Article THE STAGE. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Stage.
A melting BARRY , in each tender part , Sent ev ' ry accent to the trembling heart : A PKITCIIARD and a CIBBER charm'd the town , Or with the comic wile or lofty frown ; And long for all shall bloom the laurels of renown If now the Theatre has lost the name Once proudlsounded by the trump of fame
y , Actors there are who still deserve her care , And still her verdant honors justly wear ; ¦ _ Who move in " scepter'd pall" with tragic pride , Or laughter force to bold her aching side ; And whose united pow ' rs still form the Stage A clear and faithful mirror of the age .
These let us view , and leave the meaner throng , . Unhurt by notice , still to creep along . Hig h on the comic roll see KING appear , To nature , constant , and to critics dear ; He , led by reason , with a steady gaze
Observes mankind , and as he sees , he plays . No wanton whim e ' er tempts his mind astray , More than his author ' s meaning to convey , But with the text the faithful actor moves , And the best comment on the poet proves . The testy moods that mark declining life , ' The froward and peevish strife
jealousy , , How well he shews , " his Teazle may proclaim , Where bard and actor share a mingled fame . How joys the bosom , when we chance to find True force of genius with a worthy mind ; A gen ' rous transport o ' er the fancy glows—The readverse with honest ardour flows .
y Then , KI : . G ! accept this tribute , from a muse Lur'd by no partial ends or sordid views , * Who , pleas'd to greet thee on thy public art , Turns with a nobler zeal to note thy heart , " That heart which all the manlier virtues claim ,, And baffled malice knows not how to blairie .
Loose as the wind , and feebler than the sand ^ Are all the fairy fabrics Hope has plan'd . When , on the favour of a changeful town ,. She fbndlv seeks for permanent renown . When HENDERSON first sought this critic ground ^ His talents rais'd deserv'd applause around ; Stern judgment , satisfied , decreed the bays , And sympathy bestow'd its noblest praise . . But Io ! transferr'd to aweful Dairy ' . * soil , Where once true merit could not vainly toil ,
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The Stage.
A melting BARRY , in each tender part , Sent ev ' ry accent to the trembling heart : A PKITCIIARD and a CIBBER charm'd the town , Or with the comic wile or lofty frown ; And long for all shall bloom the laurels of renown If now the Theatre has lost the name Once proudlsounded by the trump of fame
y , Actors there are who still deserve her care , And still her verdant honors justly wear ; ¦ _ Who move in " scepter'd pall" with tragic pride , Or laughter force to bold her aching side ; And whose united pow ' rs still form the Stage A clear and faithful mirror of the age .
These let us view , and leave the meaner throng , . Unhurt by notice , still to creep along . Hig h on the comic roll see KING appear , To nature , constant , and to critics dear ; He , led by reason , with a steady gaze
Observes mankind , and as he sees , he plays . No wanton whim e ' er tempts his mind astray , More than his author ' s meaning to convey , But with the text the faithful actor moves , And the best comment on the poet proves . The testy moods that mark declining life , ' The froward and peevish strife
jealousy , , How well he shews , " his Teazle may proclaim , Where bard and actor share a mingled fame . How joys the bosom , when we chance to find True force of genius with a worthy mind ; A gen ' rous transport o ' er the fancy glows—The readverse with honest ardour flows .
y Then , KI : . G ! accept this tribute , from a muse Lur'd by no partial ends or sordid views , * Who , pleas'd to greet thee on thy public art , Turns with a nobler zeal to note thy heart , " That heart which all the manlier virtues claim ,, And baffled malice knows not how to blairie .
Loose as the wind , and feebler than the sand ^ Are all the fairy fabrics Hope has plan'd . When , on the favour of a changeful town ,. She fbndlv seeks for permanent renown . When HENDERSON first sought this critic ground ^ His talents rais'd deserv'd applause around ; Stern judgment , satisfied , decreed the bays , And sympathy bestow'd its noblest praise . . But Io ! transferr'd to aweful Dairy ' . * soil , Where once true merit could not vainly toil ,