Article AN ELEGY, ← Page 2 of 2 Article MUTUAL OBLIGATION. Page 1 of 1 Article TO THE STORKS AT AMSTERDAM. Page 1 of 1
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An Elegy,
Here many a heart , for godlike efforts brac'd , Was riv'd and sully'd by Pollution ' s breath : Their generous atoms were by Vice disgrac'd , They found , alas ! the truth of Life—in Death ! Thus hinds are led , when shut from . Cy . ifWa ' s ray , By brilliant , faithless gleams , through Ruin ' s miry way . Here calm Philosophy to maniacs bow'd ;
Here Rumour ' s progeny upheld her reign ; Here Science mingled with the babbling crowd , Whom Rapture beckon'd ' mid Delusion ' s train ; . And Bacchus' goblet with his gifts o ' erflow'd , Till the nectareous juice bestain'd the chequer'd road . Here oft the Spendthrift of unvalu'd hours Survey'd , with apathy , the ills of Time ,
Who , Heav ' n-directed , circumscribed his powers , And smote his being ere he knew his prime ; Till all his honours flitted like a dream , ' Melted by recreant Guilt's intolerable beam . Ah ! whither are those myriads Taste combin'd , Who leagu'd the moral canons to destroy ? And where those lawless tumults of the mind ,
That Wit call'd madness , and the madd ' n ' mg , ] oy ? All , all ' are vanish'd from the astonish'd sight , Sunk beneath Hope ' s bright smile , and shrouded by the night Those walls , which echo'd with a lover ' s sighs , And gave responsive many an ideot's tale ; Those gaudy scenes which dazzled magic eyes , Tho .-e pregnant sounds which barmoniz'd the gale , Are all dismember'd , driven , crush'd , and torn , Like worthless , weightless chaff , o ' er Hyrcan desarts borne .
Voluptuousness no more shal ! banish Thought ; Phoebus no more shall on their vigils peep ; Who misbeheld those ecstasies they sought , Who violated Peace , who murder'd Sleep : The route is o ' er , the revelry is done , And irresistless Fate has clouded Folly ' s sun !
Mutual Obligation.
5 i | "'IS strange—that such an union should appear , JL Betwixt the Sans Culottes and Van Mynheer ! No , -Sir ! Van ' s bloated carcase needed leeches , And lank Nick * Frogrequir'd f the Dutchman ' s breeches . Cam ' s-Crors . IDOL . * Vide Tale of a Tub for the name . —f Put in requisition .
To The Storks At Amsterdam.
GO , sacred birds ! upon the house-tops mourn , ( Whence ye were wont to view the teeming bogs ) For soon ye'll die—by unknown hunger torn , Tbefricasseeing French have eat your frogs . Cain ' s-Cross . IDOL .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Elegy,
Here many a heart , for godlike efforts brac'd , Was riv'd and sully'd by Pollution ' s breath : Their generous atoms were by Vice disgrac'd , They found , alas ! the truth of Life—in Death ! Thus hinds are led , when shut from . Cy . ifWa ' s ray , By brilliant , faithless gleams , through Ruin ' s miry way . Here calm Philosophy to maniacs bow'd ;
Here Rumour ' s progeny upheld her reign ; Here Science mingled with the babbling crowd , Whom Rapture beckon'd ' mid Delusion ' s train ; . And Bacchus' goblet with his gifts o ' erflow'd , Till the nectareous juice bestain'd the chequer'd road . Here oft the Spendthrift of unvalu'd hours Survey'd , with apathy , the ills of Time ,
Who , Heav ' n-directed , circumscribed his powers , And smote his being ere he knew his prime ; Till all his honours flitted like a dream , ' Melted by recreant Guilt's intolerable beam . Ah ! whither are those myriads Taste combin'd , Who leagu'd the moral canons to destroy ? And where those lawless tumults of the mind ,
That Wit call'd madness , and the madd ' n ' mg , ] oy ? All , all ' are vanish'd from the astonish'd sight , Sunk beneath Hope ' s bright smile , and shrouded by the night Those walls , which echo'd with a lover ' s sighs , And gave responsive many an ideot's tale ; Those gaudy scenes which dazzled magic eyes , Tho .-e pregnant sounds which barmoniz'd the gale , Are all dismember'd , driven , crush'd , and torn , Like worthless , weightless chaff , o ' er Hyrcan desarts borne .
Voluptuousness no more shal ! banish Thought ; Phoebus no more shall on their vigils peep ; Who misbeheld those ecstasies they sought , Who violated Peace , who murder'd Sleep : The route is o ' er , the revelry is done , And irresistless Fate has clouded Folly ' s sun !
Mutual Obligation.
5 i | "'IS strange—that such an union should appear , JL Betwixt the Sans Culottes and Van Mynheer ! No , -Sir ! Van ' s bloated carcase needed leeches , And lank Nick * Frogrequir'd f the Dutchman ' s breeches . Cam ' s-Crors . IDOL . * Vide Tale of a Tub for the name . —f Put in requisition .
To The Storks At Amsterdam.
GO , sacred birds ! upon the house-tops mourn , ( Whence ye were wont to view the teeming bogs ) For soon ye'll die—by unknown hunger torn , Tbefricasseeing French have eat your frogs . Cain ' s-Cross . IDOL .