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Strictures On Public Amusements.
accidentally recognised by SirBertro . nd , on his landing to take possession of Sir Edmund ' s estate as his own , in default of an immediate heir male . Sir Bertrand has him stolen and conveyed to a convent by ruffians , but on then- return to sea Michael intercepts a letter , and recovers the boy . A trunkgiven by the father to Michael contains title-deeds which divulge the secret of the boy ' s birth , and by the honest endeavours of a ferryman , assisted by Old Record , the family Stewardhe is legally put into possession ofhis estate
, . These materials are worked lip dramatically , and form a slight plot , but by no means destitute of interest or humour . The manufacture of this dramatic pye is generally given to Mr . Deputy Birch . The music is by Mr . Atwood , with a few selections from Mozart ; the original airs prove Mr . Atwood ' s skill , and the selections evince his taste . May 2 . At Covent-Garden Theatre a Comedy entitled " THE -DESERTED DAUGHTER" was performed for the first timeThe characters and olot
. as follow : Mordaunt , - - Mr . POPE Lenox Mr . HARLEY . Clement , Mr . MIDDLETON . Grime , -- .... ryr . B £ n . vAao . I , e « i . - - Mr . QUICK . Donald , Mr . MUNDEN . Sechervai
, - - - Mr . LEWIS . Mrs . Mordaunt , - Mrs . POPE . Mrs . Enfield , - .. _ ¦ _ - Mrs . COKNELLYS . Sarsenet , Mrs . MATTOCKS . Johanna , - - - - - . Miss WALL is . Mordaunt , a profligate and extravagant man of fashion , apprehensive that his wife and her connexions would have been displeased at the knowledge of his
Jormer marriage , abandons Johanna his daughter , when an infant , to lhe care of Item , a wicked and unfaithful steward . This high-spirited , beautiful , and virtuous girl , cast on the world by an unfeeling and unnatural father , finds refuse in the house of Mrs . Enfield in Dover-street , a house of notorious intrigue , and which is frequented by Mordaunt and his companions . Mrs . Enfield acquaints Lenox of the prize , and he imparts the secret to Mordaunt , who is determined to visit this piece ot matchless beauty and excellence . In the interim , Sechervai a volatile man of fashionto whom Mordaunt is guardianbecomes cf '
youug , , age and inherits a fortune of iS , oool . a year . Sechervai is determined to enjoy .. I the follies and pleasures of the town , but revolts at the idea as lorn' as they involve him in vice , or are purchased by the sacrifice of his honour or ' character Having previously seen Johanna in the . Green Park , he immediately becomes enamoured . Lenox obtains an interview with Johanna tlirau- > h vfrs Enfieid to whom also the father is introduced , but who does not know his daughter Immediately fter , Sechervai arrives , apprizes her of the character of the home " assures her the ardour and of his
or sincerity passion , and vows that from the m-st time he saw her in the Park he was enraptured . Johanna , shocked at her situation , elopes in male attire . The father being informed by Donald p f . ithful scotch domestic , that he had an interview with his own daughter I'tEn .-Id ' s becomes almost distracted . Remorse , and every passion Unit can tear the human breast , rush on ! u 3 mind , and produce reform and penitence , and the" - are ren dered permanent by the amiable disposition and good- sense nf his wife Sechervai in his rambles discovers the faifugitivewhom
r , He restores to her { . ther ohe is instantly adopted by Mrs . Mordaunt , and the piece concludes w ' th the marriage of Johanna . to her disinterested lover , and the punishment of Grime and Item , two usurers , who had nearly plundered Mr . Mordaunt of his fortune antf estate , but which are restored by the honesty of Clement , nephew to Item > . ' ? llledy Possesses strong interest , resulting fro m a plot artfully con ii . ved , and w-. i ! -imagined situations ; its moral tendency was evident , and it was VOL . IV , z z
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements.
accidentally recognised by SirBertro . nd , on his landing to take possession of Sir Edmund ' s estate as his own , in default of an immediate heir male . Sir Bertrand has him stolen and conveyed to a convent by ruffians , but on then- return to sea Michael intercepts a letter , and recovers the boy . A trunkgiven by the father to Michael contains title-deeds which divulge the secret of the boy ' s birth , and by the honest endeavours of a ferryman , assisted by Old Record , the family Stewardhe is legally put into possession ofhis estate
, . These materials are worked lip dramatically , and form a slight plot , but by no means destitute of interest or humour . The manufacture of this dramatic pye is generally given to Mr . Deputy Birch . The music is by Mr . Atwood , with a few selections from Mozart ; the original airs prove Mr . Atwood ' s skill , and the selections evince his taste . May 2 . At Covent-Garden Theatre a Comedy entitled " THE -DESERTED DAUGHTER" was performed for the first timeThe characters and olot
. as follow : Mordaunt , - - Mr . POPE Lenox Mr . HARLEY . Clement , Mr . MIDDLETON . Grime , -- .... ryr . B £ n . vAao . I , e « i . - - Mr . QUICK . Donald , Mr . MUNDEN . Sechervai
, - - - Mr . LEWIS . Mrs . Mordaunt , - Mrs . POPE . Mrs . Enfield , - .. _ ¦ _ - Mrs . COKNELLYS . Sarsenet , Mrs . MATTOCKS . Johanna , - - - - - . Miss WALL is . Mordaunt , a profligate and extravagant man of fashion , apprehensive that his wife and her connexions would have been displeased at the knowledge of his
Jormer marriage , abandons Johanna his daughter , when an infant , to lhe care of Item , a wicked and unfaithful steward . This high-spirited , beautiful , and virtuous girl , cast on the world by an unfeeling and unnatural father , finds refuse in the house of Mrs . Enfield in Dover-street , a house of notorious intrigue , and which is frequented by Mordaunt and his companions . Mrs . Enfield acquaints Lenox of the prize , and he imparts the secret to Mordaunt , who is determined to visit this piece ot matchless beauty and excellence . In the interim , Sechervai a volatile man of fashionto whom Mordaunt is guardianbecomes cf '
youug , , age and inherits a fortune of iS , oool . a year . Sechervai is determined to enjoy .. I the follies and pleasures of the town , but revolts at the idea as lorn' as they involve him in vice , or are purchased by the sacrifice of his honour or ' character Having previously seen Johanna in the . Green Park , he immediately becomes enamoured . Lenox obtains an interview with Johanna tlirau- > h vfrs Enfieid to whom also the father is introduced , but who does not know his daughter Immediately fter , Sechervai arrives , apprizes her of the character of the home " assures her the ardour and of his
or sincerity passion , and vows that from the m-st time he saw her in the Park he was enraptured . Johanna , shocked at her situation , elopes in male attire . The father being informed by Donald p f . ithful scotch domestic , that he had an interview with his own daughter I'tEn .-Id ' s becomes almost distracted . Remorse , and every passion Unit can tear the human breast , rush on ! u 3 mind , and produce reform and penitence , and the" - are ren dered permanent by the amiable disposition and good- sense nf his wife Sechervai in his rambles discovers the faifugitivewhom
r , He restores to her { . ther ohe is instantly adopted by Mrs . Mordaunt , and the piece concludes w ' th the marriage of Johanna . to her disinterested lover , and the punishment of Grime and Item , two usurers , who had nearly plundered Mr . Mordaunt of his fortune antf estate , but which are restored by the honesty of Clement , nephew to Item > . ' ? llledy Possesses strong interest , resulting fro m a plot artfully con ii . ved , and w-. i ! -imagined situations ; its moral tendency was evident , and it was VOL . IV , z z