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Strictures On Public Amusements.
simplicity , and promises more than any other circumstance to secure conjugal "' There is nothin-intricate in the construction of this piece ; but the author has crtrivecl to make it , especially in the last three acts , extremely interesting , it was received with deserved applause . At Covent-Garden the same evening a new Ballet , < f ^ . "f ^ ™ P IG " was performed for the first time . Its title . denotes a hit at tlic clergy which pJoducedsome disapprobation . The dance introduced some very pretty children on the stage , and the airs are well selected .
Masonic Intelligence.
MAY 13 . HP His day the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons " heldi their anniversary festival at their Hal ! m Great Queen -stree Tiie S & i-tv 011 his occasion were honoured with the presence oi . the . r Roya . G and M f i . te chai ' , accompanied by the Duke of Clarence and Prince William of Gloucester * Near 500 Brethren were present , among whom v . ere Ea . l Moh-P ami Lord Eardlev : no doubt as many more would have partaken of the tv been of the honour intended them . Happiness ot
fest vity of h ° , had they aware , w v ible in e ^ ery countenance , while the benevolent princ . p ^ s M jjsonry cheered the heart . When the cloth was removed , tue Rpya Grand Mastei ga _ _ ^ Ch _ g and Constitution , " witi , three times three . The bursts 0 applause thai speeded -from all parts of the hall , were Jar e ^ ecd . ng any a , „ have cvet V » i . i ! ¦ '«> .- « nio-mim h'lvinar suPSf , lhe . Prince ana Old J & ngiana lo ,- " -- 1 " Ear Moira gave ( lie burthen of the song as a toasl , Willi three time , the rapturous lauses as before . His
three' which wa succeeded by same app Royal HH less then took an ' opportunity of thanking the brethren for the affection exception he met with from them : there was a sensibility in the lanluage ahd an engaging- manner in the delivery , which made its way to the he rtofe-Ory brothe ? . He concluded , by giving , as a toast ' Ear Moira , VG \_ the man of my heart , and the friend I admire . " About ten the Prince redre ' d The stewards deserved great praise for their entertainment and polite Sn . Every thing the season afforded , with good wines , were in liberal profusion . ' "' ' r F EVERSHAM , MAY IS , 1795 .
' This being the dav appointed by Wm . Perfect , Esq . Proving ] Grand Masterfor the county of . Ant . for holding , at the Assembly Room , n this town the Grand Anniversary , about eleven o ' clock the brethren assembled , when , _ after tie patent for his appointment was read , Dr . Perfect made an oration 01 considerable length , whicli was received by a very brilliant and numerous meetiflTof t e Fraternity with g ' rear applause . Soon alter this , the procession formed and proceeded to church , accompanied by a select oand of music where as mon ! excellently adapted to the" occasion , was preached by the Provinhaolainthe JJmvoo'dof Deptfordfrom the oljowiiig tex
cial Grand C ; Rev . . . , '' G ^ di ' love ; ' and he who dwclieth in love" dwelleth 111 Cod , and God „ , mm . " AW service , the company returned to the Assembly Room , in t , ie same order £ * ey " ad t out , partook of a dinner , and passed the day with tha harmony £ . d " . onvivial p leasantry which invariably distinguish the meetings ot the Fraternity of Free Masons . At this meeting , Clemen * Taylor , Esq , M . P . mi Maid / tone , accepted the office of Deputy Provincial GrandMasier mr the countj V ' ^ Th * Rev . J . Inwood , of Deptford , of Provincial Grand Chaplain , T N . Naisb , Esq . of Gravcsend , of Prov . S . G . \ V . A Cobb , Esq . cf Feversham , ol Prov . J . G . W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Strictures On Public Amusements.
simplicity , and promises more than any other circumstance to secure conjugal "' There is nothin-intricate in the construction of this piece ; but the author has crtrivecl to make it , especially in the last three acts , extremely interesting , it was received with deserved applause . At Covent-Garden the same evening a new Ballet , < f ^ . "f ^ ™ P IG " was performed for the first time . Its title . denotes a hit at tlic clergy which pJoducedsome disapprobation . The dance introduced some very pretty children on the stage , and the airs are well selected .
Masonic Intelligence.
MAY 13 . HP His day the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons " heldi their anniversary festival at their Hal ! m Great Queen -stree Tiie S & i-tv 011 his occasion were honoured with the presence oi . the . r Roya . G and M f i . te chai ' , accompanied by the Duke of Clarence and Prince William of Gloucester * Near 500 Brethren were present , among whom v . ere Ea . l Moh-P ami Lord Eardlev : no doubt as many more would have partaken of the tv been of the honour intended them . Happiness ot
fest vity of h ° , had they aware , w v ible in e ^ ery countenance , while the benevolent princ . p ^ s M jjsonry cheered the heart . When the cloth was removed , tue Rpya Grand Mastei ga _ _ ^ Ch _ g and Constitution , " witi , three times three . The bursts 0 applause thai speeded -from all parts of the hall , were Jar e ^ ecd . ng any a , „ have cvet V » i . i ! ¦ '«> .- « nio-mim h'lvinar suPSf , lhe . Prince ana Old J & ngiana lo ,- " -- 1 " Ear Moira gave ( lie burthen of the song as a toasl , Willi three time , the rapturous lauses as before . His
three' which wa succeeded by same app Royal HH less then took an ' opportunity of thanking the brethren for the affection exception he met with from them : there was a sensibility in the lanluage ahd an engaging- manner in the delivery , which made its way to the he rtofe-Ory brothe ? . He concluded , by giving , as a toast ' Ear Moira , VG \_ the man of my heart , and the friend I admire . " About ten the Prince redre ' d The stewards deserved great praise for their entertainment and polite Sn . Every thing the season afforded , with good wines , were in liberal profusion . ' "' ' r F EVERSHAM , MAY IS , 1795 .
' This being the dav appointed by Wm . Perfect , Esq . Proving ] Grand Masterfor the county of . Ant . for holding , at the Assembly Room , n this town the Grand Anniversary , about eleven o ' clock the brethren assembled , when , _ after tie patent for his appointment was read , Dr . Perfect made an oration 01 considerable length , whicli was received by a very brilliant and numerous meetiflTof t e Fraternity with g ' rear applause . Soon alter this , the procession formed and proceeded to church , accompanied by a select oand of music where as mon ! excellently adapted to the" occasion , was preached by the Provinhaolainthe JJmvoo'dof Deptfordfrom the oljowiiig tex
cial Grand C ; Rev . . . , '' G ^ di ' love ; ' and he who dwclieth in love" dwelleth 111 Cod , and God „ , mm . " AW service , the company returned to the Assembly Room , in t , ie same order £ * ey " ad t out , partook of a dinner , and passed the day with tha harmony £ . d " . onvivial p leasantry which invariably distinguish the meetings ot the Fraternity of Free Masons . At this meeting , Clemen * Taylor , Esq , M . P . mi Maid / tone , accepted the office of Deputy Provincial GrandMasier mr the countj V ' ^ Th * Rev . J . Inwood , of Deptford , of Provincial Grand Chaplain , T N . Naisb , Esq . of Gravcsend , of Prov . S . G . \ V . A Cobb , Esq . cf Feversham , ol Prov . J . G . W .