublimely free , firm endure
Founded by God himself , thro' time mall . Still lhall it ' s sons their grateful voices raise , And joyful sound their Great Grand Mailer ' s praise . At . thy fhrine , O ! Masonry ! Shall admiring nations bend ; In future times thy sons mall see Thy fame from pole topole extend . To worlds unknown thy heav ' n-born light dispense , And Syftems own thy sacred influence . ¦ iiM ___ wB « iMir THn ___ TTnHllliW ^* MI ^ " —'"' '
EPITAPH ON THE LATE VENERABLE JUDGE SIR HENRY GOULD , KMT . ii ' iimm ¦!>¦¦! i u urn II HIT iir ™""^ - * - " -.- "" - " -.-- * 7 - * HIC dormit , cursu longo illustrique peracto , . Gouldeius , judex integer atque sagax : _ Quern , licet extrema carpsit Mors tarda senecta ( Rusticus utramo mitia pomalegit *) , funere
Ploramus , veluti immature raptum ; Flentur et ut juvenis debita fata senis . Viderat ille pares quanquam ter cedere letho , Ante suam visus deperiisse diem . Lumina , quie sontem ferrebant , nocte premuntur-Lethali , et pollens doctaque lingua silet . Flent leges , plenumque forum , procerumque senatus . Nee parcit lacrymis lia tota suis .
Ang ' Heu pietas , heu prisca fides , ' dignissima ccelo ! Longius at voluit terra tenere virum . NICOLAUS BACON HARRISON , May 9 , . 794- ^_ _^! l _ JZ ! mpli A ? " * fie came to the grave like a shock of corn fuller ripe in his seasen ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
II . Tho' Genius fires , yet faint his rays appear , Till thy mysterious lore the soul refine ; 'Tis thou to noblest heights his thoughts must rear , And make them doubly shine . O Masonry ! Thou Art sublimelfree !
y , . 'Tis thou exalt ' st the man , and mak ' st him half divine . Ye Masons , favour'd men , your voices raise 1 You speak your glory while you sing its praise . Hail ! inspiring Masonry , & c . 1 " - Blest be the man , and blest he is , who bears With virtuoupride a Mason ' s sacred name ;
s And may each Brother , who the blessing shares , Enrich the lift of Fame . Bleft Masonry ! Thou Art sublimely free ! Heav ' n bids thy happy sons , and they thy worth proclaim . With loud assent 1 their cheerful voices raise , Their great , immortal Masonry to praise .-
Hail ! inspiring Masonry , See . IV . The tow ' r fky-pointing , and the dome sublime , Rais'd by the mystic rules and forming power . Shall long withftand the iron tooth of time , Yet { till their fall is sure : But Masonry , The Art sublimely free , firm endure
Founded by God himself , thro' time mall . Still lhall it ' s sons their grateful voices raise , And joyful sound their Great Grand Mailer ' s praise . At . thy fhrine , O ! Masonry ! Shall admiring nations bend ; In future times thy sons mall see Thy fame from pole topole extend . To worlds unknown thy heav ' n-born light dispense , And Syftems own thy sacred influence . ¦ iiM ___ wB « iMir THn ___ TTnHllliW ^* MI ^ " —'"' '
EPITAPH ON THE LATE VENERABLE JUDGE SIR HENRY GOULD , KMT . ii ' iimm ¦!>¦¦! i u urn II HIT iir ™""^ - * - " -.- "" - " -.-- * 7 - * HIC dormit , cursu longo illustrique peracto , . Gouldeius , judex integer atque sagax : _ Quern , licet extrema carpsit Mors tarda senecta ( Rusticus utramo mitia pomalegit *) , funere
Ploramus , veluti immature raptum ; Flentur et ut juvenis debita fata senis . Viderat ille pares quanquam ter cedere letho , Ante suam visus deperiisse diem . Lumina , quie sontem ferrebant , nocte premuntur-Lethali , et pollens doctaque lingua silet . Flent leges , plenumque forum , procerumque senatus . Nee parcit lacrymis lia tota suis .
Ang ' Heu pietas , heu prisca fides , ' dignissima ccelo ! Longius at voluit terra tenere virum . NICOLAUS BACON HARRISON , May 9 , . 794- ^_ _^! l _ JZ ! mpli A ? " * fie came to the grave like a shock of corn fuller ripe in his seasen ,