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Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
5 , -eisaria came crottding about them . The captive how asked Basem , where his creditor was ? ¦ ' Your wife is your creditor , " said Basem , " and I am her appointed wakeel . My suit against you is" ( he should have said five ) " for fifty dinars , and her allowance for clothes ( instead of five ) for fifty yearsi" The poor maker of babooches exclaimed" By Alia we have only been married five and how
, years , is it possible she should claim her clothes for fifty years , seeing I myself am hardly forty years old . ? " " I know nothing of all that , " replied Basem , " you and your creditor may settle it before the Cadi . " They then proceeded together towards the Mahkamy , the woman marching before them ; but they hardl y had got halfway , when the manaddressing Basemsaid" 1 beseech O Hadito let me
, , , you , g , speak only two words ! " "Speak twenty ! " replied Basem , in a surl y tone . " Believe me , " said the prisoner , " all that my wife has said against me proceeds merely from jealousy ; I unluckily happened last ni ght , at a neighbour ' s house , to get so drunk as not to
be able to walk home , and so I slept where I was : this is the real cause of her rage ; but if she and I sleep this ni ght together in the same bed , We shall soon make peace , and she will get up in the morning quite satisfied . Now , learned Hadgi , I entreat your fetwa *; " "What fetwa of mine ! " cried Basem . " Only , " said the man , « that you will accept of a present , and permit me to depart . After evening prayer I will return to my wifeand you may depend on it all will
, end well ; but should you carry us ( in the humour she now is ) before the cadi , I shall certainly be committed to prison ; for the love of God therefore resign your Wakeelshi p and dismiss me . " What the devil , after all , thought Basem , within himself , have I to do with the woman ? it will be better to take something from this fellow , and send him about his business . " Look Sir" turning
you , , gravely to the culprit , " we must be paid for pur fetwa . " The man , with great humility , presented Basem with three drachms , which he secured in his cincture , and they continued walking in company till they came to a croud in the street , when they separated , each taking to a different street .
" By heaven , ' said . Basem , " all this goes well ; I have now got five drachms , I am Basem , and my provision is from God !" After Basem had dismissed the babooch maker , he altere d his turban , covered his arms , and taking the cloth from his shoulders , sat down on a mustabe near the college . In the mean time , the woman continued to walk on towards the that her husband
mahkamy , conceiving and the officer ware still behind her , and rejoicing at having found a wakeel-who would so soon see justice done her . But happening to turn about , and findino- neither him nor her husband , she began to exclaim as at a funeral ^ and ran about from ri ght to k-ft like one distracted . At length she ' spied Basem sitting on the mustabe , when running up to him , she called
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Basem; Or, The Blacksmith. An Oriental Apologue.
5 , -eisaria came crottding about them . The captive how asked Basem , where his creditor was ? ¦ ' Your wife is your creditor , " said Basem , " and I am her appointed wakeel . My suit against you is" ( he should have said five ) " for fifty dinars , and her allowance for clothes ( instead of five ) for fifty yearsi" The poor maker of babooches exclaimed" By Alia we have only been married five and how
, years , is it possible she should claim her clothes for fifty years , seeing I myself am hardly forty years old . ? " " I know nothing of all that , " replied Basem , " you and your creditor may settle it before the Cadi . " They then proceeded together towards the Mahkamy , the woman marching before them ; but they hardl y had got halfway , when the manaddressing Basemsaid" 1 beseech O Hadito let me
, , , you , g , speak only two words ! " "Speak twenty ! " replied Basem , in a surl y tone . " Believe me , " said the prisoner , " all that my wife has said against me proceeds merely from jealousy ; I unluckily happened last ni ght , at a neighbour ' s house , to get so drunk as not to
be able to walk home , and so I slept where I was : this is the real cause of her rage ; but if she and I sleep this ni ght together in the same bed , We shall soon make peace , and she will get up in the morning quite satisfied . Now , learned Hadgi , I entreat your fetwa *; " "What fetwa of mine ! " cried Basem . " Only , " said the man , « that you will accept of a present , and permit me to depart . After evening prayer I will return to my wifeand you may depend on it all will
, end well ; but should you carry us ( in the humour she now is ) before the cadi , I shall certainly be committed to prison ; for the love of God therefore resign your Wakeelshi p and dismiss me . " What the devil , after all , thought Basem , within himself , have I to do with the woman ? it will be better to take something from this fellow , and send him about his business . " Look Sir" turning
you , , gravely to the culprit , " we must be paid for pur fetwa . " The man , with great humility , presented Basem with three drachms , which he secured in his cincture , and they continued walking in company till they came to a croud in the street , when they separated , each taking to a different street .
" By heaven , ' said . Basem , " all this goes well ; I have now got five drachms , I am Basem , and my provision is from God !" After Basem had dismissed the babooch maker , he altere d his turban , covered his arms , and taking the cloth from his shoulders , sat down on a mustabe near the college . In the mean time , the woman continued to walk on towards the that her husband
mahkamy , conceiving and the officer ware still behind her , and rejoicing at having found a wakeel-who would so soon see justice done her . But happening to turn about , and findino- neither him nor her husband , she began to exclaim as at a funeral ^ and ran about from ri ght to k-ft like one distracted . At length she ' spied Basem sitting on the mustabe , when running up to him , she called