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Specimen Of An. Intended History Of England.
adroitness , ofv / hich the detection would have tragically terminated in the prison and the halter . But the wide and .. fill widening limits of the Brifish Peerage Were not commensurate to the reach of his predatory ambition ; and Prince Oriow , of whom the Empress had testiiied her estimation by the ift of a snuff-box vf inestimable pricecould not long retain this
g , splendid pledge of imperial predilection within tiie domain of this triumphant arch plunderer ; and the Queen of the Russias had nearly paid a tribute to the Prince of pick-pockets , through the reluctant medium of the Hyperborean Feer . But Fortune , who doe . not always crown with success the enterprises of the warrior , or the benevolences of the saint , may well be "
imagined to countermine the snares of the felon ; and the favourite of Catherine , by a seasonable detection of the transfer , recovered the power of dazzling English eiyes with the munificence of his Queen . On his day of trial , the subtlety ofhis defence , and the lenity of Oriow , procured his escape from the penal consequences of his boldness . But the notorietyboth of the attempt and its discoveryso
. , closely rivetted on him the scrutiny of the public , that for one year and nine days be sequestered himself from the unhallowed haunts of plunder ; and , subsisting on the fruits of former spoils , beguiled the interregnum of- dishonesty by resuming that attention to literary amusements which he had successfully cultivated , ere the lust of larceny had swallowed up the calmer pleasures of the pen and the page .
But the influence of the belles leiires was shed in vain on his licentious nature ; and the opportunity of appropriating the contents of his landlord ' s till was found too powerful for the sense either of safety or compunction . The dykes of a stream once removed , its course is not easily recalled within its pristine bounds ; and he now returned , with appetite to the
proportioned length of his fast , to the practices of manual conveyance . But he had wearied the liberality of Fortune ; and the clandestine capture of a silver time-piece sent the Son of Waldron to one of those scenes of compulsory ' labour , where , in the disposal of his time , neither the choice nor the genius of the labourer is consulted . Now walked forth to the hulks of Woolwich the adventurer of Ireland and the
; spade and the mattock were the rugged implements ! that now filled that hand which had hiherto revelled in the soft and easy labour of soliciting the watch , and diving into the rich recesses bf the pocket . The humanity of the superintendant of the convicts , in concurrence with the sedulous activity of the degraded minister of secret ineabrid the term
rap , ged ofhis confinement , which , from three years , was reduced to one-third of the original number ; at the expiration whereof he was once again let loose upon society , notorious in his person , enfeebled in his frame , and discarded from his creditable connexions : yet was lie . not the more reduced in spirits , or less determined to prosecute anew his career of depredation . But frequent detection will engender caution , though it conquer not our resolu-Sss
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Specimen Of An. Intended History Of England.
adroitness , ofv / hich the detection would have tragically terminated in the prison and the halter . But the wide and .. fill widening limits of the Brifish Peerage Were not commensurate to the reach of his predatory ambition ; and Prince Oriow , of whom the Empress had testiiied her estimation by the ift of a snuff-box vf inestimable pricecould not long retain this
g , splendid pledge of imperial predilection within tiie domain of this triumphant arch plunderer ; and the Queen of the Russias had nearly paid a tribute to the Prince of pick-pockets , through the reluctant medium of the Hyperborean Feer . But Fortune , who doe . not always crown with success the enterprises of the warrior , or the benevolences of the saint , may well be "
imagined to countermine the snares of the felon ; and the favourite of Catherine , by a seasonable detection of the transfer , recovered the power of dazzling English eiyes with the munificence of his Queen . On his day of trial , the subtlety ofhis defence , and the lenity of Oriow , procured his escape from the penal consequences of his boldness . But the notorietyboth of the attempt and its discoveryso
. , closely rivetted on him the scrutiny of the public , that for one year and nine days be sequestered himself from the unhallowed haunts of plunder ; and , subsisting on the fruits of former spoils , beguiled the interregnum of- dishonesty by resuming that attention to literary amusements which he had successfully cultivated , ere the lust of larceny had swallowed up the calmer pleasures of the pen and the page .
But the influence of the belles leiires was shed in vain on his licentious nature ; and the opportunity of appropriating the contents of his landlord ' s till was found too powerful for the sense either of safety or compunction . The dykes of a stream once removed , its course is not easily recalled within its pristine bounds ; and he now returned , with appetite to the
proportioned length of his fast , to the practices of manual conveyance . But he had wearied the liberality of Fortune ; and the clandestine capture of a silver time-piece sent the Son of Waldron to one of those scenes of compulsory ' labour , where , in the disposal of his time , neither the choice nor the genius of the labourer is consulted . Now walked forth to the hulks of Woolwich the adventurer of Ireland and the
; spade and the mattock were the rugged implements ! that now filled that hand which had hiherto revelled in the soft and easy labour of soliciting the watch , and diving into the rich recesses bf the pocket . The humanity of the superintendant of the convicts , in concurrence with the sedulous activity of the degraded minister of secret ineabrid the term
rap , ged ofhis confinement , which , from three years , was reduced to one-third of the original number ; at the expiration whereof he was once again let loose upon society , notorious in his person , enfeebled in his frame , and discarded from his creditable connexions : yet was lie . not the more reduced in spirits , or less determined to prosecute anew his career of depredation . But frequent detection will engender caution , though it conquer not our resolu-Sss