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The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
_ < : - who is himself a good artist , possesses an excellent picture from the pencil of Sir Francis , the subject of which is Horses watering . His tributary picture to the Royal Academy , which graces Ahe- Council ' Room , is an admirable proof of his claim to admission into that body . IVIACKLZN ' S GALLERY exhibits line efforts of the skill of our ' artist , in - CHRIST OH tbe Mountand Tbe Conversion of St . PAUL . M-. le
Cha-, telain BOURGEOIS , atYverdon , possesses a charming landscape and figures by out artist . The admired p ictures of a funeral procession of White Friars , the landing of the Norman Horses at Brighton , -Hunting tbe wild Boar , Smugglers defeated , and Children at the Grave of their Mother , are in the collection of NOEL DESENFANS , Esq . The late excellent president of the Royal Academy bought a large-cattle piece
, painted by our artist , not only for the merit of the picture itself , but on account of the singular facility of pencilling it manifested , in being the work of onlyfour ' days . There are many other labours of our artist which well deserve to be mentioned in this place . Sir FRANCIS B OURGEOIS enjoys the countenance raid protection of the first persons in this country ; and has long possessed the
friendship of that distinguished connoisseur and liberal patron of the arts ; Mr . DESENFANS . > Jt remains for'tis to bear testimony-to the private worth of our artist , who is hig hly esteemed for his domestic and social qualities , and it may be truly said of him , that though laudably ambitious of distinction himselfhe is bno means tainted with the illiberal'spirit
, y of jealousy usually imputed to his profession , but unites , with the emulation of genius , a generous zeal for the success of contemporary merit . P . S . The print which accompanies tin ' s article is taken from a very spirited portrait painted by Mr . NOKTHCOTS , of whom a likeness and memoirs may be found in Vol . II . page 126 of our work .
The Stage.
BY JOHN TAYLOR , ESQ . ( Extracted by Permission from a Volume of " VEBSES on -various Ocasions , " just published . ) This Poem , ns tre learn from its Author , matin its appearance in a less perfect state , " before Mrs . Smnoxs displayed her great talents in a London Theatre . Several of the Performer ' s therein mentioned are no more , but the Writer will not defraud the dead of praise that lie once ventured to hestuw . "
WHEN CIIUBCHILL ' daring muse , a hardy dame , With judgment clear , and true poetic flame , . First sung the inerits of the scenic throng , The" well-trod Stage" was wortiry of her song ; O'er rival bards the tow ' ring genius rose , And lash'd with equal vigour friends aud foes . A GARRICK ' excellence engag'd his lays , And claiin'd the fairest wreath of critic praise ,. A QUIN sustain'd the spirit of the Stage With flowing humour , or heroic rage . . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine, Or General And Complete Library.
_ < : - who is himself a good artist , possesses an excellent picture from the pencil of Sir Francis , the subject of which is Horses watering . His tributary picture to the Royal Academy , which graces Ahe- Council ' Room , is an admirable proof of his claim to admission into that body . IVIACKLZN ' S GALLERY exhibits line efforts of the skill of our ' artist , in - CHRIST OH tbe Mountand Tbe Conversion of St . PAUL . M-. le
Cha-, telain BOURGEOIS , atYverdon , possesses a charming landscape and figures by out artist . The admired p ictures of a funeral procession of White Friars , the landing of the Norman Horses at Brighton , -Hunting tbe wild Boar , Smugglers defeated , and Children at the Grave of their Mother , are in the collection of NOEL DESENFANS , Esq . The late excellent president of the Royal Academy bought a large-cattle piece
, painted by our artist , not only for the merit of the picture itself , but on account of the singular facility of pencilling it manifested , in being the work of onlyfour ' days . There are many other labours of our artist which well deserve to be mentioned in this place . Sir FRANCIS B OURGEOIS enjoys the countenance raid protection of the first persons in this country ; and has long possessed the
friendship of that distinguished connoisseur and liberal patron of the arts ; Mr . DESENFANS . > Jt remains for'tis to bear testimony-to the private worth of our artist , who is hig hly esteemed for his domestic and social qualities , and it may be truly said of him , that though laudably ambitious of distinction himselfhe is bno means tainted with the illiberal'spirit
, y of jealousy usually imputed to his profession , but unites , with the emulation of genius , a generous zeal for the success of contemporary merit . P . S . The print which accompanies tin ' s article is taken from a very spirited portrait painted by Mr . NOKTHCOTS , of whom a likeness and memoirs may be found in Vol . II . page 126 of our work .
The Stage.
BY JOHN TAYLOR , ESQ . ( Extracted by Permission from a Volume of " VEBSES on -various Ocasions , " just published . ) This Poem , ns tre learn from its Author , matin its appearance in a less perfect state , " before Mrs . Smnoxs displayed her great talents in a London Theatre . Several of the Performer ' s therein mentioned are no more , but the Writer will not defraud the dead of praise that lie once ventured to hestuw . "
WHEN CIIUBCHILL ' daring muse , a hardy dame , With judgment clear , and true poetic flame , . First sung the inerits of the scenic throng , The" well-trod Stage" was wortiry of her song ; O'er rival bards the tow ' ring genius rose , And lash'd with equal vigour friends aud foes . A GARRICK ' excellence engag'd his lays , And claiin'd the fairest wreath of critic praise ,. A QUIN sustain'd the spirit of the Stage With flowing humour , or heroic rage . . ;