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Strictures On Public Amusements.
APRIL 17 . AT Drury Lane Theatre was presented for the first time a new Comedy ( by Mr . Jerningham ) called " THE WELCH HEIRESS , " the characters of which were as follow : Lord Melford , - Mr . PALMER . Sir Peppall Plinlimmon , - - Mr . DODD .
Mr . Fashion , - - - - - Mr . BARRYMORE . Classical Frenzy , - . - - - Mr . BANNISTER , jun . Fancy , - -- .- _ . Mr . R . PALMER . Conscience , - - - - - Mr . SUETT . Lady Bellair , ----- Miss FARKEN . Lady Plinlimmon , - - - - - Miss POPE . Miss Plinlimmon , - - - - Mrs . JORDAN .
The play opens with a conversation between Fashion and Lady Bellair , from which it appears , that the Plinlimmons are visitors at the seat of her brother , Lord Melford , who , by marrying Miss Plinlimmon is to clear the many incumbrances of his estate . His disgust at the manners of his intended bride , which sometimes indicate simplicity and sometimes cunning , begins in the first act , and continues to increase , yet without changing his design upon her fortune , till the fifth , when heexpresses some reluctance to their union , and persuades Fashion
to oiler himself to her . The marriage of Fashion and Miss Plinlimmon , which takes place almost immediately , concludes the story of the piece . Lady Bellair has been separated from her husband before the play , and remains so after . vards . Frenzy is a neglected and indignant poet , whose schemes for popularity give some activity to the beginning of the piece , but have no connection with the story . Fancy is a painter , and Conscience an attorney . The performance was favourably received till towards the conclusion of the fourth act , from which time till the dropping of the curtain there were frequent symptoms of disapprobation . It has been since withdrawn .
PROLOGUE , WRITTEN BY MR . TAYLOR . " SHOOT Folly as it flies . " Such is the game At which , ' tis said , the Comic Muse should aim ; The darker passions that the heart deform , And spread o ' er groaning states the moral storm , Are pompous themes the sportive maid resigns
To swell her solemn sister ' s lofty lines . Yet , when she fain would strike such tow'ring prey , The serious damsel takes thesafest way : Though proud , yet prudent—wounding guilt too high To wake in you the self-reproaching sigh ; In sluggish apathy you careless sit , Nor smart for crimes that you could ne ' er commit : But , in the comic province who shall dare . To ' touch the faults that you may haply share ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements.
APRIL 17 . AT Drury Lane Theatre was presented for the first time a new Comedy ( by Mr . Jerningham ) called " THE WELCH HEIRESS , " the characters of which were as follow : Lord Melford , - Mr . PALMER . Sir Peppall Plinlimmon , - - Mr . DODD .
Mr . Fashion , - - - - - Mr . BARRYMORE . Classical Frenzy , - . - - - Mr . BANNISTER , jun . Fancy , - -- .- _ . Mr . R . PALMER . Conscience , - - - - - Mr . SUETT . Lady Bellair , ----- Miss FARKEN . Lady Plinlimmon , - - - - - Miss POPE . Miss Plinlimmon , - - - - Mrs . JORDAN .
The play opens with a conversation between Fashion and Lady Bellair , from which it appears , that the Plinlimmons are visitors at the seat of her brother , Lord Melford , who , by marrying Miss Plinlimmon is to clear the many incumbrances of his estate . His disgust at the manners of his intended bride , which sometimes indicate simplicity and sometimes cunning , begins in the first act , and continues to increase , yet without changing his design upon her fortune , till the fifth , when heexpresses some reluctance to their union , and persuades Fashion
to oiler himself to her . The marriage of Fashion and Miss Plinlimmon , which takes place almost immediately , concludes the story of the piece . Lady Bellair has been separated from her husband before the play , and remains so after . vards . Frenzy is a neglected and indignant poet , whose schemes for popularity give some activity to the beginning of the piece , but have no connection with the story . Fancy is a painter , and Conscience an attorney . The performance was favourably received till towards the conclusion of the fourth act , from which time till the dropping of the curtain there were frequent symptoms of disapprobation . It has been since withdrawn .
PROLOGUE , WRITTEN BY MR . TAYLOR . " SHOOT Folly as it flies . " Such is the game At which , ' tis said , the Comic Muse should aim ; The darker passions that the heart deform , And spread o ' er groaning states the moral storm , Are pompous themes the sportive maid resigns
To swell her solemn sister ' s lofty lines . Yet , when she fain would strike such tow'ring prey , The serious damsel takes thesafest way : Though proud , yet prudent—wounding guilt too high To wake in you the self-reproaching sigh ; In sluggish apathy you careless sit , Nor smart for crimes that you could ne ' er commit : But , in the comic province who shall dare . To ' touch the faults that you may haply share ?